Season 5 has all the music


Project QL Intern
Mar 31, 2006
Space Time Continum
Season 5 has all the music even Georgia, although the intro music was the theme I miss the original QL theme. The more upbeat just doesn't really fit. The good thing is that the music is intact which was a surprise. So thats the news if you already don't know.
Perhaps there's Hope

Since Season Five has all the music and if Universal understood that if they put the music back in the previous releases that they screwed up that people would buy them AGAIN (just to get the right music)...maybe they WILL do a nice boxed set!

I'd certainly buy on if all the music was intact. Add in some awesome bonus materials...I'd be in seventh heaven!
Maybe put them on single-sided disks so I don't have to worry about fingerprints every time I stick a disk in...
We have the music this time, but no longer have the episode synopses before each episode. Other Universal releases also have them missing in later seasons, almost as if they were too exhausted to include everything for consistency. It's not that big a deal, especially when compared to the music, but it would have been nice to have.

The opening for "Mirror Image" is also different from the original airing (the original used Season 2's opening; the DVD uses Season 3's) for no good reason. At least they got the original theme music right for the last episode.

The set blueprints are rather illegible and useless; although it is nice to have something as a bonus feature since Universal couldn't simply give us an episode from the next season this time. But hey, we have the music intact this time which is really what counts the most. It's just amazing that each time Universal can never get it 100 percent right. This isn't brain science!
Am I not doing it right, or are the DVDs also missing the "choose a chapter/scene" option?

On the up-side, it's nice to see those scenes that were butchered from the syndi-cut versions! And since I hadn't seen "Tale of Two Sweeties" since it first aired, it was almost like getting a new episode for me.
All of It's Like New!

Since I don't have Cable...I haven't seen Season 5 since 92-93. This is so great seeing them all again!

BTW...watched Two Sweeties tonight. That was great!
I have really enjoyed getting to watch quantum leap again and look forward to each new DVD release. Now that they are all released I don't know what I am going to do . My poor DVD's have already been rerun so many times.
I agree that it would be nice to see some more bonus material. There is definitely stuff around. Be it bloopers or old interviews. The first season is the only one that had any bonus material worth looking at. The interviews scott did on each of the episodes before they aired were great.
I may be getting senile, but it seems to me that there are a lot of scenes chopped from the syndi-cut versions that I didn't remember. Like a whole conversation in "Promised Land" where Sam seriously considered just continuing up the road to his family's farm. In the cable version, there's a line in the end where he says, "I should have just kept going." And it wasn't until I watched it on DVD that the line even made sense. Like, before it was just a throwaway, and now it has context.

Of course, it could just be that I'm stupid. In "Revenge of the Evil Leaper" - which I've watched a jillion times on tape over the years, I never got that the assumption was that the warden was going to rape Liz, as he had the murder victim. The guard says to Sam, "You didn't tell me that you were 'going under,'" and I thought, whoa, that sounds dirty. And then the nickel dropped and I realized what it meant.
lee harvey oswald seems longer on dvd aswell, the scene where sam is giving the information the the russian guy is much longer than i remember.
Well, this is one happy QL fan. I bought a DVD set yesterday and so far I've only watched Lee Harvey Oswald, but it had lots of scenes that were cut from the version I taped from SciFi. Most of them included Al. On one hand, I could be annoyed that SciFi cut so much, but on the other, now I have a whole DVD set of new scenes to look forward to. A new scene with Al is like... sunshine.


P.S. I'm watching--since before I started writing the post--the most fabulous sunset I've ever seen in my entire life. The sky is pink, blue, and gold all the way from east to west. Finally fading. Wow.
feldon30 said:
Syndicuts -- Scenes deleted from the syndicated airings of Quantum Leap
Thanks, feldon30. It looks like the SciFi Channel versions have more syndicuts than the USA cable versions do. (Which would make sense - cheaper, more local advertisments on SciFi= more commercials, less time for actual story.)
I think it's great that Universal included the music this time. I even told my contact there that I appreciated it as shown below. Maybe it's not perfect, but at least they listened to us finally! Please call or email Universal and say thanks for the improvement - maybe they will continue to improve on other series releases. Contact info can be found on the DVD page for season five.

-----Original Message-----
From: Al's Place Quantum Leap Fan Site

Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 11:27 AM
To: Chris (NBC Universal)
Subject: Re: Quantum Leap: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD

Thanks, I did this again today. I also want to thank the decision-makers there at Universal for including all of the original music in this release unlike seasons 2 through 4. Fans are very excited about it! There have been over 700 entries in the giveway this time compared to only about 200 in the season 4 drawings. Quality does make a difference - so thank you!

Brian Greene
Al's Place Bartender

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris (NBC Universal)
To: Al's Place Quantum Leap Fan Site
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: Quantum Leap: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD

Thanks! We heard what the fans wanted! So we did it.
I would DEFINITELY get a complete boxset if it was released, but some bonus features would be nice, they could have even approached Al's Place like they did to another site for the Sliders Boxsets, it would definitely make a difference to me wether I bought the set or not.

But I WILL be getting S5 when it's released in the UK - Single sided discs and original music (hopefully) - Now THAT would be fantastificated. :)
Whoa! That's great news. I thought I read somewhere on here that neither R1 nor R2 for Season 5 had the right music? I must have misunderstood something.

If I had known, I would have asked for this for Christmas!

Oh, well. I guess I'll pick it up with some post-Christmas money, to show my appreciation to Universal. :)
Hello, I am a new member! I have been totally enjoying my Quantum Leap DVD's. Of course, I will get a set, if possible. I'm watching Season 5 now, and revisiting all these classic episodes, even the silly ones.
Wrong Arturo said:
Whoa! That's great news. I thought I read somewhere on here that neither R1 nor R2 for Season 5 had the right music? I must have misunderstood something.

If I had known, I would have asked for this for Christmas!

Oh, well. I guess I'll pick it up with some post-Christmas money, to show my appreciation to Universal. :)
Today is your last day to buy QL season 5 for $5 off with the coupon that was in the season 4 packaging.
Awesome, well since they've got the music right in the 5th season set I'll be getting that one. I post poned buying the other seasons just because of the music issue. I couldn't imagine leaving out the song Georgia. You might as well rip out all the emotion from the show.
Watched "Memphis Melody" last night and noticed there was some footage added. Unless it was taken out in syndication and put back in for the DVD. I saw the episode first run in 93 so don't really remember.
Wrong Arturo said:
Whoa! That's great news. I thought I read somewhere on here that neither R1 nor R2 for Season 5 had the right music? I must have misunderstood something.

If I had known, I would have asked for this for Christmas!

Oh, well. I guess I'll pick it up with some post-Christmas money, to show my appreciation to Universal. :)

I thought I was going to get "christmas money" but this year my aunt gave me socks and a book. :hmm Not what I thought I was going to get. So I will not be renting for the next six months so I can get the dvd's now. :\
Big Hurt said:
Even though I have seen it, I was really hoping the would put the "Alternate Ending" on the set. No clue what those Blueprints are.
Extras? Hah!

The blueprints are the Accelerator Chamber (Genesis, The Leap Back) , the Hallway (Killing Time), and the Waiting Room (Killing Time, A Leap for Lisa, Dr. Ruth, Blood Moon, etc.).

The way the blueprints are presented, it's really impossible to do anything with them. I have stitched them together and fixed the brightness. Stay tuned.
I've really been enjoying my season 5 set of "QL" and it makes me sick that the show got cancelled in the first place. Season 5 was strong, dynamic, and experimented succesfully with the established template of the show for example: the evil leapers showing up, multiple leaps in one person's life, like the Abigail story, and Beckett actually being involved directly in real events, resulting in "Lee Harvey Oswald" perhaps the most controversial and daring episode in the whole run of the series.
A lot of shows lose thier momentum after the second season, maybe not until after the third if they are lucky.
But "Quantum Leap" just went from strength, to strength, to strength. And after Season 5 it's criminal that they cancelled it, cause if it was allowed to continue it would've gone out of the damn stratosphere.
Has anyone made a rip of the S5 theme music? IIRC, it never had a proper release, so letting something like Audacity or another program run while the DVD plays on the computer seems like the only way we'll get a high quality recording of that piece.
All this talk about Season 5 is making me more and more impatient. As far as I know, it's still not released here. It's supposed to come out sometime this month.
It's good to know that the music is all the same, and I hope it's like that on Region 4 dvds...along with the blueprints.
I'm supposed to be saving for my wedding - next month :dreaming (which I'm still doing - one little spending spree won't hurt), but these dvds will definitely be worth the $60 I seen advertised for the upcoming release.
QuantumStranger said:
Season 5 has all the music even Georgia, although the intro music was the theme. I miss the original QL theme. The more upbeat just doesn't really fit.

(1) I disagree. I like the more upbeat theme; it adds variety & variety is the spice of life.

(2) Even if I did not like the faster-paced theme, I would still want it there because I'm a "purist", and I believe a tv show or movie should be presented in its original as-broadcasted format. That includes the Season 5 theme.
Just got the Season 5 DVD very recently. I'm glad to see that they kept the original music in Mirror Image, especially Georgia on my Mind. But there's dialogue in the script that isn't on the video (like the part where Al asks him if he ever rode with a cop, which to me is a small but key moment where Sam tries to deny his own compulsion to 'always take that next call') and the last black screen is the misspelled version. So it is the syndicut version apparently. I guess we couldn't get both, the uncut episode plus original music. :(