There are all these reasons people are mad about the new show.
It doesn't have Sam and Al.
It has a diverse cast.
It has a nonbinary main character.
It's not the show people remember.
Those things don't bother me. Time marches on.
What's bothering me is that through the entirety of the original show, we saw the Future for a whopping TWENTY MINUTES out of 90 episodes. Now we're getting that EVERY WEEK. It's turning into a police procedural as the cops (Magic and Jen) spend their time tracking down Beth and Janice and this sleuthy mystery and trying to figure out Ben's motivations. And to pad for time, we've got these tired TV tropes like encrypted flash drives and mistrust and intrigue and floating 3D equations and a 3D spinning map while the actual leap gets barely 20 minutes.
I don't mind when they change things. I mind when they don't understand WHY it was the way it was. The original show used time travel as a conceit to TELL STORIES. The time travel itself wasn't the story except for a rare few episodes. Knight Rider wasn't about the car. Back to the Future wasn't about the Delorean.
Spending FIFTY minutes in someone else's life with friends, family, experiences, situations, and crises leaves an impression and has an opportunity to teach Sam (and the audience) about other ways of thinking and seeing a different slice of life. What is Ben learning in these 20 minute blips? He's a body tourist seeing cool things, making rousing speeches that get everyone to change their minds in like 2 minutes, maybe a little twist, and then bam it's time to leap again. This feels like two television shows warring for the same time slot.
It doesn't have Sam and Al.
It has a diverse cast.
It has a nonbinary main character.
It's not the show people remember.
Those things don't bother me. Time marches on.
What's bothering me is that through the entirety of the original show, we saw the Future for a whopping TWENTY MINUTES out of 90 episodes. Now we're getting that EVERY WEEK. It's turning into a police procedural as the cops (Magic and Jen) spend their time tracking down Beth and Janice and this sleuthy mystery and trying to figure out Ben's motivations. And to pad for time, we've got these tired TV tropes like encrypted flash drives and mistrust and intrigue and floating 3D equations and a 3D spinning map while the actual leap gets barely 20 minutes.
I don't mind when they change things. I mind when they don't understand WHY it was the way it was. The original show used time travel as a conceit to TELL STORIES. The time travel itself wasn't the story except for a rare few episodes. Knight Rider wasn't about the car. Back to the Future wasn't about the Delorean.
Spending FIFTY minutes in someone else's life with friends, family, experiences, situations, and crises leaves an impression and has an opportunity to teach Sam (and the audience) about other ways of thinking and seeing a different slice of life. What is Ben learning in these 20 minute blips? He's a body tourist seeing cool things, making rousing speeches that get everyone to change their minds in like 2 minutes, maybe a little twist, and then bam it's time to leap again. This feels like two television shows warring for the same time slot.