Hi from Paris


Project QL Intern
Oct 7, 2007
Hi there,

My name is Stéphanie and I live in Paris. I'm 25 years old and I have been a QL fan for nearly 13 years.

I've never been able to get to the US to see Scott before but I was hoping to be there in 2009. I would love to but I don't think that I'll be able to afford it. I will try though.

Thanks to those who are in charge of the event and of the site & forum, it really helps to have so much information.

Take care!
Bienvenue Stef

Welcome to AL's place, THE best site for all things QL.

Pull up a barstool and sit a spell. Everyone is very friendly here.
Hola! - Uh I mean Bonjour!

Welcome to the Board and have a nice stay - many international fans are signing up all the time and it's always nice to see new people coming to tehe fold!