1304 Evil Reborn: The Tapestry Unfolds

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  • 5 This is an excellent episode! One of my personal favorites!

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  • 3 This episode was good. It was worth reading.

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  • 2 This episode was like the neutral zone. I am indifferent.

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  • 1 Bellisario would be rolling in his grave if he had one.

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QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas
Evil Reborn: The Tapestry Unfolds

Multiple Dates​
Project Alexander, In the British Isles
Bertram, Texas

Sometimes the big picture is even bigger than what you thought it was. This is just something that Sam Beckett is starting to learn… and fear.

Written by: M. J. Cogburn and C. E. Krawiec

The Virtual Season Team
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Our rating system this season consists of a possible of 10 raters ! We took the average of six raters and came up with an average for that episode. Based on ratings of 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, the average of this episode was: 8.8

The first six raters are the ones that will appear on the site here. Please be aware that some reviews may contain spoilers! Some of the comments given were:

Vince Beckett

Interesting, although the whole evil leaper thing has been done so many times. Kind of makes QL look like a comic book.




:D A great story as always! MJ! I like the whole evil leaper idea, I had checked QUANTUM RETRIBUTION wondering if you were going to bring some of this into that, but you aren't. A great first part can hardly wait for the next part.




MJ and Eleiece have revived Lothos and his minions once more. After all of what went on in the Project Liberty arc and the mentioning of cyborgs it's nice to see those foreshadowings coming into fruition. I have always enjoyed seeing the enemies to PQL and find their reintroduction to be inventive.

The leap storyline was nice and easy and I'm sure we'll see a resolution in the next episode. I wonder how the date (September 11, 2001) will play into Alex passing his test.

You have left me intrigued and wanting more!



Ziggy's Soul

Although I am definitely not a huge evil leaper fan, this story certainly forshadows some bad things coming Dr. Beckett's and the rest of PQL's way. I just hope that the good Doctor can find a way to if not totally destroy him, at least make him less of a threat. I hate LOTHOS (and the horse he road in on)!

As to the other story...the actual leap, I'm really liking that. Sam again rises to help make a better world whether for a single person or a group at large. And I hope he gets over the flu. Poor Sam! He needs Nyquil.



Allie Cat:
I have to admit right now that I am a little biased against the whole Lothos and cyborgs idea so we are going to have to see how the next part plays out on that. However, it is interesting to see how Lothos is able to rebuild his complex and how MJ and Eleiece are linking this story to Quantum Retribution. I hope there aren't any cyborgs in the second half of this story.

Sam's leap, however, is a gem! It's obvious that you two are more partial to this aspect of the story than the Evil Leaper part. Wonder, however, how the two storylines are going to connect? Hmmm...

As usual, well-written and a joy to read! I'm looking forward to the next part.



Dean Calavicci:

I think MJ did a very good job at bringing Lothos back as I am interested to see how this is going to affect the season. MJ and E did yet another great job at bringing back those pesky Evil Leapers. I look forward to the second part.



Now, it's your opportunity to rate this particular story. Let the author(s) know how you rate this story. If you'd like to give feedback, please go ahead and leave a reply!

The Virtual Seasons Team
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This was an engrossing episode, you two. I was anxious to continue reading, wanting to see what happened to Lothos so many seasons ago and how he was going to achieve resurrection. I hope to read part two within the next couple of nights and see how this is going to play out! :D

... Mike.
I enjoy Quantum Retribution as a spin off series, although I have never been a huge fan of the evil leapers as they relate to Sam. Having said which, there have been some powerful stories when they interact.
Basically - I'm in two minds when it comes to the whole Lothos thing.

I too love the 'leap' aspect of this story enormously.

As for the other - it has been handled well, and is intriguing to be sure.

I can't help thinking that somehow, some way, Lothos had a hand in 9-11.
The timing is more than coincidental I'm sure.
It has his signature all over it!

Looking forward to part two - with these two ladies weilding their pens it is bound to be a great read.