Ultimate Collection! (UK)

Way cool

As long as it has proper music all through.

And the price is reasonable too - a complete box set of "Enterprise" is around £200, and there are only 4 seasons of that.
Looks nice - Season 2 packaging for covers was a good choice - even though the Dean Stockwell image is clearly photoshopped.

Just a shame i've bought Seasons 1-4 already.....

BTW: Just like to say I WAS RIGHT, near X-Mas 07 I said there would be a set, and although it's many, many months after that.....
I would want to know if it includes "A Kiss with History" from the Season 1 DVD set. That's well worth seeing and it would be very disappointing if they left it out.
The original Play.com ad showed a 25 disc set.

This one from HMV says it is a 27 disc set.

Do we dare hope that the extra 2 discs mean added features???

Oh Boy!
At what point does PAL speedup come in? Could the sources they've used for this be used for US discs, or would they have to completely remaster the original materials to make them NTSC? Didn't a single R2 season feature deleted music? It'll be interesting to see if it's intact for this release. I'm just hoping it all leads to a proper, uncut US release.
Oh, I have to buy this. I'll wait a few months for it to go down in price (hopefully, it'll be released for half the proce in Asda).

Rasdock, only one R2 season featured replaced music. Season four. I sure hope that the soundtrack's in tact with this new boxed set.
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Probably not, chances are it'll be like the Miami Vice set and just be the same season discs but in fancy single disc packaging (Woop!/ Doh'!)

And the picture having 32 discs? Probably just a standard image of a 32 disc boxset with the season 2 cover image photo-shopped on the side.
ProfessorLoNigro said:
This set was due out yesterday - anyone of you UKers pick it up to see if there were any differences from the previous R2 releases?


It's not out for a while yet, 08/10/07 is 8th October over here. :)
Since I already have Seasons 1-5, the only reason I would buy this boxset would be if it had extras, and I'm talking extras, but this is Universal we're talking about, so that's really a no-hope :)

It will probably be the exact same discs, inside some nicer packaging.

Enterprise said:
Probably not, chances are it'll be like the Miami Vice set and just be the same season discs but in fancy single disc packaging (Woop!/ Doh'!)

Is that the Season 1/2 boxset? My set fingerprints so easily, I'm afraid of touching it half the time.

I recently watched the "Bushido" episode which guest stars none other than Dean Stockwell! Too bad he was only really in it for around 5 minutes till Castillo shot him :(
While I doubt the Ultimate Collection will have any new extras, I can't wait for this to come out. As I only have the first two seasons on Disc so far.

But, i'm also worried that i'll buy it only to take it home and discover it has the "missing music" versions of the episodes!

To confuse matters, if you look on the HMV website you'll see that Season One is being released (re-issued?) again on October 1st. With a completely different catalogue number.

Now i've searched and searched but can't find any information on this release. Now this might just be new packaging (I doubt it'd be new extras). But my main concern is Universal re-releasing all the seasons Region 1 style, without the music. In which case, is that what i'll be getting in the Ultimate Collection!?

Agh, the uncertainty! :banghead
Sam said:
To confuse matters, if you look on the HMV website you'll see that Season One is being released (re-issued?) again on October 1st. With a completely different catalogue number.

I went and had a look on the Universal Playback site (I was wondering if they had released a UK version of Twin Peaks: Season 2 yet) and I couldn't find anything.

It seems that the only shows I'm interested in watching are on the Universal Playback range. Boy am I going to have to get used to having no extras.

is there anyone who could tell me if there is another language than English, please?
I've not been able to afford it yet.

Both play.com and amazon.co.uk are advertising a box set for just under £76, but the pictures look different. The outer box shot looks the same, but play says it is a 27 disk set, and the open box looks rectangular. All the spines are shades of purple.

The amazon box is squarer, and seems to have only 14 disks in it (they could have 2 to a sleeve I guess) and there are rainbow colored spines.

What is even stranger is that the first two in the amazon box seem to have PG certificates, whilst all the play ones are 15 or 18.

HMV seem to have the multicolored box set, though it says 27 discs, so I guess they must be double sleeves (but they are charging £99.99)
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I was in HMV today and saw the boxset - being the good ol' boy I am I took a picture of the set. It bears more resemblence to the Amazon image from Leaper1's link: (Sorry the quality is awful) There was no mantion on the exterior packaging of music replacement but I couldn't open it to see the individual slip-cases so it could be the case.


BTW: Also saw the Miami Vice Boxset (Fan-gasm Alert!)

I'm assuming no one still has been able to purchase it yet? Boy is it tempting for me, but the dollar-pound conversion is brutal! And I'd rather a KitchenAid Mixer for my new house in all honesty. :lol
I bought this set just last week, its pretty gud with 27 discs, the cheapest price I found was 59.99 off play.com and it was second hand but hey it still played the episodes =]