I am so glad I have you all as friends. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather hang out with. You guys are kind, sincere, thoughtful, and caring.
I'm kinda afraid, though. See, generally, fans in the Leapdom are very considerate of others' opinions. Every time Leapers get into a discussion concerning the Body Theory Vs. Soul Theory, or interpreting "Mirror Image", or anything else that causes somewhat of a quiet controversy in the fandom, they discuss it calmly, adult-like, and if their viewpoints don't change, they simply agree to disagree.
However, this is not true in many other Sci-Fi fandoms. One fandom in particular--Stargate SG-1--is quite hostile. I ventured into the online Gatedom after having become a fan of the show. I wanted to find other fans to hang out with.
But instead of being greeted by a united, caring family of fans like the Leapers, I was instead introduced into a warring, nasty fandom that has sides being taken, insults flying, and people getting hurt. Arguments flare up every single day, and people have gone off the deep-end. I won't go into the details of how things got started (just check any SG group, board, list, or site, and you'll know).
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I'm afraid that the Leapers could become the same way if something in the new QL movie/series is not quite what we expect. There are already vague sides being taken--those who are saying they'll refuse to watch if Sam and Al aren't in the movie, and those who say they'll give anything a chance since DPB's in charge.
I don't want these undefined sides to become defined. I don't want everyone to forgoe their wonderful friendships because they don't agree on something.
So, I want each and every one of you to reply to this message, to seal the promise that no matter what happens with the new QL, we'll
rotest calmly, act like adults, and keep our friendships as alive as ever.
I'm kinda afraid, though. See, generally, fans in the Leapdom are very considerate of others' opinions. Every time Leapers get into a discussion concerning the Body Theory Vs. Soul Theory, or interpreting "Mirror Image", or anything else that causes somewhat of a quiet controversy in the fandom, they discuss it calmly, adult-like, and if their viewpoints don't change, they simply agree to disagree.
However, this is not true in many other Sci-Fi fandoms. One fandom in particular--Stargate SG-1--is quite hostile. I ventured into the online Gatedom after having become a fan of the show. I wanted to find other fans to hang out with.
But instead of being greeted by a united, caring family of fans like the Leapers, I was instead introduced into a warring, nasty fandom that has sides being taken, insults flying, and people getting hurt. Arguments flare up every single day, and people have gone off the deep-end. I won't go into the details of how things got started (just check any SG group, board, list, or site, and you'll know).
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I'm afraid that the Leapers could become the same way if something in the new QL movie/series is not quite what we expect. There are already vague sides being taken--those who are saying they'll refuse to watch if Sam and Al aren't in the movie, and those who say they'll give anything a chance since DPB's in charge.
I don't want these undefined sides to become defined. I don't want everyone to forgoe their wonderful friendships because they don't agree on something.
So, I want each and every one of you to reply to this message, to seal the promise that no matter what happens with the new QL, we'll
~~ R. Joy Helvie ~~
Accentuate the Positive