
Frequently Asked Questions




Frequently Asked Questions


FAQ Index







When will the DVD be available? How much will it cost?
The DVD is currently being planned and will go into the editing and production phases over the next few months. We do not yet know the cost. It will depend on a wide variety of factors including the company or person we use to produce it, how many discs it will be, shipping costs, etc. Check the website often and sign up to receive email updates so you don't miss out!

What are the dates for the convention?
Friday through Sunday, March 27-29, 2009.

Where will the convention be held?
The Beverly Garland Holiday Inn at Universal Studios, Hollywood. See our Venue and Hotel pages for more information!

Will Scott Bakula & Dean Stockwell attend?
Scott Bakula = YES! Dean Stockwell = NO, sadly he has a personal matter that will prevent him from attending. Pending any unforeseen events such as work committments, family, or other unknown events in their lives, Scott Bakula is planning on attending this EVENT!

What other guest stars are attending?
See the Guest Stars page for the complete list of over 50 stars! Stay tuned to the website for updates on additional guests.

When will tickets go on sale?
Tickets have been sold out.

If I change my mind, can I get a refund?
Much like most movie and theater tickets, we will not be able to offer refunds. All funds that are brought in are reinvested into the convention, so there is no buffer for refunds. You’re free at any time to re-sell your ticket to another fan. If you do that, please contact the Convention Committee immediately so that the membership can be transferred to that other person for a small clerical fee. You may use the convention forum to find fans and solicit your ticket(s). See our policies HERE.

Can I pay for my ticket with cash?
No. Because of the danger of cash being lost in the mail, we cannot accept cash payments. Our bank is connected to PayPal and Google Checkout, so you can make fast, easy, online payments with your credit card or by direct withdrawal from your checking account. Setting up a PayPal or Google account takes only a few minutes, and both are very safe.

But I don’t like online payment. Can I pay by mail?
The mail-in payment option has ended due to the short amount of time until the convention begins!

I'm hearing impaired. Will you have an interpreter?
No. There have been no requests for an interpreter, so we have not hired one.

I'm visually impaired (or in a wheelchair).

Will there be accomodations for me?

Yes. We will make every effort to provide accomodations for those with disabilities. We will have large video screens available to minimize viewing issues. Documentation of your visual impairment/disability must be provided to the convention committee before special arrangements can be made due to the limited seating available.

I've never been to Los Angeles before. Can you help me with travel arrangements?
If you need specific help, please feel free to e-mail the committee, or post your question on the convention forum.

I've never been to a convention before. What happens there?

What do I need to bring?

Prepare yourself for a weekend of fun! When you arrive at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn, you’ll go to the Leap Back 2009 registration desk (don’t worry, there will be signs) to register and pick up your special packet of goodies – including the schedule for the weekend. At that time, or anytime during the weekend, please feel free to seek help from a convention staffer if you’re lost or confused.

Items you should plan to bring: a camera with plenty of film and batteries, a jacket or sweater (hotel meeting areas can sometimes be chilly), and comfortable shoes. Be prepared to make new friends! You’ll find that Quantum Leap fans are generally friendly, generous, helpful and enthusiastic.

I need a roommate to share hotel costs with me. How do I find one?
There is a thread on the convention forum here devoted to roommate searches. If you find a successful match, please let us know!

Can I take video at the convention?
Due to the large amount of guest stars attending and for various legal reasons, we must say no to approval of videotaping at the convention. We will have an official videographer, so by purchasing your ticket, you are agreeing to the use of your image on our convention video, which may in part be available on the convention website. See our photography policies HERE.

Will there be a webcam broadcast for those who can't attend?
No, this event is intended to be viewed live only by ticket-holders. A DVD will be made available later in the year.

Are meals included in my ticket price?

No. All meals can be purchased from the hotel at Tula's California Cafe, The Coffee Room, or Splash. There are also a variety of eating establishments within about a half-mile of the venue.

I want to bring a gift for one of the guest stars.

Can I go up to the stage and give it to him?

No. We ask that you do not take up the guest stars' time on stage with gift, hug, kiss, handshake, and/or autograph requests. Ask lots of questions so that everyone has fun! However, you may offer gifts during the autograph sessions if the participating guests allow it. For security reasons, please don’t wrap the gift.

I plan to arrive at the hotel on Thursday. Can I register early?
Yes. We will have early registration available on Thursday evening only for those guests who have booked their room with the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. Use registration code "LBT" when you order your tickets to get the special convention rate on those rooms. That rate is $149.00 per night.

How do I get from the airport to the hotel?
Los Angeles has a wide variety of ground transportation available to travelers: cabs, shuttles, Metro Rail, rental cars. You can also try to connect with fellow convention attendees and share a ride to the hotel (and back to the airport). If you need specific information, feel free to e-mail the committee, or post your question on the forum. Also, see our Flight and Car Hire & Routes pages for maps and more detailed information.

Is the convention legally secure?
Yes. We are represented by the competent attorneys at Du Val Business Law. http://www.duvalbusinesslaw.com/ We also have complete convention insurance to secure us and you in case of any natural disaster or financial downfall.

I'm flying into LAX. Is there a convenient way to get to the hotel?
There is a shuttle service (FlyAway-Union Station) that makes continuous runs between LAX and their Union Station terminal. At the Union Station terminal you take the Metro to Universal City Station. The hotel will send a van to the Universal City Station to pick you up. For FlyAway Information: please call (818) 994-5554 or (310) 646-5252 For information on the Metro visit http://www.metro.net The Metro website has a trip planning feature available. You may also visit the Hotel's website direction page at http://www.beverlygarland.com/map.asp

How convenient is car rental?
Car rentals are available nearby from Enterprise (818-762-0225). Enterprise will pick you up at the Hotel to receive your car and also take you back to the Hotel when you return the car. However, between the Hotel’s shuttle and the nearby Metro stop, most local attractions are easily, and inexpensively, accessible.

Is breakfast provided with my room fee?
No, breakfast is not included in your room fee. Every morning the Beverly Garland offers a breakfast buffet to all guests at a charge of $11.95, in addition to other breakfast items on their menu.

Does the hotel have a web page?
Yes. http://www.beverlygarland.com

Do I have to wear the badge provided with my registration?
Yes, your badge must be worn and clearly visible at all times. It is your pass into all convention rooms and events. If you lose it, you will not be able to enter convention events. This is the most important thing you will have at the convention.

Is there a dress code?
The dress code is casual.

Can I be sure I will get to see my favorite actor?
No. We will not know until the last minute which actors will choose to attend. Keep your eye on the main page for any late-breaking news.

Can I bring my children to the Leap Back 2009 convention?
We do not encourage children under the age of 13. Our programming has low entertainment value for young children. If you choose to bring them, registration is the same as the adult fee if they will be occupying a seat.  Children must be kept quiet during programming as all attendees have paid a lot of money to see our programming. Loud and crying babies/children must be taken outside.

When will the schedule of events be available?
It's available now! See our Events page for a tentative schedule. A finalized schedule of events will be included in your registration materials.

I can only attend Saturday night. Will I get a reduced fee?
There are no "Saturday Only" registrations at a reduced fee. However, you may purchase a registration, at full price, and attend whatever events you are able to over the weekend.

Question not answered? Send any inquiries to the following address:


The convention committee reserves the right to change, add to, or subtract from
any of the following information without advance notice as deemed necessary.

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The Leap Back 2009, Inc. © 2006-2009 has been closed as of December 31st, 2009. This website remains as an archive of the convention and as an informational venue maintained by Al's Place Quantum Leap Fansite.