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  • It has been a pretty awful week chez moi, so this announcement was especially welcome. THANK YOU.
    Hi Helen, just wanted to let you know that I recorded your story today, so it will be released very soon. Sorry it's taking so long...
    Are you on Facebook? If so, you should add me, I'm the only Hayden McQueenie in the world :p if not, is there some other way we can stay in contact?
    I'm sure we'd love to read a QL / SG crossover :D

    The only deadline is when we get eight entries :p we only have one entry so far :)

    BTW Happy Birthday for the other day!
    Hi Helen, how are you? Hope you're well :)

    Just wanted to let you know that the Quantum Leap Podcast is having a fanfiction contest :D if there's a story floating around in your head that you want to share with us, we'd love it. The only conditions are that it can't have been submitted elsewhere (so unfortunately no 5-part serial story or 3rd place winning story at the Leap Back :p ) and to try to keep it to 5000 words :p

    What's been happening anyway? Haven't heard from you in aaaaaaaages...
    Hi Helen,

    Just wanted to let you know I've been reading your 5-part Quantum Leap story. Just finished part 3. I'm absolutely hooked! Poor Gooshie :( Sam as a DOLPHIN?!?! How cool is that?!?! Be honest, you just wrote that so you'd have an excuse for Sam to be naked all leap didn't you? :p hahaha
    Hello, I am new to the Als Place Quantum Leap website. I was a big fan of Quantum Leap, still am actually. I dont see anyone on here but me and I saw you were the last visitor if I am reading this correctly. Thought I would try to send someone a note and talk to someone on here hopefully.
    Hi Helen!

    Wow I have had nothing but kind messages from everyone here :)

    Thank you for your response!

    I do have my old email there. Never hacked. I have used a new email to get back into als place.

    My als place account was hacked into because someone asked me for my password saying that there was a technical problem with als place.

    I never responded to you because I (never the assuming type) but was not so sure whether people would be angry at me for the hacking scandal.

    I wish to leave this message with a sorry for what what happened with my account.

    I have posted an explanation and a sorry but am waiting on brian to approve it.


    I have just received a PM from SherWash, I would be happy to assist in any way I can.
    I really look forward to reading this. :D
    Hi Helen! I'm a complete newbie at this forum thing - but always glad to have new friends. I think it's wonderful that you're "famous" enough for the school to ask for your story. Clearly you know what you're doing, have you been writing long? I've been writing short stories for a couple years, never quite felt like they were "right", if you know what I mean. But this had encouraged me to take another look and keep going, maybe I'm doing better than I thought!

    Guess I need to browse around, and see what you guys do here, always feel a bit shy about jumping in where people have known each other for years.

    Have you received my message of yesterday? My Profile says "error"...
    my email es: chakotay_uss@hotmail.com
    between chakotay and uss there is a _
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