Good news for australian fans

Has anyone picked up the region 4 set of season 4 yet? I didn't have the money to this pay but I looked at the back and on the slipcase it said nothing that I could see about "Music may differ from Television version"
That's the UK region 2 back cover, that little music blurb wasn't on the Australian Region 4 release, Which has a yellow box for the rating, I had three or four looks and I couldn't see it.
Neftoon said:
That's the UK region 2 back cover, that little music blurb wasn't on the Australian Region 4 release, Which has a yellow box for the rating, I had three or four looks and I couldn't see it.

Yes, I misread what I was replying to. No, I haven't seen the case for this yet. If anyone finds out music is intact, let us know here!
Well I aint rushing to get it unless I know for sure. Based on past experiences, a lot of Region 4 releases are in fact exactly the same as the Region 2 counterpart, so unless some one is able to verify if its left intact, it is not worth rushing out to get if you already own S4
You lucky people out there.
Uhhhhh...i´m waiting and waiting.....when come season 2 (!!!!!) in germany.... i´m so sad when i see that were fans in germany are the latest.Season 1 is the only one season i can buy in germany. :-(
It´s is good for the australians to see more Qantum Leap. i hope and pray that the german season 2 comes next.
cu safir