New Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince Website

The problem with me is that it took a long time for me to load anything, so I only got a glimpse at the opening video on the way to entering the website. But I'll take anyone's word that it's a cool website.
I had to turn off the popup blocker to get their menu to work properly.

I think they had a few bugs in their code becuase it's working better today than yesterday. The gallery has some great photos in it from the movie.

We're going to buy our midnight showing tickets today at the theater down the street. Hubby was worried about driving home at 2:30am from a distance. I'm sure I"ll go see it a few more times.

If you wanted to see it in IMAX, it won't be in those theaters until a week or so after it opens in the regular theaters.
I still have to make my final decision as to whether or not I'm staying here in my new town of residence for the midnight showing or go back up to where all my friends and family live. All my friends are begging me to come up, though one is willing to come down here for it; of course, that's because he is intrigued by the fact that the theater I chose for down here has 10 different flavorings for your popcorn, real food (buffalo wings, etc), and great sound/picture (which the AMC we had in my hometown does not have, even though all the other ones in KC do).


Well, I guess I just have to wait and see. I don't even know if I'd even find a ride to get up there for it.

I can't wait, though. It's going to be AMAZING. I want to see it on IMAX, but would have to travel to St. Louis just to see it on a real IMAX screen. There's only one real IMAX screen still open in Kansas City, and it doesn't play Hollywood movies. There's an "IMAX" at the AMC Olathe, but it's actually an "MPX", which means it is made for multiplexes and therefore consists of an existing auditorium fitted with slightly better sound (but not the HUGE, HUGE speakers like a real IMAX) and the screen simply extended to meet the floor/ceiling, and the walls (aka, NOT a 6-8 story screen).

There's an IMAX in Branson, but from what I know, all they do with Hollywood movies is just take the 35mm and blow it up....
