It's My Birthday!



I'm 25 years old today! I feel this is very special since the day I was born I have almost died. And over the years I've come back from being very ill with different illnesses...yep, I thank the Lord he has blessed me with 25 years!!! :)
Happy Birthday to you,
You were born in the zoo,
With the monkeys and donkeys,
Happy Birthday to you! <img border=0 src="" />

Happy Birthday BeckettsBabe

Leap On!

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Happy Birthday, Jennifer!!

:hurray :hurray :hurray :hurray

Sorry to hear about all the illnesses you've had to endure.

Have a good one! :cheers
Happy Birthday Beckettbabe :wavey

HeeHee, you're just over half my age :lol I'm 50 next year, though I'm only 48 now. Work it out if you can.
:cheers :hurray :cheers :hurray :cheers :hurray :cheers :hurray :cheers
Happy Birthday to you!!

I know how you feel to be blessed to have 25 years as I feel the same to have been blessed with 27 years just gone.

How time flies

Happy B-day!!

having just been diagnosed with a lifetime illness, I can only slightly empathize with ya. Sorry you've had such a tough row of it!

Be well, and be safe!

Matt (38 yrs old - takes a licking and keeps on tickin'!)

(whups, that sounded kinda bad! LOL!)