Quantum Retribution
The young lady that had the social security number is Janine Humphreys. If you can't find her through here... I'll most definitely get you an email address once I get home from work.
As for Kendrick... I'd love to get his email address, but alas, I was never able to actually get it from him. Perhaps someone else knows it here - or he'll see his name.
MJ, you would love my proposed segue into season six of Quantum Leap.
Take the alternate ending of Mirror Image where we see the Calavicci family photo. Just as the image of young Al leaps into the family photo, the camera pulls back and the image of Beth turns red, leaps out and an Evil Leap leaps in. The picture shatters sending Sam back to Al's Place. The bartender then reveals to Sam that the reason why he returned to the bar is to be given info on his next leap.
The Evil Leaper (Zoey perhaps) leaped into Beth and waited for Al to return home. Once Al did, Zoey/Beth shoots Al dead and then turns the gun on herself. She leaps out as she pulls the trigger, Beth leaps back in...and so both Al and Beth are dead.
The bartender has a secret room in the bar with a wall full of books. A hidden Kiss with History as he fiddles with the book that inspired Don Bellisario to make Quantum Leap as well as the book The Magus which is where the Waiting Room idea came from.
There are also a panel of YEAR BOOKS which chronicles all the history changed by the patrons/leapers of Al's Place.
The bartender flips open the 1969 yearbook and tells Sam what happened with Al and Beth and how Lothos is now closely tracking Project Quantum Leap...in hopes of destroying it. The bartender and Sam eventually return to bar itself to continue their discussion. The bartender tells Sam that he's going to need all the help he can get facing the Lothos...and directs Sam's attention to the window where a woman is pacing outside Al's Place.
Sam rushes outside only to discover the woman pacing...is Alia. The former Evil Leaper he freed.
Once freed, Alia leaped to Al's Place to be reassigned and now like Sam "is putting right what once went wrong."
Sam and Alia hug, talk some and the bartender soon joins them.
By his power of influence and suggestion, the bartender aligns Sam and Alia and simo leaps them to Project Quantum Retribution. To get inside the head of Lothos and investigate why somebody would travel through time to destroy people's lives from the inside out.