Signatures - Members please read


Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
Hi everyone!

I've noticed lately that some signatures are beginning to get very large. Sometimes the signatures are longer than the actual post!

This makes things very hard to read and takes away from the experience in my opinion. Signatures are fun and they can show off your personality, but we need to keep them smaller.

In the next few days, we'll be setting a limit on how many lines of text and the number of pictures you can have in your signatures. I am thinking of 3 lines of text and 3 pictures max. The pictures will need to be no larger that 700px wide (total for all) and 120px high.


As Morgan put it, I don't want to step on anyone's creativity here, but we really need this limit to enhance the experience here. I hope you will all agree! The limit will be set on Saturday, February 11th, so there's plenty of time to resize your pictures and combine/shorten the length of the text in your signatures.

Also, we now have a spell checker available! Click the ABC mark in the top right hand corner when posting. The first time, you may be asked to download a program. It took me 20 seconds to set it up. Very helpful!

And one final note, when replying... shorten the quoted length of the post you are replying to before hitting submit please. It's a bit annoying to have to scroll through several inches of quoted text just to see that you wrote "cool!" LOL

Thanks for listening and I hope this helps everyone in many ways! Please feel free to ask questions if you're not sure what to do.
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sounds fine to me, but i was wondering something, the smilies arn't clickable anymore i have been having to hand type in the codes for them, the ones i know anyway?
alsplacebartender said:
Also, we now have a spell checker available! Click the ABC mark in the top right hand corner when posting. The first time, you may be asked to download a program. It took me 20 seconds to set it up. Very helpful!
Actually, vBulletin just hooks into IESpell. You must be running Internet Explorer and have the IESpell plugin installed on your computer (which gives you a spell checker on all websites). For Firefox, either install Google Toolbar 2 with spellcheck, or wait for a Firefox spell checker.

Sam Beckett Fan said:
sounds fine to me, but i was wondering something, the smilies arn't clickable anymore i have been having to hand type in the codes for them, the ones i know anyway?
Do you mean with the Quick Reply and Quick Editor? They don't have a Smilies view. Although there is a Plug-in I could put in that would give a popup menu for Smilies.

Or do you mean the main editor with all the font, size, color, etc. choices?
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Actually, there were some limits in place, but that's not how we are going to do this in the future. I've turned off ALL signature limits for now. Sorry!
Would my new signature work under the new limitations? It is three lines, and i think I've got the pixel count right. Man, I hope, cuz i love my quote...i dont wanna change that, lol.

Samantha Beckett
Hey Claire!!! I see you've got an egg in your sig, too!!! :) We should set up a nursery.
Brian doesn't want to squash anyone's creativity and I think he is aware that people have been using fairly large signatures for a while now. More people are using signatures and more people are becoming active in the forum. This is a good thing! But if the signatures completely drown out what people are saying, then it's almost like we're viewing a Signature Gallery insted of a discussion. I think Brian is very sensitive to what people want and that is why this is a gradual thing. Anyone who needs help getting their signature a bit smaller will get it.

The new size limit that Brian was mulling over was 700 x 120. Your sig can be wide, but not very tall.

Sam Beckett Fan, your quotes are perfect, but they are under your post, so it almost looks like part of someone else's post. What do you think of this:


"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"

"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"

Let me know if you like this (or if you hate it :)) and I can help set it up if you want.
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The signature limit is now in place. Basically, there is a 550px X 120px box that your signature will need to fit in. If your signature is "cut off" at the bottom, then remove a huge photo, shorten the amount of text, or ask me to help you fix it another way.

Morgan, can you post the table code that allows text to be placed beside photos for everyone please?
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Brian, I thought I had my signature within the limits, but by the looks of it, i messed up. I had an 80x80 pic plus that egg that Jennie has (of unknown pixels). I made my text into 3 lines, and I thought I had everything cool within the limits. Where'd I add wrong, haha?

Samantha Beckett
alsplacebartender said:
Morgan, can you post the table code that allows text to be placed beside photos for everyone please?
If you want to put a picture on the left, and text on the right, or otherwise have 2, 3, or more columns, we've added some codes that let you do that. It's a little bit tricky, but if you look at my examples it shouldn't be too tough.


"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"

"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"

[table_end]"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"

"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"
If you want to put a picture on the left, and text on the right, or otherwise have 2, 3, or more columns, we've added some codes that let you do that. It's a little bit tricky, but if you look at my examples it shouldn't be too tough.


"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"

"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"

[table_end]"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"

"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"[/table_end]

I could use a hand with mine,my text keeps winding up below my photo and getting clipped off!
How's that?

And just FYI it was tricky even for me. I had to tinker with it about 5 times to get it to look like that. ;)
Would deleting accounts that havent been active for over a year make things better, I wonder free up space, etc.?

I did that recently, but it's not only a space issue regarding signature size - most people don't like to see huge signatures all over the place as it takes away from the enjoyment of reading conversations. Thanks!

The last few times (within the last 2-3 weeks) I've visited the website, I can't get to the messageboard without signing in. I've never encountered that requirement just to read the messageboard. Is it now necessary to sign in every time I visit the messageboard?

I was actually going to make a comment about that myself. I'm required to log in just to look at the messageboard, though for me, it's only been since the beginning of the week or so.

I'm less worried that I'm not the only one, though.
I'm not Brian, but it's currently set so certain parts of the forum are not visible to Search Engines and Guests. This is a temporary situation and will be resolved soon.

By the way, if you are on your own computer (not a public computer like a library, coffee shop PC, etc.) you can tick the [X] Remember Me checkbox when you login and you should stay logged in for up to 1 year.
If you want to put a picture on the left, and text on the right, or otherwise have 2, 3, or more columns, we've added some codes that let you do that. It's a little bit tricky, but if you look at my examples it shouldn't be too tough.


"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"

"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"

[table_end]"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"

"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"

It's been so long I had completely forgotten about this requirement to use text with an image in a signature and was feeling badly as credit is owed for my icon.
Thank you Feldon.