If you want to put a picture on the left, and text on the right, or otherwise have 2, 3, or more columns, we've added some codes that let you do that. It's a little bit tricky, but if you look at my examples it shouldn't be too tough.
| -=-
| "As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"
"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!" |
"As i travel in space and time, i want to stay, i want to go, you see my face but it's not mine, what you can't see, you'll never know"
"hello baaaaaby!.......revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha!"[/table_end]