Welcome to The Leap Back 2009 Convention Forum!


Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
Welcome future convention attendees!

We at the Leap Back 2009 committee hope you will enjoy the convention forums. Feel free to look around, post your questions, and enjoy the new forum and website!

If you have suggestions, please voice them. We want your feedback!

If you are currently a member of Al's Place Quantum Leap Online Community, you are already a member of this board and can begin posting. If not, please register. It's quick and grants you access to the chat room as well.

Thanks for visiting, and we hope to see YOU in 2009!
Fantastic looking forum. 8) 8) Hope all your hard work comes to fruition and thank you in advance for what I know will be a wonderful event. I fully intend to be there and am willing to help wherever I can