Many of the suggestions for a title of our collective effort were quite good...
"Atlantic Crossing"
"Escape or Capture?"
"The Cry of the Banshee"
"Have Robbery Will Travel"
I personally really enjoyed this effort. It was wonderful... truly wonderful to work with such gifted writers, and people with extraordinary imaginations. Writing ability such as prose, punctuation, and "accuracy" is NOT considered that important, as much as the STORY that you convey. Anything else falls to an editor to pick it apart.
I really got to know some of the writer's personally as we talked about our efforts in emails, on the bboard, and in replies on the fanfic site.
A couple of times writers bumped realities a bit as someone else had posted something right before another writer. I consider those "lost moments of prose" more than anything. No one version is better than another, despite the ability of the writers. It's more of "hey? Who got there first!?" than anything else really!!
I know it happened to Sue once, and to me. Sue mentioned that she wanted to keep the "other" post 26 that I was going to do as an alternate reality, and to branch off the story along those lines. And that's a great idea! It WOULD STILL be fun to explore that.
However, to me, that betrays the flavor of "Round Robin story-telling"... here, the technology came into odds with us, for instead of pointing at someone and saying, "take it Jonah!", someone else saw the opportunity and went for it before I could.
Just like what happened with Sue in a post around msg 14 or so. She immediately saw the situation, and said something to the effect of "ignore my post, and I'll do something with the next one"... and that's all I did with mine. I only posted it on the scifi board to show how two separate writers took the opening from Sue's previous entry, and said, "wow, what can I do here?" "Oh... ((clacketty clacketty clack)) goes the keyboards as your imagination goes absolutely WILD with how you're going to enhance the story with your own take on it.
I would love to do something like this entire effort again everyone!! tell us your thoughts. Please!
And now, on with the entries:
Matt *your narrator* and NO, I DON'T SOUND LIKE Deborah Pratt, the voice of Ziggy and the narrator that intones the classic "Theorizing that one could travel back in time..."
"Atlantic Crossing"
"Escape or Capture?"
"The Cry of the Banshee"
"Have Robbery Will Travel"
I personally really enjoyed this effort. It was wonderful... truly wonderful to work with such gifted writers, and people with extraordinary imaginations. Writing ability such as prose, punctuation, and "accuracy" is NOT considered that important, as much as the STORY that you convey. Anything else falls to an editor to pick it apart.
I really got to know some of the writer's personally as we talked about our efforts in emails, on the bboard, and in replies on the fanfic site.
A couple of times writers bumped realities a bit as someone else had posted something right before another writer. I consider those "lost moments of prose" more than anything. No one version is better than another, despite the ability of the writers. It's more of "hey? Who got there first!?" than anything else really!!
I know it happened to Sue once, and to me. Sue mentioned that she wanted to keep the "other" post 26 that I was going to do as an alternate reality, and to branch off the story along those lines. And that's a great idea! It WOULD STILL be fun to explore that.
However, to me, that betrays the flavor of "Round Robin story-telling"... here, the technology came into odds with us, for instead of pointing at someone and saying, "take it Jonah!", someone else saw the opportunity and went for it before I could.
Just like what happened with Sue in a post around msg 14 or so. She immediately saw the situation, and said something to the effect of "ignore my post, and I'll do something with the next one"... and that's all I did with mine. I only posted it on the scifi board to show how two separate writers took the opening from Sue's previous entry, and said, "wow, what can I do here?" "Oh... ((clacketty clacketty clack)) goes the keyboards as your imagination goes absolutely WILD with how you're going to enhance the story with your own take on it.
I would love to do something like this entire effort again everyone!! tell us your thoughts. Please!
And now, on with the entries:
Matt *your narrator* and NO, I DON'T SOUND LIKE Deborah Pratt, the voice of Ziggy and the narrator that intones the classic "Theorizing that one could travel back in time..."