New Kid


Project QL Intern
Oct 13, 2013
Hi :)

I joined a few days ago but I hadn't gotten around to posting an introduction yet.

My name's Christy but you can call me Cassie. I first saw Quantum Leap about 3- 4 years ago. And actually I haven't even seen every episode yet. I've jumped around or rather leaped around the chronology of the episodes (ba dum tss).

I've been on tumblr for years in several fandoms but the QL fandom there is pretty sparse. So I thought I would join this forum because why not. You seem like cool people. It will be nice to have fellow fans to talk about the show with.

So yup that's me. :wavey
Hey Cassie :wavey
Welcome to the board. I have found this place via tumblr,too.What is your url over there? I try to follow every fellow QL fan there:)
I came to tumblr long after I came here, and must confess I don't have time to post much over there these days. [I'm maddersahatter over there]
Welcome a-board.
Have a Schooner on me.:hurray::hurray::hurray:
Thanks for welcoming me, you guys!! :)
ladystoneheart, my tumblr url is sambecket (technically a canon url because of the ending of Mirror Image. how they managed to misspell his name in the series finale is beyond me.)
I came to tumblr long after I came here, and must confess I don't have time to post much over there these days. [I'm maddersahatter over there]
Same,I'm just too busy with the work :( can't even watch the episodes regularly like I used to.
Oh,I'm following you btw.That's me
Welcome to Al's Place Cassie, it's a pleasure to have you. You may call me SBF or Syd.
Love the icon. :)
Not to worry most of us didn't begin watching chronologically. My first episode was probably the one of the most confusing to start with, Double Identity.
The first round is the most exciting of course, enjoy it while it lasts. :)

Looking forward to seeing you in the discussions.
Welcome to Al's Place Cassie, it's a pleasure to have you. You may call me SBF or Syd.
Love the icon. :)
Not to worry most of us didn't begin watching chronologically. My first episode was probably the one of the most confusing to start with, Double Identity.
The first round is the most exciting of course, enjoy it while it lasts. :)

Looking forward to seeing you in the discussions.

ahh sorry I'm replying so late (busy with school)

Thank you :) and I love my icon too haha. Its from Eisenhower & Lutz. I got the screencap from this fantastic Scott Bakula gallery but I think its gone now :(

Lol one of the first few episodes I saw was Return of the Evil Leaper (mega confused)

Thanks. Hopefully I can get around to joining the discussions soon :D
Oh goodness, starting with the Evil Leapers! Harsh and unclassic. Definitely not recommended. XD
A lot of understanding of Sam's character and beliefs is required to understand the Evil Leapers but while they were clearly a gimmick I have come to enjoy them enough. The character interaction is pretty powerful and Zoey's Al like lust of men is hilarious.

I've never seen Eisenhower and Lutz.
Oh goodness, starting with the Evil Leapers! Harsh and unclassic. Definitely not recommended. XD
A lot of understanding of Sam's character and beliefs is required to understand the Evil Leapers but while they were clearly a gimmick I have come to enjoy them enough. The character interaction is pretty powerful and Zoey's Al like lust of men is hilarious.

I've never seen Eisenhower and Lutz.

Yeah I saw the library scene when they touched and was too confused and changed the channel lol. But I just watched the Evil Leap trilogy a few days ago and I liked it a lot (guess that might be an unpopular opinion). I love Zoey she's such a great antagonist. But I definitely don't think it would have worked long term. It all developed too quickly for that. But I liked it better than the other trilogy.

I haven't really either. I've just seen the two or three clips of it on youtube. :)
I've several really rough [badly degraded] video copies of episodes of Eisenhower & Lutz that I'm transferring to dvd. It was hilarious. Great theme song too.
Yeah I saw the library scene when they touched and was too confused and changed the channel lol. But I just watched the Evil Leap trilogy a few days ago and I liked it a lot (guess that might be an unpopular opinion). I love Zoey she's such a great antagonist. But I definitely don't think it would have worked long term. It all developed too quickly for that. But I liked it better than the other trilogy.

I haven't really either. I've just seen the two or three clips of it on youtube. :)

Agreed completely, the evil leapers were interesting and intense but easily overdone if drawn on. In fact I felt the third installment in the trilogy had already taken it too far in making Zoey a leaper. Was not a fan of that. I can only get trough the first half or so of that episode, up to when Sam unchains Alia from the wall and comforts her (mush sucker XD).
I don't know how to respond to two posts at once but...
leaper1, lucky you! Your bad copies might be the only ones existing of some of the episodes who knows.
SBF, I think the 3rd episode in the trilogy ended pretty abruptly and kinda badly. But I liked that Zoey became a leaper because she got more screen time lol. I just really love female antagonists that's pretty much what this boils down to haha. But I can understand why a lot of people don't care for the evil leaper trilogy :)
Granted you learn a lot more from Zoey while she's a leaper such as the fact that she recommended Alia for the position of the leaper though it was meant to be herself. I only wish they had disclosed the favor she'd returned in doing so.