Zoe Malvison

QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas

Played by: Carolyn Seymour

Job Description: Chief Observer

In some ways, she was just like Admiral Albert Calavicci -- a clotheshorse who loves to lech after the opposite sex - namely Dr. Lothoman before he became a living hybrid computer. The similarity ended there, for Zo? is evil.

Zo? has been working with Lothos for years. She once told Alia, "We crawled our way out of hell to land simple assignments like home wrecking and adultery. You don?t want to live through the horror we live through before."

Zo? taught Alia "Every nuance, every twist, every lie," to being a leaper.

Zo? has two daughters. She spat out during her delivery that she didn't want the children, and the doctors took her word seriously. She has no idea who her children are.

Zo? was recently shot in the back thus causing her to be confined to a wheelchair and having an oxygen mask around her twenty-four-seven. She is still a very difficult woman to deal with and is thoroughly enraged at Albert Calavicci for his meddling.
QL Damsel said:
Played by: Carolyn Seymour

Job Description:Chief Observer

In some ways, she was just like Admiral Albert Calavicci -- a clotheshorse who loves to lech after the opposite sex - namely Dr. Lothoman before he became a living hybrid computer. The similarity ended there, for Zo? is evil.

Zo? has been working with Lothos for years. She once told Alia, "We crawled our way out of hell to land simple assignments like home wrecking and adultery. You don?t want to live through the horror we live through before."

Zo? taught Alia "Every nuance, every twist, every lie," to being a leaper.

Zo? has two daughters. She spat out during her delivery that she didn't want the children, and the doctors took her word seriously. She has no idea who her children are.

Zo? was recently shot in the back thus causing her to be confined to a wheelchair and having an oxygen mask around her twenty-four-seven. She is still a very difficult woman to deal with and is thoroughly enraged at Albert Calavicci for his meddling.

Just wondering whether you got some of the information from "The A-Z of Quantum Leap" book by Julie Barrett?

I've been reading it a lot recently and noticed the similarities! Although my copy has deteriorated over time, missing the rear cover :\
Actually, yes, I used that description for Zoe because that is what we KNOW of her from the original series of Quantum Leap. However, it does begin to go off into what we know of her for Quantum Retribution as well. :)

Thanks for asking!

RossBeckett said:
"Play it again, Seymour!"
I always wanted to say that. :lol

Ah, the great Carolyn Seymour! She plays a wonderful villain. Whether it's a Romulan on Star Trek TNG or an evil leaper on QL. :)


She also played a good woman(albeit alien to us human) in Star Trek TNG episode, "First Contact", in the 4th season I believe. That was a nice change for her. :)
