1306 Kidnapped

What do you rate this episode?

  • 2 This episode was like the neutral zone. I am indifferent.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 Bellisario would be rolling in his grave - if he had one.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas

August 28, 1983
Back woods of Morristown, Tennessee

Sam leaps into a young man who's trying to rescue a young girl from her abductor who's bent on punishing her for reasons unknown.

Written by: Eric Dreiling

The Virtual Season Team
Our rating system this season consists of a possible of 10 raters ! We took the average of six raters and came up with an average for that episode. Based on ratings of 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, the average of this episode was: 8.6

The first six raters are the ones that will appear on the site here. Please be aware that some reviews may contain spoilers! Some of the comments given were:

Vince Beckett:

Pretty good story. It makes sense that Al can't handle it. I kept wondering how Sam would complete his leap until Julianna stepped in.




A great story as always Erik. Sam always is there for the underdog. I liked the way that Sam tried to protect Jessica. Also Al being reminded of his own daughters similar experience and then having the breakdown and Juliana having to take over, very well done.




The plot was simple but with enough little twists and frustrations to make “Kidnapped” a thoroughly enjoyable read. The slimeball that is…was Wallace Conroy, was executed very well indeed. (Pun definitely intended :lol )

As for Al’s little “meltdown” because of being confronted by the focus of Sam’s leap was, in my opinion, ably handled and melded within the context of the story.

Julianna plainly demonstrated her inheritance of her father’s determination and grit when she stepped up to the plate, as it were, for both Sam and her father. I especially loved that moment in the blue void when Whomever or Whatever let Julianna know unequivocally that not even her determination and the upgraded retrieval program, was going to be allowed to interfere with the path that destiny had determined would be traveled by Samuel Beckett, quantum physicist.

Well done, Erik. Well done, indeed. Keep up the good work.



Ziggy's Soul
The story was well done. I love the imagery that was used. I could really feel and see the locations. The story itself was great but, why the heck when Wallace was unconscious didn't someone tie him up? I know that would have affected the story greatly but it's a huge gap in the logic continuity.

It really hurt to see Sam being shot and feeling as if he'd failed. Sometimes the situation just doesn't work well for the good doctor. Al's breakdown and Julianna's decision to leap into the situation were both handled great.

All in All great story from a great writer!



This was a pretty good story. As Ziggy's Soul mentioned, there is a plot hole with just leaving the dispicable Wallace alone without restraining him (perhaps locking him in the cellar?). I'm surprised that it would take a half-hour for the sheriff to arrive as well. It was mentioned that the cabin was in the city limits but not well known.

Despite a few loose ends, the imagery was written quite well. I enjoyed the episode, Erik.



It was a very good story. I thought that everything was wrapped up nicely. Thanks Erik for another great read!



Now, it's your opportunity to rate this particular story. Let the author(s) know how you rate this story. If you'd like to give feedback, please go ahead and leave a reply!

The Virtual Seasons Team
Last edited:
Ok, I'm really surprised I'm the first 'ordinary reader' to leave a review here, since I am months behind on the VS eps.

I have to agree that although it ultimately made a more powerful conclusion, it did not make sense to me that Wallace wasn't restrained sooner.

I felt there were several times when Sam could have done more - Sam may be too much the boy scout to shoot the brute while he was incapacitated, and I can understand his not wanting to risk going to Jessica as that would put her in peril, but he could have tried to hide the ammo or take the car keys or something when Wallace was drunk. Or even get behind him and knock him out with something.

Having said all that, it was still a rattling good read!