Lightning McQueenie
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  • Hi Hayden. Did you have any luck with two titles? Cos we've just found a listing that offers free P&P to UK. Thought we'd better check you hadn't bought them for us before we went with them
    Hi Helen, Albie may be doing an upgrade, I'll find out. In the meantime, Miss Deep South is in post production, and we will be announcing the winners of our fanfiction contest, so stay tuned :D
    Hayden, I'm gradually working my way through all the Podcasts - don't get a lot of time to listen these days. Loaded up this morning and got '404 not found' - eeek! What has happened to the site?
    BTW Hayden, Are we to assume the book prize is signed by the author? It doesn't specify on your post - could be Fred from Walmart for all we know! Or you [less disappointing than Fred, LOL] :p
    I really enjoyed it, loved the chemistry between Sam and Lucy, and the Al vs Chimola stuff was hilarious :)

    Would you please send me your address so that I can send you a small prize? You're also now in the running to win the major prize of a signed Foreknowledge novel :)

    Story sent via email!
    Hope you like it.
    Let me know if you want me to change it at all

    Hey Hayden,
    I've added you to my email contacts and sent you an email with my addy.
    I've sent you an invite to the story folder on my dropbox.
    Sorry, don't and WON'T use Facebook - long story. I use most forms of IM - Gmail, AOL, MSN, Yahoo etc. Or I can give you my email. I've started writing a story for you based on an idea I had years ago but only had the Prologue done. I have it in Dropbox - if you have that I can share the file with you.
    The QL/SG crossover would be too long
    already in excess of the 5000 word limit, in fact it is more than double that and nowhere near finished. I'll have a think about a one shot. Thanks for the birthday wishes
    Sorry, things have been crazy and didn't spot the notification til today. I'd love to take part in the contest, but my current WiP is a massive SG crossover. Not sure I could rustle something up in time - when is the deadline? Unless you'd take a one-shot/drabble. Might manage one of those.
    Thanks for the encouragement re my stories! Gotta say in all honesty the dolphin idea was inspired by a short story I read where someone was reincarnated as a dolphin. I've always loved them & collect pottery dolphins. The nudity thing didn't influence me at all - but now you mention it..... ;) :p
    G'day mate :)

    I hope you do not mind me asking you this :)

    Is it you that makes the podcast?

    By the way you are doing a great job with the podcast I love it mate :)

    Would I be able to contribute? I mean with mp3's?

    I have two already and am going to make more eventually.....

    Would you take mp3's from other people and put them in your podcasts?

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