Last Novel
Date: 02/19/2000
From: lazy21
For starters I got the new Quantum Leap novel. It's not that great. Don't buy it if you want an answer to Mirror Image. It was an okay novel. The only redeeming parts are the discussion with Leaping and how it works, Donna's farewell address to Sam, and the flashbacks with Tom. It was too damn long. They could of cut out a third of it and it would of made a lot more sense. Halfway through, I just started reading things from Al's point of view. There's a major debate about a person not being able to leap into another (unsuitable hosts? That was never ever thought to be the case in the series.) It was okay.
Just finished the new book.
Date: 02/19/2000
From: Mancha
I just finished it about an hour ago. It is long 368 pages, but I like long books. I feel like I am getting my money's worth.
I will warn before I go into any could be spoilers.
I am not sure if I really liked it or not. It seemed to lack the "heart" that the series had. The characters don't seem to kept true. And there is this guy David at the project( he is mentioned in the 1st chapter, so not really a spoiler) I dont remember any David ever mentioned.
I guess I was just disappointed. With some of the inconsentices I am surprised it got published. Parts were good, and is was well written. It was more geared towards adults, and you have to be aware of what is going on around you to get some of it. That part was good.
Well this has gotten pretty long, if anyone wants some spoilers I will put them in a seperate post.
Date: 02/19/2000
From: lazy21
For starters I got the new Quantum Leap novel. It's not that great. Don't buy it if you want an answer to Mirror Image. It was an okay novel. The only redeeming parts are the discussion with Leaping and how it works, Donna's farewell address to Sam, and the flashbacks with Tom. It was too damn long. They could of cut out a third of it and it would of made a lot more sense. Halfway through, I just started reading things from Al's point of view. There's a major debate about a person not being able to leap into another (unsuitable hosts? That was never ever thought to be the case in the series.) It was okay.
Just finished the new book.
Date: 02/19/2000
From: Mancha
I just finished it about an hour ago. It is long 368 pages, but I like long books. I feel like I am getting my money's worth.
I will warn before I go into any could be spoilers.
I am not sure if I really liked it or not. It seemed to lack the "heart" that the series had. The characters don't seem to kept true. And there is this guy David at the project( he is mentioned in the 1st chapter, so not really a spoiler) I dont remember any David ever mentioned.
I guess I was just disappointed. With some of the inconsentices I am surprised it got published. Parts were good, and is was well written. It was more geared towards adults, and you have to be aware of what is going on around you to get some of it. That part was good.
Well this has gotten pretty long, if anyone wants some spoilers I will put them in a seperate post.