Al has robbed me


Project QL Intern
Feb 24, 2009
I hate to be the one who writes bad news. I purchased a replica handlink from Brad through this site more than 18 months ago. I paid him in full and now he does not answer my e-mails. PayPal is no help, so now I come to the Community for help.

What can I do? Has anyone had any problems with this issue?:banghead
He goes by the screen name NeuroMason and is listed as Technician. He used two e-mail addresses for the PayPal collection. This is one address I can't believe that I am the only person having this problem. How do I solve it? Thank you for all your help.
I had forgotten about this, yes.

How did you pay him? Paypal? What's his home address? I.P. is coming from Morristown, Ohio. Was a phone number included? Look over your paypal account (I'm sure you have already, but just in case).

My replies to your comments are not getting through. I sent two payments to two different addresses. Here is one

NeuroMason is listed as Technician here and his signs his name as Brad. Thank you for all your help.

What's the username of this person? Email address? If it happened through this site, I'll be glad to try and help you.
My posts continually get deleted; I don't know why. The user's name is NeuroMason. He is listed as Technician here. The PayPal address is Running_out_of_daylight with Hotmail domain. Thank you for all your help.
My posts continually get deleted; I don't know why. The user's name is NeuroMason. He is listed as Technician here. The PayPal address is Running_out_of_daylight with Hotmail domain. Thank you for all your help.
Your posts aren't being deleted; I can see every one of them. Brian will see them, too. Give him some time to look at it. It's a holiday weekend.

You only have 9 posts, so it may be that your comments are screened; we have settings in place to keep spammers out, but unfortunately that means legit users are moderated for a certain period of time/posting.

Please be patient. It takes a bit to get things looked at.
Yes, it was a moderated post issue.

As for your situation, so much time has gone by that there is not much anyone can do unless you go a legal route. You must have his address using paypal I would think. If paypal won't resolve the issue, then legal action is all you can do if you're willing. I hate this happened here, and to you.

I did try to email him, but of course no response. It's a real shame.
Yes, it was a moderated post issue.

As for your situation, so much time has gone by that there is not much anyone can do unless you go a legal route. You must have his address using paypal I would think. If paypal won't resolve the issue, then legal action is all you can do if you're willing. I hate this happened here, and to you.

I did try to email him, but of course no response. It's a real shame.
I am sorry too this happened but I don't see how I could proceed the legal way. It probably would be more costly than the actual damage done.
Yes, it was a moderated post issue.

As for your situation, so much time has gone by that there is not much anyone can do unless you go a legal route. You must have his address using paypal I would think. If paypal won't resolve the issue, then legal action is all you can do if you're willing. I hate this happened here, and to you.

I did try to email him, but of course no response. It's a real shame.
What you can do to help me and all the members here is to suspend NeuroMason's account. This should not happen to anyone.
You've probably already tried this,but paypal has an 800 number.I would call them and ask if there is anything they can do to help you.
Given the amount of time that has elapsed you probably cant get paypal to do a chargeback,I think you only have a 90 day timeframe on their protection.

Paypal would have a record of the persons first and last name as well as their bank info,card number,etc. if you can get that you can report the person and pursue legal action.

Given that this is mail order fraud is a criminal offense it would be taken seriously by the authoritys.
@ESP1138 You are not alone. I checked out the link provided by Tina_Als_Girl and there is another woman by the username of ArtsyHelen whose son also ordered one of these handlinks and received nothing but excuses from this seller of why the product was not ready to be shipped.

Since this thread is old, I do hope the issue was solved however just in case:

I don't know how Paypal or their support system works as I myself do not have an account. Only on the uncommon occasion that a worthwhile purchase requires it will I use it as a guest even.
I however have searched the Paypal policies and found the page that describes their refund system. This is what they had to say about situations like yours in which you attempted to request a refund by email (which is the first step) and wasn't accommodated:
If your seller doesn’t agree to refund your money, you may be able to open a dispute in the Resolution Center. You can open a dispute if you didn’t receive your item or you received something that doesn’t match the seller’s description. (You must open your dispute within 45 days of paying for your item.)

In the Resolution Center, you can communicate directly with the seller and try to resolve the problem. If you aren’t able to work it out, we may be able to help you get a refund.

If you paid with your debit card or credit card, your payment is refunded to your debit card or credit card. It may take up to 30 days for the refund to appear on your card statement.
If you paid with your bank account or PayPal balance, your payment is refunded to your PayPal account.

They should elaborate on the point of offering the refund themselves if communication with the seller via the Resolution Center bares no result as I myself am not clear on what this means. I however assume the system's time frame applies there as well.

Unfortunately if your transaction is as old as these fine people say you are out of Paypal's system's reach. The Resolution Center only takes cases up to 45 days old and even sellers who agree to issue refunds can only do so within 60 days of the transaction. Your seller would be unable to perform it today.

You could try Al_Calavicci's suggestion to contact Paypal and explain your problem by phone but I honestly would not be surprised if they no longer had any record of your transaction(if they even keep records). Honestly I would not put much stock in this attempt.

The legal route may cost more than the worth of the damage but this does qualify as fraud and would be taken seriously and in my book the amount lost is generous enough to be worth the fight.

In the future when making a large purchase (over $100) I suggest using their installment policy as the seller would not have been permitted to begin accepting your payment until the product was shipped (not that I can judge how well they enforce this):
2. Installment Plans.
Installment Plans allow you to offer your customer the ability to make a purchase from you and pay you in 4 or fewer installments. If you use Installment Plans, you must follow these requirements:

You may not charge for the first payment of the installment until you have shipped the goods purchased by your customer.

It truly pains me to see someone like this attempting to take a sh** on this community's wholesome, friendly and honest name as well as to slander Quantum Leap and you have my sympathies for your situation. As do you AlsPlaceBartender for having to deal with this a**hole. I am glad the thread has been appropriately dealt with to prevent anyone else from becoming victim.

FYI to answer another concern of ESP's, banning his account here would not necessarily put him out of business, he could take it elsewhere and even continue to attempt on our users if it's possible to display our email addresses on our public profiles. Another reason legal action is best, it may also put a stop to him.
Well, what comes easily goes easily, and you reap what you have sown. None of us are perfect. We're all only human and sooner or later commit mistakes. When you've chosen the bad route, sooner or later you find yourself with someone who will do to you exactly what you did to others, and then some. There comes a time when all of us have to pay for what we bargained for in life. Even if you don't believe that, it proves itself one way or the other. Time says it all. There's no real "perfect crime."

Just remember that dirty money is money that lives amongst constant fear. Maybe this guy is 125 bucks richer now, but will that ever be enough to pay for his psychiatric sessions? Because the truth is, as Evil as you may think you are, and as winner as you believe you once became through this evil, you're still having nightmares. A lot of them. Most of them vivid enough to crush your humanity right down to the very bone.