Hello everyone! My name is Nick, and I live in Wisconsin. I've had a blog for a few years called "The MacGyver Project" where I've ranked and reviewed every MacGyver episode and talked to some cast and crew members.
I'm now going to turn my attention to Quantum Leap! It was my 2nd favorite show as a kid after MacGyver but many episodes I only saw once and so I didn't remember it nearly as well. I'm looking forward to getting back into it, and this forum looks like a great place for me to learn more about the show and connect with fans.
Here's my intro post where I explain why I'm a fan of the show, and here's my review of episode 1. Thanks and hope to see you around!
- Nick
I'm now going to turn my attention to Quantum Leap! It was my 2nd favorite show as a kid after MacGyver but many episodes I only saw once and so I didn't remember it nearly as well. I'm looking forward to getting back into it, and this forum looks like a great place for me to learn more about the show and connect with fans.
Here's my intro post where I explain why I'm a fan of the show, and here's my review of episode 1. Thanks and hope to see you around!
- Nick