What do you hope they retain from the original show?


Project QL Assistant
Nov 16, 2021
We've seen only a handful of images and videos to what is up and coming for the reboot, with that in mind name your call backs of what you want the producers to keep from the OG show.

Oh Boy line......blue electric light when leaping...Sammy Joe resolution.....leaping within own lifetime....famous leaps?
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I want to see what the Ernie Hudson character (Magic) recalls from being in the Waiting Room while Sam saved his brother.

Hopefully his Swiss cheese mind would have healed enough to piece together his experience. Also it would be interesting to see the dynamic between "Magic" and Sams brother Tom who he served with in Vietnam.
At least a vague acknowledgment that the Project is aware there were other time travelers than just Sam.

I just got off the phone with my younger sister and I first told her about this. Her first question was “Are the characters names the same?” I said no, this is a continuation with new characters and new Leaper. She surprised me by saying “That makes sense, weren’t there other Leapers?”

I imagine she meant the Evil Leapers. She mostly watched the show with me as we grew up. So I was impressed she remembered that at all. Also it’s encouraging that she excepts that there could be other time travelers and Sam could still be out there.

Not just the evil Leapers but the mysteries around the customers at Al’s Bar with different reflections than their own.

I do not know if the writers ever plan to explore those mysteries but it would be nice to hear that Sam and Al encountered other time travelers in the past. Deborah’s comments suggesting spinoffs and involving Sam/Scott means it’s possible. This is about Ben Song but he exists as part of a larger mythology too.
I wouldn't be sad if they pretended the Evil Leapers never existed in the current timeline. Not a fan, really.

But while we do know that Stawpah was a Leaper, I feel as though Al the Bartender's info implies to me that Stawpah was there to work through the biggest issue in his life, which was survivor's guilt, and so he looped around, Leaping over and over again until Tonchi and Pete could be saved somehow. When Stawpah Leaped and fully vanished, my assumption is that he's moved on to the afterlife.

Which could, sadly, indicate that Sam's regret to work through was keeping Al and Beth together, so when he Leaps out of Beth's bungalow... he, too, might easily have gone to the afterlife.

However, since he's so young, maybe he was given the option to continue Leaping; whereas Stawpah was old and worn down and ready to be at peace.

I'd love to see some answers given about Mirror Image because of all of the new questions it brings up. I'm definitely interested in learning more about GTFW, Al the Bartender, and Leapers like Stawpah.
I wouldn't be sad if they pretended the Evil Leapers never existed in the current timeline. Not a fan, really.

But while we do know that Stawpah was a Leaper, I feel as though Al the Bartender's info implies to me that Stawpah was there to work through the biggest issue in his life, which was survivor's guilt, and so he looped around, Leaping over and over again until Tonchi and Pete could be saved somehow. When Stawpah Leaped and fully vanished, my assumption is that he's moved on to the afterlife.

Which could, sadly, indicate that Sam's regret to work through was keeping Al and Beth together, so when he Leaps out of Beth's bungalow... he, too, might easily have gone to the afterlife.

However, since he's so young, maybe he was given the option to continue Leaping; whereas Stawpah was old and worn down and ready to be at peace.

I'd love to see some answers given about Mirror Image because of all of the new questions it brings up. I'm definitely interested in learning more about GTFW, Al the Bartender, and Leapers like Stawpah.

It was an interesting direction to take the series as it's conceivable that Sam was doing good while another sinister organisation had gained access to leaked tech from PQL and exploited it.

It felt like the Evil leaper program storyline was ahead of its time even in 1993 :hurray: a modern take on the concept of Leaping in time.
"Oh boy."

And honestly I want to see Ben get put into situations he has no background in. Like having to sing or act or do magic tricks. Something where all eyes are on him. At some point Ben should leap into a woman...Sam did this many times. Even leapt into a chimp I think.

Many times Sam was there to prevent murder, but other times were instances of social justice. Civil rights, women's rights, the way we treat people with special needs. One of my favorite episodes is when he leaps into someone with downs syndrome and his sister-in-law want to kick him out of the house and make him a ward of the state, but his brother gets him a job on the docks.

Then there is the Color of Truth episode where Sam leaps into a black chauffer in the deep south in the 50's. This episode debuted in May of 1989, preceding Driving Miss Daisy, which was released later that year in December.

But back to the fun side, Sam leapt into other people that he had to play the part and perform...a rain maker, a baseball player, his younger self, his brother, a blind concert pianist, a pool shark, a hair stylist...

Still there are many more that would put Ben on the spot - racecar driver, TV reporter, doctor or nurse, ER tech, motivational speaker, anyone in the circus, airline pilot, lawyer, police officer, politician...it looks like episode 2 he is an astronaut on the Space Shuttle (I am guessing not Challenger, but maybe Columbia).

And of course the evil leapers as well as the historical leaps, eg. Lee Harvey Oswald.
I agree. If Ben is instantly fluent and comfortable in every situation they put him into, then there is no drama and no opportunity for growth.
I wouldn't be sad if they pretended the Evil Leapers never existed in the current timeline. Not a fan, really.

But while we do know that Stawpah was a Leaper, I feel as though Al the Bartender's info implies to me that Stawpah was there to work through the biggest issue in his life, which was survivor's guilt, and so he looped around, Leaping over and over again until Tonchi and Pete could be saved somehow. When Stawpah Leaped and fully vanished, my assumption is that he's moved on to the afterlife.

Which could, sadly, indicate that Sam's regret to work through was keeping Al and Beth together, so when he Leaps out of Beth's bungalow... he, too, might easily have gone to the afterlife.

However, since he's so young, maybe he was given the option to continue Leaping; whereas Stawpah was old and worn down and ready to be at peace.

I'd love to see some answers given about Mirror Image because of all of the new questions it brings up. I'm definitely interested in learning more about GTFW, Al the Bartender, and Leapers like Stawpah.

I agree about the evil leapers, I put those down as the absolute worst episodes. Didn't like that concept at all.

While I want Sam to still be out there, I really felt like Mirror Image represented his death. I like your take on Stawpah and can see that Sam saving Al's marriage to Beth would be similar. Once corrected, Sam could go on "home" to the afterlife. I mean, it fits perfectly with the string theory, tying the two ends of your life together. Your birth and death are linked together. He leaped into the exact moment of his birth, which should also be the exact moment of his death.

Ah, well, that aside, to the topic of this thread, I'd like to see them bring in Sammi Jo, although I'm getting the impression that's not going to happen. Interesting theory that Ben is also Sam's child from his time with the psychic in San Fran. Another thing I wish they'd retain is a bit more of the light-heartedness of the original. I'm finding this series much more serious and not as much fun to watch, although I fully intend to continue watching.:p