QL Fanfilm Underway!

Kirok said:
LadyKayoss: We resume shooting on October 24, but not on the QL set pictured above. In fact, I tore down the remaining set pieces on Friday. :( Sorry... but we will be at the Omni shooting the final scenes, which you are more than welcome to attend! Just let me know!



Sadly, thanks to monetary difficulties, I won't be able to join you. *sigh* But I'll be there for the premiere! And should you choose to make another QL fan film... hint hint hint...

Hey, we gotta get new QL somehow.
Hi Everyone! :)

Just a quick update...

We finally wrap production on Dec 6th in downtown Indy, complete with a classic QL ending that is true to the spirit and theme of Quantum Leap. Its funny, classic, and memorable. I can't wait to film it!

Secondly, Sharon Major of 'Project Quantum Leap' recently interviewed me for the latest issue of 'The Observer', which is available on their website located here. A huge thanks to Sharon and the folks at Project Quantum Leap for their interest and time!

Lastly, thanks to all of YOU who have shown your support and belief in this project. Its gaining a lot of positive momentum, building for the premiere at Leapback 2009!


Chris :)
A Leap to Di for listed on IMDB!!

Well folks, its official... we're now blacklisted. HAHA, no... but we are now listed on the Internet Movie Data Base, IMDB!!!


I thought that was pretty cool!!

We're also giving our Control Panel to the charity auction at Leapback 2009!! I'm very honored to do this... it feels great to pay all this good karma forward!! Thank you Committee for letting us be a part of this event!!

Chris :)


As someone who joined the forum in May, and someone who has only passively watched the progression of this, I must say that everyone is doing such a great job! Makes me sad that I'm not going to be able to attend the convention...

I hope the movie is a big success. This may have been already asked, but are you going to be posting a video of the movie on the website?
It seems absolutely awesome. :)
I'd also like to see it please, as I probably won't be at the convention either.

Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun!
I have to say. I am really impressed with the amount of publicity this movie is getting. It is even on IMDB. With as much traffic as IMDB gets I am pretty sure someone who can actually has influence in Hollywood will definately realize the potential of a brand new Quantum Leap movie or series and put it into production. Hopefully, DB might even realize it.
Thanks everyone! Jaycol, that's our point of doing this... to show 'the powers that be' that yes, QL is still a viable property, and yes, its well worth the time & money to invest into. Plus, if we can 'pay it forward' with donating our Control Panel, all the much better. Its been a labor of love for everyone involved!

And a big thanks to everyone who has participated in our Associate Producer program! THANK YOU!!

Make that TWO stars!!

Well folks, make that TWO STARS who are now involved with this project...

We end this with a BIG bang!! We landed Ms.
Beth Horn, one of the stars from this season of another popular NBC show, American Gladiators. She played ‘Venom’ in the show, and will be appearing as a special guest star in our film. Giving away her role would spoil the show, but suffice to say it will be classic Quantum Leap that fans will LOVE.

Happy Leaping…




I really can't wait to see this film. I'm glad I have been able to be a part of it and can't wait for my copy of the film.

Hey Chris or the powers that be, do you reckon we can have photos taken behind the control panel before it is auctioned off?
Hmmm this looks rather good! Surprisingly!

That is not a slight at the cast or crew of this project. But attempted fanfilms have become a dime a dozen.

Too often people with very little skill or experience make well intended promises of things they never achieve.

But this appears very impressive from the photos in this thread. Good casting of Sam and Al. Well done sets. Quantum Leap deserves this type of quality. I look forward to seeing the finished project.
This looks like a very professional production. I am very impressed.

You never know with fanfilms. Too many well intended people make big promises of things that they are incapable of achieving. So I have become highly skeptical that newly announced films will be made at all, let alone good! That is not a slight at THIS cast and crew.

Everything about this effort seems great. The casting of Sam and Al is right on the money! That is got to be the hardest part. Especially because this is the first (I think) QL fanfilm of any kind. The sets look very impressive. The challenge with Quantum Leap is that it mostly took place in the real world. While that saves the budget of needing to create alien planets, it creates the need to shot on real locations.

I almost missed the coolest news of all when I skimmed this thread the first time. Deborah Pratt is back as the voice of Ziggy!!!!!:hurray: This is a stunning acomphlishment.
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Beth is playing a pivotal role in our film. I don't want to give too much away, suffice to say that it will be a classic QL twist. I'm sorry, but if I give it away, then the whole point of the her scene is defunct.
What do they call it... oh yes, a SPOILER!! :)

I'll definitely tell Beth about the fest!


Chris :)
A spoiler you say...In this case please don't tell us.:)
I just hope it's nothing like the twist we had in the end of QL episode - "Lee Harvey Oswald" ,if you know what i mean...
We are finished!!

Well folks, we are completed with Principal Photography! Four months to the day we started, and we ended back up in the very basement we started this incredible journey back in August. Hard to believe this is over, but I can't wait to get started on this!!

Now Post Production begins... importing all the scenes, cutting them together, Special Effects, sound effects, EVERYTHING.

Here are some images from this weekend...

And yes, Brian, Beth said she is planning on stopping by at Leapback! She'll be in LA shooting the new season of American Gladiator, and she said she's coming! Maybe she can be added as one of the events' special guests?

So totally awesome!!
It must have been great to shoot it. Wish I could have been there, as the cable basher's assistant's assistant or something. ;)
Can't wait to see it!
Just a thought... Donating the control panel is a great idea, and it'll probably make a lot of money. But, before selling it off, what about offering some photo ops with it? Some of us are geeky enough to want to pose with it and pretend we're in the control room!

Okay, I'm geeky enough to want to, anyway...

And it's great to see the film getting so much attention! Way to go! I hope this leads to more fan films. Or a real QL film...
We'd love to do that. Right now we're trying to find a way to ship it to the convention and back to the winner. Right now just shipping TO the con is going to be around $400-$500. I imagine that shipping to a non-local winner would be about the same amount.

If anyone here has access to someone who can get us a great discount at fed-ex or UPS, PLEASE let us know. We can't afford to spend charity money frivolously.

If someone wanted to pay about $1000 to get it there and back out, Chris might just give it to you lol! Might, I said....
Updates for 2009!

Well its been a busy, BUSY time here at the studio. Over New Years, I imported all the High Definition scenes into my TB hard drive, and was thrilled because I haven't seen many of the scenes since we originally shot them. It was a real joy to see them all again in their full High Definition glory!!

Once those were imported, I quickly began putting together a NEW trailer, which I hope to have done soon because... as we all know, we have just so many days before Leapback is on our doorstep! Its taken me three days to figure out the actual leap visual effect, and I hope I nailed it.
*fingers crossed*

Things are looking (and sounding) most excellent here!!

I've been deep in the jungles of editing and polishing this new trailer, and its given me a great chance to cut my teeth on some required special effects for this show... what I originally thought was a relatively easy effects shot on the classic 'Leap' effect turned into something much more intense.

Here are some samples of my two plates from tonight:

I'm not finished with them just yet, but I've wanted to remain as faithful to the original F/X shots from the series as possible (mostly based on Season 5's leaps). Every element of these shots had to be created from scratch... and that ain't no easy task folks, let me tell ya!! I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it would be in 3D, let alone 2D F/X.

Anyway, just wanted to share the progress!


Chris :)
Chris, can I just take this moment to commend you and your team, cast, and crew for all the hard work you have done. I see a work that is incredibly polished, full of love and dedication, and camaraderie.

I'm sorry I won't be able to see it at the Convention. The Navy relocated us to the UK this past July and it's not in our budget (plus we are understandably trying to see sites this side of the pond while we are here). I do look forward to being able to see the finished film online though.

Thank you so much for this labor of love!
Wow, this looks like it's gonna be amazing!
Can't wait to see the video version (well, not at the convention, but wherever else you will hopefully share it afterwards) :)
Brand New Trailer Available

Hi Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that we have a NEW trailer finally available on our website. This BRAND NEW sneak peek features footage shot from our amazing four-month production, along with many of the classic special effects featured on the original TV show.

While being true to the show, I felt that giving the show a 21st century re-boot would give it a more contemporary look. I truly hope you enjoy watching this.




'tis awesome!

As a geek, I appreciate the start
reboot y/n definitely y !!! 8):D

Great job! :cheers

Did you get the landscape shots yourself or was that stock footage?
Wow. I didn't see the trailor (mostly because it wanted me to download some new function), but I'm sure that it is as great and creative as the poster. Keep up the good work! :D
"ohboy" - you need to get your computer working...

That trailer was FREAKING AWESOME. I watched it three times. The effects are great - story looks great - I can't believe you found someone that looks so much like Diana!

Chris - this is very impressive. We should have charged admission to see this in March! lol just kidding everyone... if you have your tickets, you'll see this Saturday March 28th at 8:30am!

And probably again at some point throughout the weekend.

WOW. :slam
The quality of this looks amazing!

The Control room looks EXACTLY THE SAME! The lighting is perfect. I love that shot of Sam looking out the window and seeing Paris. That not an effect for the sake of it, that is solid, seamless storytelling. That's the vibe I get from the whole trailer.

I am warning you now Chris I will be the guy asking you a million questions after the premiere! ;)
Thank you

Thank you all so much for taking the time to watch this. I really appreciate your time and thoughts... I just hope I do the fanbase good, and provide decent material.

Yes Jassian, I used stock footage for the landscape shot. I'm also using stock for shots of Paris and DC.

Thanks for the compliments too, Brian. But I always look at it and ask myself what I can do to make it better... but I reached a point where I was satisfied with it, and went with it. I will say that this new trailer makes the first one look cheap! :lol

It was a real blessing to have Deborah Pratt's voice in this too. I was soooooooooooo excited to add her voice to the show, and a bit surreal to EQ her voice as I went along... it made me think 'wow, who would have thought I would be doing this say, 18 years ago.' Very cool!!

Thanks again folks. But its all FOR THE FANS!! I'm glad just to be a part of it.

Chris :)
Man things like this make me wish I didn't have to use a proxy to access the site. Will try to get on when I get home though. I really want to see this.
Here's an unofficial, yet pretty good looking movie credit sequence I created on my board:

Joshua Ramsey as Dr. Samuel Beckett
Ed Ernstes as Rear Admiral Albert Calavicci
Niki Hurrle Warner as Meredith Jamieson


[Edited for content on 1/22/09 at 1140 hrs EST]

~Steve B.
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Yes, those credits are VERY unofficial, Steve. :) Not sure why you posted that, but in order to keep things clear and not to confuse anyone, this was not produced "with" Inverted Staircase Productions or MagicHouse Productions, nor was/is Deborah Pratt an executive consultant. DPB got IMDb credit due to his creation of the characters, yes, but was never involved with this particular production. I know you said they are your credits, but I have to make sure that your posting does not start to confuse the fanbase or anyone else.

The most accurate full credit sheet can be found on the film's poster, or on IMBd, located here.


Chris :)


No it was the QL project(no pun intended) that I was reading from. I mis- read the part about the Magic House Productions(they provided assistance but they were not officially involved with the QL fan-film. The same holds true for the other production company/group. Inverted Staircase.

Sorry for the confusion and again Chris thank you for the awesome job you and everyone at RACSO did for this magnificent production. :cheers:hurray:

~Steve B.

P.S. A Time For The Heart star Chris Spurgin makes his return as well! :) And in a time travel film no less!