1314 Operation: Hostage

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  • 5 -- This is an excellent episode! One of my personal favorites!

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  • 4 -- This episode was great! I'm going to be telling others about it!

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  • 3 -- This episode was good. It was worth reading.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 -- This episode was like the neutral zone. I am indifferent.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 -- Bellisario would be rolling in his grave if he had one.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas
Operation: Hostage

July 16-17, 1987
Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado , San Diego, CA

Of all the women in all his lifetime, he had to leap into her! Sam faces a leap to help the woman whose lifeline was made possible by his leap into Bingo.

Written by: Katherine Freymuth and Helen Gerhard

Thanks for reading,
The Quantum Leap Team
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Our rating system this season consists of a possible of 10 raters ! We took the average of six raters and came up with an average for that episode. Based on ratings of 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, the average of this episode was: 9.13

The first six raters are the ones that will appear on the site here. Please be aware that some reviews may contain spoilers! Some of the comments given were:


It makes quite an interesting leap leaping into Julianna. It's interesting to seeing both Sam's and Julianna's personalities conflicting in each aura.




This was a great "episode" but from Katherine I could not think of anything less than great. Helen as co-author was great as well. I like the way that Juliana and Sam's minds merged. I like it when we see people that Al or Sam are directly involved with, it makes a interesting leap and "episode".




Great story, wonderfully executed from leap-in to leap-out, and the resolution was spot on. I must say, however, that I really felt for Sam in this situation. Imagine – caught between two strong-willed Calaviccis at the same time while dealing with his mission. Yikes! Somebody pass Sam the Excedrin! Well done, you two. Well done, indeed.




This story was one that was written well. I've never seen so much power coming from a leapee except for Lee Harvey Oswald. It was nicely done.



Rater No. 5



Rater No. 6



Now, it's your opportunity to rate this particular story. Let the author(s) know how you rate this story. If you'd like to give feedback, please go ahead and leave a reply!

The Virtual Seasons Team
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From One of the Author's

This story was truly an equal and joint collaboration. It all started one night when playing around, I wrote the leap in...and the rest is history.

Kat and I had been toying with a "Sam leaps into Julianna" story for awhile. Indeed, it's entirely possible we may see other leaps where Sam finds himself wrapped in Julianna's aura again...they are such a fun couple of people to work with...both with their incredibly strong personality traits and love (sorta)/(not so much) hate relationship. If nothing else...there is a definite connection, considering that Julianna wouldn't even exist if not for Sam (due to his leaps into Bingo (4th season TV) and Lisa Sherman (TVS).

Kat and I now have a shorthand when we get together (it's nice to live in the same town where we can collaborate face-to-face as well as virtually) with taking our fingers in a "peace sign" configuration and hopping them in front of us...PLOT BUNNY! Sometime Kat throws something out and I latch on it or vice-versa. Julianna considering she might be possessed was one of those. Beth and Al's talk was another...we have a pretty good writing relationship between the two of us.

It helps that I'm a good Sam with an excellent "friend's view" of Al and Kat is a a good Al with an excellent "friend's view" of Sam. We both have the character's in mind and Julianna...as a female (mostly) version of Al, it works well.

We're glad you enjoyed this story. It was fun to write! And we've got a few more collaboration stories coming up this season with plans for more next season (several of which will blow your minds...we hope.)
Yes folks, I've been to the dentist again, so I have another story reading session under my belt.

Poor Sam indeed, as one of the raters said - caught between Calaviccis and flashbacks and bad guys. We never cut the guy a break, do we girls?

It was a nice twist that the dominance of the leapee actually helped in the end.

A very well written, original story. Well done ladies.