Hmm...not the best offering this one. Season 2 has been excellent thus far, but this is a stumble for me. The plot itself just doesn't grab me at all. I get what they were going for in this episode and the conversation it attempts to spark, but ultimately I found myself feeling less and less engaged as the episode progressed.
The best part of this episode has to be when Sam and his host's chums go and bomb the girls toilets. It's a very funny moment. For the most part, though, these characters did annoy me. In fact, I think that was the problem. I didn't really like any of the characters. I never want to college but the whole campus thing looks like it would be a nightmare for me. Haha.
There's one extremely weird part about this episode that I'm hoping another poster on here can help me out on. And that's when Sam is listening to someone speak (I believe it's Duck), when Al waltzes in and sits down in a chair right behind Sam. How did Al, as a hologram, sit down in that chair? Yes, I know sometimes it appears like Al is sitting (like when he's next to Sam in a car), but I thought he was really just standing and it appeared as though he was sitting. I know he can sit down on the imaging chamber floor, because he does so in Freedom. But how did he sit in the chair in this episode? I guess a chair was in the imagining chamber. But how could Al see it? How could the chair in the hologram that Al was seeing (of Sam and his surroundings) be in the exact place it should be in the imaging chamber? Gah. This is making my head hurt. Lol. It probably was just a big mistake. But it is jarring to see.
My rating. Fair. One of the worst offerings of season 2.