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2x07 "A Kind Of Magic" | |
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Date: 1692 |
leaps back to 1692 -- the farthest he's ever been -- where he finds
himself on trial for practicing witchcraft; with limited records
online, the team must race to save him before he's put to death. |
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Synopsis Broadcast Date Leap Date Leap Location Name of Leapee Synopsis & Personal Review Project Trivia Ben Trivia Addison Trivia Ian's Outfit Worn in the Episode Kiss With History Miscellaneous Trivia Guest Cast Guest Cast Notes Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes Songs & Music Say What? Quotable Quotes Production Photos Production Videos Production Credits Podcasts |
by J.J.
Lendl![]() |
for this
episode: |
Guide Synopsis: Ben leaps back to 1692 -- the farthest he's ever been -- where he finds himself on trial for practicing witchcraft; with limited records online, the team must race to save him before he's put to death. |
Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 | 8pm on NBC |
Date: 1692 |
Leap Location: Middle Towne, Massachusetts |
Name of Leapee: Elizabeth Bleeker |
Synopsis: As Ben Leaps in, he finds himself a female named Elizabeth Bleeker in Middle Towne, Massachusetts in 1692! Three young women (Hope, Faith and Charity) face him as he pulls the petals of a flower in a game of "He loves me, he loves me not." Apparently Ben's host likes the Magistrate's son, William. Another young woman, Bridget "Goody" Smith, approaches as the other women scoff and comment that they will be late for the funeral. Goody tells Ben, "I didn't do it." A black cat crosses their path and Goody calls it a bad omen. They run off to the church nearby in the town square. At PQL Headquarters, Rachel has patched the Quantum Chip, preventing her boss from knowing about the change and stopping the data leak. Jenn and Ian speak with her as Ben is located. Ian is surprised to see that Ben has Leaped into 1692. Addison joins them in the Control Room. Jenn grabs the handlink and Ian stops her, saying it is their turn to be the hologram. Ian tells Jenn that she probably won't find any information on the internet, so to start with archives in the library. Ben and Goody arrive at the church to the congregation whispering about Goody. She tells Ben that everyone thinks she had something to do with the death of her husband, Josiah. Ben tells Goody that he is going to go pray as Ian arrives and waves him over. Ian says they have been dying to talk to him about Hannah and the kiss. Ben says he wants to tell Ian, but talking to Ian means talking to everyone at HQ (since they all can monitor the Leap) and that means Addison would hear as well. He says he left that part of his life behind him and wants to move on. Addison watches, looking sad. Ian briefs Ben on the specifics of the Leap, including that Ben is the servant girl to Goody, which is short for Good Wife. The Reverend enters and begins the funeral. He mentions a great drought that has plagued the town. Ian tells Ben that they have been having to ration their well water. The Reverend also mentions an affliction going around town that has killed not only Goody's husband, but a farmer and a blacksmith. Ben says "So there's a disease." Ian surmises that some people believe it's all a punishment by God and that people are scared and looking for someone to blame. Magistrate Bloodborn sits close to Ben and asks if Goody was behaving unnaturally before Josiah's death. He asks if she was forgetting things, sleeping in, or dancing naked in the woods. Ian then tells Ben that Ziggy says these people burned Goody at the stake. Ben quickly dismisses this as the Magistrate's son, William falls out of his seat into the floor. The Magistrate quickly blames Goody for bringing this plague upon the town. Ian says that William died in the original history. Ben immediately performs CPR and brings William back. Ben exclaims, "I did it!" but notices that everyone is staring at him. Ian explains that CPR hasn't been invented yet, so now they all think he is a witch as the Magistrate yells at Ben calling him as such! The congregation joins in chanting "Witch!" Ben and Goody are taken into town and each is put in a pillory with their head and wrists bound in the wooden holding device. Ian says the good news is that Ben did change history when he saved that boy's life. The bad news is that now Ben and Goody are both going to die. The Magistrate begins a speech about how these witches are the reason they are having a drought and the cause of the rationing of their well water. The crowd yells in agreement. Bloodborn says their town has stood at the crossroads between Boston and Salem. He asks what kind of town they will allow themselves to be; one that submits to evil or a good, righteous town like Salem. The crowd again cheers. One of the three young women from Ben's flower petal game steps forward and claims that Goody came to her in a dream and said she was a witch, and that her servant girl was there too. The other two girls state that they smell sulfur, the smell of the devil. The Magistrate says they will hold a trial to decide Ben and Goody's fate. An Irish woman named Morgan McKenna calls out from her nearby apothecary shop. She shouts, "I have had just about enough of your foolishness. This judge has driven you all insane turning you against your friends. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Witches – those girls are not more witches than I am!" Following this, Ian says, "Yeah she shouldn't have said that." Morgan, Goody, and Ben are all forceably led into the trial as the Magistrate bangs his gavel asking for quiet from the others in attendance. Addison calls Jenn and asks her to hurry back with those books because Ben's about to be in a full-blown witch trial. Bloodborn interrogates Goody first, asking her to explain how her husband died. Goody states that he came down with the fever and kept asking for water. Goody gave him his ration and her own. She says he even gave him some tea from the apothecary but he died the next day. Bloodborn asks, "Did you or did you not make a deal with the devil in exchange for the soul of this good town?" Goody gasps. Bloodborne tells her that if she confesses, prayer can save her. But if not, she will burn at the stake and Heaven will decide her fate. One of the three young women comments that she thought they only hanged witches in Salem. Bloodborne exclaims that only fire can cleanse this type of evil. Goody cries and begins, "Magistrate Bloodborn, you officiated our wedding." She turns to the crowd, "I grew up on your farms! I taught you to jump rope. We're friends! I speak the truth. I'm no witch." Ben asks Ian if her statement worked. Ian says Goody still dies. Addison, speaking to the screen, asks for Ben not to let them get away with this. Morgan is interrogated next and it doesn't go well either. Ian says Morgan's name now appears on the town's death list. Magic returns and greets Addison. Jenn bursts in carrying a load of reference materials and exclaims that Ben must plead guilty. She takes the handlink and says, "My turn." Jenn appears at the court session and tells Ben he is pleading guilty. She tells him that she had researched the Salem witch trials and all the ones pleading innocent were killed, but th ones pleading guilty were spared. Ziggy s says it's an 80% change that it'll work. Ben says it's not enough. Ben asks Bloodborne what will happen if he pleads guilty. The Magistrate responds that if she (Ben) repents, he may be forgiven, but not without consequences. Jenn explains that Goody's house and Morgan's shop will be taken away. Addison tells Ian and Magic that these women are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Ian agrees but says Ziggy was clear that Ben is there to save Elizabeth. Ben tells Jenn he can't please guilty. Jenn says they will all die. Ben realizes that this is what happened in the original history, but that he had saved Bloodborne's son, changing history. Ben calls William as his witness. Jenn checks with Ziggy and now there's a 93% chance that William will help them. Ben speaks plainly to the court attendees. Ben calls William, but due to the pressure from his father, William says she is a witch as well. The court begins to chant, "Witch!" Bloodborne delivers the verdict that they will be sentenced to death for the crime of witchcraft. Ben, Goody, and Morgan find themselves locked in a dark cell. Jenn says they are building a fire in the town center and they have until sundown to get out of this situation. Ben notices the underground wall is wet. Morgan says there must be a leak. Morgan and Goody argue. They all smell sulfur and joke that maybe they are really witches and just don't know it yet. Meanwhile, Ian begins a seance. Addison explains to Jenn that Ian has an ancestral great grandmother who was accused of being a witch. Ian calls out for Dorothy, surrounded by candles. Jenn says it sounds like a bad zoom. Ian scoffs and says this dismissive attitude is exactly what started the witch trials. "What was it that Ben said? That magic is just science that we don’t understand yet. I mean, have we learned nothing since 1692? Everybody needs to just stop judging people for doing things that they don’t understand." Jenn gives in and asks what Grandma Dorothy is saying. Ian gives up and says, "I don't know. You scared her away with your cynicism." Jenn fades in and immediately says, "Someone's coming." Morgan identifies the approaching man as Sam Welshire and says he is terrified of the women and won't help them. Jenn says she knows the name Welshire from the family name beginning with his daughter, Sabrina Welshire. Sam states his wife is barren, but Jenn says he's wrong and is already pregnant at the time. Morgan says his wife stopped in for ginger root for nausea recently. Just when they think Sam might help them, he grabs Ben and tells him that he hopes they will burn in hell for what they've done to the town. Morgan says to Ben that she told him Sam wouldn't help. Ben holds up a large ring of keys he stole from Sam as they spoke and smiles, "I think he helped us plenty." The three escape and decide to run to Boston. Morgan says she has two strong horses. Jenn tells Ben if he gets Goody out of town, then he Leaps. A hooded figure watches as they enter Morgan's shop. They gather a few items as Morgan goes to saddle the horses. Outside, Morgan discovers that one of her horses has been taken. Goody finds a container of water in Morgan's shop with a stick in it. Ben identifies it as charcoal to clean the water. Goody questions Ben about how he knew Sam's wife was pregnant and asks him if he is a witch. Jenn helps Ben answer, saying that the ginger root was the key to his knowledge about the pregnancy. Ben says he knows what it's like to lose his person as Goodie speaks about her loss of Josiah. Addison watches this part of the conversation. They hear hoofs approaching and discover that Morgan has left them to ride away alone. The mob of townsfolk rush in as the hooded figure enters the shop. It's William, who tells them to follow him. He says he's found a way out of town. William pays a man to drive them to Boston, hidden on the back of his wagon. Goody thanks William. He responds by saying, "You saved my life. I saved yours. We're even." Ben asks William to talk to his Dad and explain how he really feels about things. The Magistrate sees William and asks what he's doing. William says he wanted an apple off the wagon where Goody and Ben are hidden. Bloodborne picks up an apple that has rolled off the wagon and throws it to William. They are safe. Addison speaks to Magic about her diminished role at the project. Magic says he went to see his sponsor recently and they talked about, "Alchemy." Addison responds, "Alchemy. Like magically turning metals into gold?" Magic replies, "Like turning a bad situation into a good one." Addison asks, "Okay. How do I do that?" Magic suggests, "You focus on the things you can change. Look, you don’t have any control on what Ben decides to do, but you always have a say over who your going to be. How much grace you choose to have for him. How much patience. How much love. When you realize the power you have over yourself, that’s when you transmute a bad situation into gold which in a way is a kind of magic." On the wagon, Ben asks Goody what she will do when they get to Boston. She replies that she doesn't know and that Middle Towne is the only place she's ever known. She reflects on some good times and Ben realizes that she doesn't want to leave. Goody says everyone has turned their back on her. Jenn arrives and asks Ben to stop. She informs him that Morgan has been captured and that if they get to the crossroads, he will Leap. Ben asks Goody to come and help Morgan, but she refuses. She says Morgan didn't think twice about heaving them and there is nothing left for her there. Ben says he can't watch her ride away full of hate. He pleads with her not to turn her back on Morgan. She decides to help and they run back to town. It is now dawn in Middle Towne and Ian presents an astrology book to the team. Ian says they cross referenced the star charts with a farmers almanac and guesses that it may have rained a few minutes after dawn. Addison tells Jenn that she needs to explain the 50/50 chance of rain. Jenn tells her to go herself. Addison says that Ben doesn't want to see her. Jenn suggests that if it comes down to talking to his ex and burning at the stake, Ben will choose talking to his ex. Addison takes the handlink and runs to the Imaging Chamber. Addison appears to Ben. Ben says it's totally fine. She explains that Ian says it's about to rain. Ben asks if she knows that time and Addison responds that he will have to rely on God's grace. The townsfolk drag Morgan to the fire and Ben yells to stop. William jumps in and pleads with his father to let Ben speak and apologizes for being a coward in the court. The Magistrate agrees to let Ben speak. Ben delivers a speech about dealing with the town's fear. He says this is not who they are. Ben says, "Well, If God wants us to burn at the stake so be it. But if not… let it rain!" As Bloodborne threatens to throw them onto the fire himself, drops begin to fall and the townsfolk celebrate in the street. The team celebrate and Jenn tells Ian that their nonsense worked. Bloodborne asks what this means as the rain subsides. Goody replies, "It means you were wrong." The three young maidens point to the Magistrate and call for him to be burned at the stake. Ben jumps in and shouts, "No more burning people! You need to figure something else out." Ben tells them to decide what kind of town they are going to be. The kind where they talk about others or talk to others. He asks them to build something beautiful together. He smells something and asks if anyone else smells sulfur. Several affirm they smell it. Ben realizes that there is sulfur in the water supply and the smell is coming from the well. This is why people are getting sick - the water is contaminated. Goody picks up a piece of wood that was on the smoldering fire and asks if the charred wood, charcoal, would clean the water. Ben nods yes. As several lend a hand to collect the charred wood, Ben wishes Goody well. William gives Ben a kiss on the cheek and rushes to help Goody with the water cleansing. Addison tells Ben that the death list disappeared as no one was burned or hanged in Middle Town in the new history. This is all the information she has. Ben says he has a feeling they are going to be okay. Ben talks to Addison about "us." Ben says he was scared and that is why he didn't want to work with Addison anymore. But now he's more scared of what shutting her out might do to him. He says he wants to find out what navigating a friendship with her would be like. He asks, "If you want to try, will you be my hologram?" Ben Leaps and finds himself in a carriage being pulled by a horse in front of the great pyramids in Egypt. Camels and their riders pass by as he says to himself, "Toto, I have a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore." ![]() |
Review by Brian Greene: For my review of this episode, I felt like I was the one not in Kansas anymore! I wanted to like this one as much as the majority of the new series episodes. However, I just didn't. The set was so similar to "Salvation or Bust" that it took me out of all believability that we were supposed to be in 1692. The costumes were well done, I thought. There were some pretty obvious things that I thought Ben should have figured out quickly, such as the sulfur smell coming from the well. Burned wood is not charcoal and can not clean water. Goody's hands would have been burned from the wood she picked up off the fire that has just moments ago been blazing before the rain. After just a couple of Leaps (which is only two or three days for Ben), Addison becomes the hologram again and Ben is completely fine with it without further conversation? See the Say What? section here for many more completely ridiculous plot points and completely wrong historical references. Get rid of the eye-roll and eye-zoom Leap-in sequences and give the fans what we want - a proper matching Leap-in with the established Leap-out effects! It's past time for this. I do like that we are getting more hologram effects, although it's mostly just fading in and out. Walk though something once in a while! Addison is hanging out on a covered porch during a rain storm... silly. I predicted that there would be "A Single Drop of Rain" ending to this, and I was correct. And why does every episode end with everyone living completely happily ever after? To get to the point, this episode served no real purpose except to try something that should have been executed much better. The show runners need to keep Ben's Leaps closer to his own lifetime to make this show believable, at least within the last 100 years. There are plenty of stories to tell without gimmicks like a witch trial. If I look past all the innacurate historical facts and just watch for what it is, it's a fairly fun episode. It just didn't hit in all the right places for me. Am I giving up on this iteration of Quantum Leap? Absolutely not. In fact, I can't wait to see what's next! I am hoping this episode just fell under the radar somehow. There are episodes of any television show that I don't like or find hard to believe. This is definitely one of those episodes, but it doesn't deter me from wanting bigger and much better things from the writing staff and producers. Hopefully, "Nomads" will redeem this and get us back on track with a great new Quantum Leap! |
Trivia: Ian has a Great-Great-Great Grandmother named Dorothy who was accused of being a witch! Jeffrey in Research and Development was the worst intern the Project had, according to Magic. |
Ben Trivia: Ian brings up the kiss with Hannah from the previous episode "Secret History" but Ben says nothing else about it for now. |
Addison Trivia: Addison returns as the Hologram in this episode. She and Ben resolve their issues and want to work toward a new kind of relationship with each other. |
Outfits Worn in
the Episode: Maroon and black and bronze sleeveless tunic-style dress with Chinese print. Mini pearl earrings and black combat boots. |
Kiss With History: Ben performs CPR on William. However, since CPR hasn't been invented yet, Ben is deemed a witch for bringing William back to life! |
Trivia: Instead of the usual eye-roll Leap-in sequence, a new eye-zoom sequence is used in this episode. Why not use the Leap effect we all really want to see? Ben suggests naming a baby "Sabrina." Could this be a fun nod to Sabrina the Teenage Witch? There is no Leapee mirror shot in this episode! A mirror shot was filmed, but was ultimately left out of the episode. It was done in Morgan's apothecary shop. Goodwife, usually abbreviated Goody, was a polite form or address for woman, formerly used where “Mrs”, “Miss”, and “Ms” would be used today. Its male counterpart is Goodman. “Goodwife” and “Goody” were used in England, Scotland and Colonial America, with the earliest known use around 1325. By the mid-18th century, they had become archaic outside of Scotland and are best known today as the forms of address used in period literature like in The Crucible. So, when everyone is calling Bridget Smith “Goody” – they were basically calling her Mrs. the whole time. Also, any woman who was married at that point in time would also be called Goody or Goodwife. Magistrate
Bloodborn says, "Not like herself. Maybe she was forgetting things or
sleeping in or dancing naked in the woods?" The last part of this line
has been taken directly from the story, “The Crucible." Jumping Rope was accurate for the time period as it was invented in the 16th Century. Hope,
Faith, and Charity are the names of the three young women who appear
together throughout the episode. It was very hot on the set, so the actors would pull up their dresses to cool off! |
The black cat or “mouser” on set had to be rewarded with tuna after every take! |
short for Goodwife, was a common way to refer to (married) women in
colonial Massachusetts. But we prefer “baddie”! |
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"A Kind of Magic..." is the one and only Ernie Hudson. Magic-al indeed! |
![]() Our costume department doesn’t miss!! @genevievetyr @gtastic @cle_shay @threadshepard @omarberumenstyle @dana_axelrad @slmf70 |
Addison Augustine
Caitlin Bassett) –
Addison is a smart, witty, fearless ex-military operative who now
serves as Project Observer at Quantum Leap HQ. She’s in charge of the
technology they use to communicate with the past, and tries to rescue
Ben from his time-flung existence. Ian Wright (Portrayed
by Mason Alexander
Park) –
Quantum Leap’s nonbinary chief architect of the AI program. Herbert “Magic” Williams (Portrayed by Ernie Hudson) – A Vietnam vet and current lead of the Quantum Leap time travel project. Herbert “Magic” Williams tries to keep the Pentagon at bay while the team tries to rescue Ben. Doctor Sam Beckett leaped into Magic during his Vietnam tour. Jenn Chu
(Portrayed by Nanrisa Lee) –
Head of security at Quantum Leap HQ. Tom Westfall (Portrayed by Peter Gadiot) – a former special forces soldier and a high-ranking US Army Officer in the realm of Army Intelligence. Thoughtful, centered, a spiritual kind of warrior who both men and women admire, but whose humility keeps him from ever being arrogant. Tom takes on a crucial role overseeing the project. Hannah Carson (Portrayed by Eliza Taylor) – A complex young woman who Ben keeps running into during various Leaps, who may be more than she appears. |
Cast: Alice Kremelberg as Rachel Brian Van Holt as Magistrate Bloodborne Amanda Jaros as Morgan McKenna Jett Wilder as Hope John Hans Tester as Reverend Crane Madalyn Horcher as Bridget "Goody" Smith Michael Provost as William Bloodborne Ruby Jay as Faith Shelby Lee as Charity Chuck Filipov as Sam Welshire Tim Gilbert as Merchant |
Cast Notes: Alice Kremelberg as Rachel: Film, television and theater actor born and raised in New York. Alice has most recently starred in the final season of The Sinner as Percy Muldoon, and played Bernadine in Aaron Sorkin's Oscar nominated The Trial of the Chicago 7 for Netflix/Dreamworks. She recurred as Nicole Eckelcamp on the last two seasons of Jenji Kohan's Orange is the New Black for Netflix. Alice was nominated for an Emmy for their performance as Kat in The Feels, which they both co-wrote and acted in. Upcoming, Alice will be playing Abby in Monsterland for Hulu/Annapurna, and Duff in the independent film Bleeker. They can also be seen as Sorrell in Doomsday (ITV Fest, Brooklyn Web Fest + HollyWeb Fest winner). Her other film and television credits include New Amsterdam, The Taking of Pelham 123, NCIS, Nurse Jackie, Blue Bloods, The Big C, Smash, Law and Order: SVU, and 30 Rock. On stage she originated the role of Reba in Ruby Rae Spiegel's breakout play Dry Land (NYSAF+HERE, Adrienne Campbell-Holt of Colt Coeur). Alice had the pleasure of playing 'Cassandra' opposite Austin Pendleton in Dress of Fire (The Abingdon). Other theater credits include 'Catherine' in Suddenly Last Summer (ATNYC), 'Missy' in Road Veins, 'Maggie' in Lend Me a Tenor and 'Beth' in A Lie of the Mind. Alice has trained at The Atlantic Acting Conservatory, Fordham University, UCB, The Professional Performing Arts School and studied with Tanya Berezin, Ted Sluberski, Larry Moss and Bob Krakower among others. Brian Van Holt as Magistrate Bloodborne: Brian Van Holt was born on July 6, 1969 in Waukegan, Illinois, USA. He is an actor and director, known for Black Hawk Down (2001), Basic (2003) and John from Cincinnati (2007). Amanda Jaros as Morgan McKenna: Amanda Jaros was born in the United States. She is an actress and writer, known for 1883 (2021), Women of the Movement (2022) and The Tom and Jerry Show (2011). Jett Wilder as Hope: Jett Wilder is known for Teen Beach Movie (2013), Will & Grace (1998) and Home Economics (2021). John Hans Tester as Reverend Crane: John Hans Tester is known for The Man in the High Castle (2015), Hunters (2020) and Argo (2012) Madalyn Horcher as Bridget "Goody" Smith: Actress who first became known for bringing to life Chloe Solano in the 2014 miniseries Gracepoint (2014). She then joined the cast of Curve (2015) and Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016). She began her acting career as a child appearing in small guest roles on House (2004) and My Parents, My Sister & Me (2009) in 2010. In 2014, she played opposite Lorenzo James Henrie in the adventure comedy Riding 79 (2016). She has younger two sisters: Miya Horcher and Madison Horcher. Michael Provost as William Bloodborne: Michael Provost was born in Bridgeport Connecticut and is the middle child of five boys. He got his start as Asa Butterfields acting double on the set of Enders Game, working opposite Viola Davis, Harrison Ford, and Ben Kingsley. Now he is an actor, know for Insatiable (2018), Plan B (2021), and The Holdovers (2023). Ruby Jay as Faith: Ruby Jay was born on December 3, 2004 in California, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Holly Hobbie (2018), FBI: International (2021) and Modern Family (2009). Shelby Lee as Charity: Shelby Lee is known for A Mother's Love (2022), Shivers and Urban Myths (2017). Chuck Filipov as Sam Welshire: Chuck Filipov is known for 1923 (2022), Stumptown (2019) and NCIS (2003). |
Guests Who Appeared in Other Quantum
Leap Episodes: Alice Kremelberg returns as Rachel, Ian's love interest. |
who appeared (or were mentioned) in Classic Series episodes: None. |
& Music: Score by Daniel James Chan |
What? This episode has no saga-sell. With the only indicator that Ben has Leaped in being an eye-zoom shot, how would new viewers figure out what is going on? The town setting appears to use the same or extremely similar set as the prior episode "Salvation Or Bust." It is so similar that it's hard to believe this is really the 1600's. He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
written in 1872 by a Frenchman, Giacomo Di Chirico and therefore would
not be available in 1692. Once
Ian finds out that Ben is in 1692, he was talking to Jen and Addison
when he says, “Considering it’s the 17th Century, there aren’t
substantial records.” There
are archives dating back to the 17th Century. The National Archives in
the UK has a collection of records from the 16th and 17th Centuries.
The Plantagenet Ancestry book by Douglas Richardson documents lines of
descent for approximately 190 17th century North American colonists
from the Plantagenet dynasty that ruled England from 1154 to 1485.
Additionally, several private collections were assembled in Europe and
North America during the 17th and 18th centuries, many of which were
eventually to become the core of today’s great national and state
libraries. Ziggy should have this information. Ziggy says there is a 93% chance that William will help Ben's case, but on what data is the computer basing this? Ben is a smart man. Why does he not immediately realize that the sulfur smell is coming from the leaky well? Why has no one in town figured out that the well water was the cause of the smell? Why is the well in the middle of the road? Magic has been gone only a day or so but Addison acts like it's been much longer. Ian is having a seance in the middle of the control room. How would this have ever been allowed? Where are all the usual project technicians? Jenn has some fairly detailed info about Sam Welshire and his daughter, Sabrina from 1692 despite the fact that records of that sort would be extremely hard to find so quickly. During the trial, Magistrate Bloodborn said, “Elizabeth Bleeker, Morgan McKenna and Bridget Goody Smith you are sentenced to death for the crime of witchcraft.” He should have said, “Goody Bridget Smith.” They should have just called her Bridget OR Goody Smith. When
Ben, Goody and Morgan are in the cell, Jenn fades in and immediately
says, "Someone's coming." How could she know this, having just entered
the Imaging Chamber? And why is the cell underground? Jenn
says, "I
did some research on the Salem witch trials at the library. Over two
dozen people died – all claiming to be innocent. But the ones who pled
guilty and confessed to witchcraft were spared. Think of it as a plea
deal. You tell them you’re all witches, tell them you’re sorry,
everyone lives and you leap. Ziggy says it’s an 80 % chance that it
will work." In fact, no, they were not spared. They would
be put to tests to make sure that they were Christians. Some of the
tests that they would use to get a true confession were: The likelyhood that Ian could predict rain in 1692 using a star chart and a farmer's almanac is nearly ridiculous. Why
would an apple cart driver travel to Boston in the dark through
dangerous colonial territory? The
burning was supposed to take place at sundown but Ben, Morgan, and
Goody escape when it's already quite dark. They escape to the
crossroads and then decide to return to town. Then it is suddenly
daytime again! What happened? After
just a couple of Leaps (which is only two or three days for Ben),
Addison becomes the hologram again and Ben is completely fine with it
without further conversation? You can clean water with charcoal and use other ways to filter the water through the charcoal. You can’t just put burnt wood in your water and clean it. Charcoal has been made by various methods. The traditional method in Britain used a clamp. This is essentially a pile of wooden logs (e.g. seasoned oak – a hard wood) leaning in a circle against a chimney. The chimney consists of 4 wooden stakes held up by some rope. The logs are completely covered with soil and straw allowing no air to enter. It must be lit by introducing some burning fuel into the chimney; the logs burn slowly and transform into charcoal over a period of 5 days. If the soil covering gets torn or cracked by the fire, additional soil is placed on the cracks. Once the burn is complete, the chimney is plugged to prevent air from entering. The true art of this production method is in managing the sufficient generation of heat, by combusting part of the wood material, and its transfer to wood parts in the process of being carbonized. A strong disadvantage of this production method is the huge amount of emissions that are harmful to human health and the environment (emissions of unburnt methane). As a result of the partial combustion of wood material, the efficiency of the traditional method is low. But this is how charcoal was made in the 17th century. Goody picks up some burned wood that the rain had put out. She says, “Will this clean it? Charcoal, right?” Ben nods. Burned wood is not charcoal. It has not been burned (as above) for 5 days in a semi-airtight area. So – this isn’t correct at all. There is a fire in the middle of the town at sunrise. If they are going to burn a witch, she is usually tied to a stake in the pyre and then the wood is lit and then the person burned in the pyre. The way that they have it here, you would get burned as you threw the person into the fire – or they could get a little burned and could still run off. The fire was put out by a small shower of rain. Goody's hand would have been burned when she picked it up so quickly after the brief shower. |
Quotable Quotes: "I did it! Why… Why is everyone looking at me like that?" -Ben (whistles) "I have had just about enough of your foolishness. This judge has driven you all insane turning you against your friends. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Witches – those girls are not more witches than I am!" -Morgan McKenna Ben: "There is a psychological phenomenon called the power of suggestion. We might be experiencing a stressed induced olfactory hallucination together – I mean…." Morgan: "Or we really are witches, and we just don’t know it yet." (laughs) Ian: "Dorothy? Dorothy, can you hear us? We can’t hear you." Jen: "Sounds like a bad zoom." Ian: "This dismissive attitude is exactly what started the witch trials in the first place. What was it that Ben said? That magic is just science that we don’t understand yet. I mean, have we learned nothing since 1692? Everybody needs to just stop judging people for doing things that they don’t understand." Magic: "Alchemy." Addison: "Alchemy. Like magically turning metals into gold?" Magic: "Like turning a bad situation into a good one." Addison: "Okay. How do I do that?" Magic: "You focus on the things you can change. Look, you don’t have any control on what Ben decides to do, but you always have a say over who your going to be. How much grace you choose to have for him. How much patience. How much love. When you realize the power you have over yourself, that’s when you transmute a bad situation into gold which in a way is a kind of magic." "Well, If God wants us to burn at the stake so be it. But if not… let it rain!" -Ben |
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Production Videos: Behind the scenes short video from the prison scene here. Violinist Camille Miller performs music for this episode by Daniel James Chan titled "Asking Heaven": |
Credits: Edited by: Ian Mayberry Production Designer: Mayling Chen Director of Photography: Alicia Robbins Producer: Meg Fister Supervising Producer: Tim Scanlan Supervising Producer: Kristy Lowrey Co-Executive Producers: Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes Co-Executive Producer: Drew Lindo Co-Executive Producer: Aadrita Mukerji Co-Executive Producer: Marc Bienstock Executive Producers: Steven Lilien & Bryan Wyndrandt Executive Producer: Alex Berger Executive Producer: Chris Grismer Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt Executive Producer: Dean Georgaris Executive Producer: Martin Gero Developed by: Steven Lilien & Bryan Wyndrandt Created by: Donald P. Bellisario Written by: Margarita Matthews Directed by: Avi Youabian Co-Producer: Margarita Matthews Co-Producer: Rammy Park Associate Producer: Ethan Henderson Executive Story Editor: Shakina Casting by: Jennifer Cooper, CSA Original Casting By: Kamala A. Thomas Music by: Daniel James Chan Unit Production Manager: Melanie J. Elin Unit Production Manager: Marc Bienstock First Assistant Director: Kris Kolpek Second Assistant Director: Yarden Levo Costume Designer: Genevieve Tyrrell A Camera Operator: Dave Hirschman B Camera/Steadycam Operator: Josh Harrison Production Sound Mixer: John Lakin Chief Lighting Technician: Donna Vega Key Grip: Peter Chrimes Art Directors: Suzan Wexler and William Eliscu Set Director: Tim Stepeck Costume Supervisor: Mark A. Summers Property Master: Erik Grasteit Construction Coordinator: Matt Sazzman Department Head Hair: Amy Marie Wilson Department Head Makeup: Julia Lallas Leadman: David Napoli Stunt Coordinator: Jeff Barnett Location Manager: Dan Milner Transportation Coordinator: Sandra Ninham-Gallardo Production Office Coordinator: Sofie "Bubbles" Dejus Assistant Production Office Coordinator: Brenden Hickey Production Controller: Natalie Chiengkul Script Supervisor: Rhona Rubio Script Coordinator: Sue Palmer Casting Associates: Lindsay Jameyson & Mia Cascio Post Production Supervisor: Gabriella Scudieri Music Supervisors: Season Kent and Leah Harrison Music Editor: Zed Starkovich Assistant Editor: Katie Rose Cornblath Online Editor: Steven Williams Colorist: Chris Boyer Visual Effects Supervisor: Trent Smith Visual Effects Editor: Mengle Han Supervising Sound Editors: Kelly Cabral and Kevin Zimmerman Re-Recording Mixer: Yuri Reese & Sean Madsen 2nd 2nd Assistant Director: Heidi Hinzman Additional 2nd Assitant Director: Tim Deal DIT: Justin Steptoe Loader: Lauro Avila Boom Operator: Matt Broadnick Sound Utility: Amanda Pust The State of California and the California Film Commision, California Soundstage Filming Tax Credit Program Copyright 2023 Universal Television LLC All Right Reserved Dean Georgaris Entertainment Quinn's House Universal Content Productions Universal Television Special thanks to M.J. Cogburn for assisting with this episode guide page! |
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