I think this is perhaps overstating fan reaction one way or the other on this. I don't think Brian felt "forced" by the fans. I don't think most fans were even aware of what was going on. The few fans who did pipe in offered to send money for legal fees.
But, I don't read Brian's e-mail, so maybe there was an avalanche of messages telling him to drop it and let the DVD go forward. Most of us (even me) were just waiting to see what was delivered. I had not drawn the conclusion that the footage would be "awful" and the DVD would be a "shambles" until I saw it. Brian and I heard that there were "some problems" with the footage, but we didn't actually see the footage until it arrived in our mailboxes.
For Brian to take the next step and force a legal action, based only on what Barbara was telling us or other assumptions, rather than actually seeing the footage, would have not been really all that productive. Yes, some folks offered financial assistance for any legal action, but overall, this would have become a nasty war of words and nobody would have really "won".
Now, if Barbara had shown the footage to Brian and said "We have a problem here, some of this footage is not usable", then Brian would have put this community to work and seen about getting every video recorded from the convention from the fans, and added that to the project and we would have possibly had a great DVD.
But since Barbara is incapable of humility and thinks everything she does is solid gold, not deserving of criticism, we got what we got.
Also, I think it was a matter of Brian had a new baby, it was rapidly approaching the end of the year, and the committee were taking more and more drastic action against Brian. And quite frankly, after fighting for 2 years, wouldn't you be tired? Eventually, it's not worth fighting anymore. I don't blame him for how this turned out. I put the blame where it belongs.
By the way, for the folks asking "where's the other camera angles?" I've concluded that we wouldn't
want to see them. During the segment with Scott, Don, and Dean on the phone, for a short time the camera angle changes to the side. The quality is very washed out.
I'm guessing the quality of the video camera at the back of the room is the best of the 3 cameras, which is just sad. Even if we had every scrap of footage that Barbara recorded, I would not expect it to be anything better than we have now. But I could be wrong. The best footage yet could surface at one of those ScottFests.
Let's focus our attention back on the "extra" DVD...
First things first, I'm going to make sure the menus don't look like they were done by an 8 year old.