QL Fanfilm Underway!

Awesome trailer! Looks top-notch!!!!!!

I can't wait for the internet release (convention not happening for me) :)

All right finally got to see it and man I can't wait till April 18th. Wish I could see it at the convention but will settle for the internet. It looks really professional too and man everything looks like the show. Great job on it.
Thanks to everyone for watching this, and helping build up excitement for our big screening in LA, and on our website!

I am about 20 minutes into editing the actual show, and am very happy with what I see. Of course, there are spots I wish I could go back and re-do, but that's just me. LOL

Thanks again!!

I guess that's the way it always is :)
Happy editing! Editing QL. That must be soooooo cool!
Awesome sound post in the trailer btw! :)
A Winner!!

Well, this thing just keeps getting better and better... last night during the Super Bowl, one of our actors in this QL film, Don Becker, who plays a Presidential Adviser, was in the WINNING Super Bowl ad from Doritos!! Here is the URL.

But anyway, the winning ad came from here in Indiana, and from my part of the state!! Wow!! They won a million dollars on top of that too!! How cool is that!!


Chris :)

Chris, I can't tell you how brilliant I think that this trailer looked. You have done such an amazing job, and I really hope that at the convention it gets the standing ovation it deserves.

Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the convention, but I can't wait for the Internet Premiere. Thank you so much for everything that you've done for the fans.
Thank you!!

Thanks for the great compliments, guys. That's awesome... I'm glad you like it... after all, its for ALL OF US!!! 16 years is long enough to wait for new material, and hopefully (with your help), we'll show Universal and NBC just ONE more reason to take a look at this unique, high concept show.

Yes you're right, Ziggysego, I can't sell you a DVD, but it will be free on the internet and will have good quality files available to download.
You actually can get a DVD though with our Associate Producer program.

And folks, there is still time to get your name on this... if you thought the trailer was good, then why not get in on the action and help us out? Become an Associate Producer and be a part of this landmark production!!

And thanks to the three of you who have become a part of that! Your donations have helped us out tremendously!

:roflmao:THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! :roflmao:

Wow, Holy Hits, Batman... 10,000 views on this thread??? Is that true?
:roflmao:THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!! :roflmao:

Here are some new Presidential images from the show...





Both Dee and Dave will be with me at Leapback!! We can't wait!

Sorry for the delay in replying... man, I'm swamped with so much stuff to do... UGHH!!

Anyway, YES!!! I cast Dave as the President, and he did an amazing job. In fact, he's one of my Exec. Producers too
!! That's funny you all brought that up because we all talked about the same irony when we met Deborah last year... she asked me if I had foresight into seeing who was going to win the election, and I just said it was something I wanted to do! It was a great time!

But yes Dermot, anyone who is over the $100 level is automatically given Executive Producer credit on the film's credits AND on the poster too! That's a perk that comes along with your assistance! So now that means yours truly has to update the poster! And speaking of which, Janine...

I've been tinkering with the idea of making wallpapers for the film too. I'll let you know when they're on the site!

Thanks everyone!

Chris :)

PS: How many more days now?

Do we get a comfirmation email when we make a donation? I donated last Friday and I haven't received anything.

I am so sorry for the delay. I did receive your very kind donation, and I apologize for not sending you a quicker 'thank you' e-mail. My wife and I were in Pittsburgh this weekend, and the hotel had spotty Internet service.

(Don't ever believe a hotel has superior high speed internet service when they say they do! Ughhh!!)

Anyway, please let me know if you received your e-mail and script.

@ Dermot: I am looking into that, yes. Depending on how involved the process is, I plan to have that feature. But if it is very time consuming, I won't because we are nearly a month out now! (Yikes!!)

Thanks again everyone!

Chris :)
No worries Chris. Just I'm hard of hearing. Would get the most of it, but would miss bits of it.

On another note though, I was showing my Uncle Sean your trailer last night. He was a big Quantum Leap fan back in the day too. He was very impressed with it and wanted me to pass on his best wishes to you and all involved.
Thanks Chris, I did get your email. Don't worry about the delay. I kind of figured you might be busy over the weekend. I got the script but I'm not reading it until after seeing the movie.

I just re-sent you your thank you from my Gmail account
. I am so sorry you didn't receive that when I originally sent that on 11 February. I put a lot of emphasis on "thank you's" and showing my gratitude, and I am so sorry for this. I forwarded my original message so that you can see the date I originally sent that on...

I am also putting in a complaint with my ISP as to why you didn't get e-mail

BTW, the subject is "
Thank you for your donation!"

Thank you so much for your donation, Dermot!

Chris Allen :)

I am so sorry, but I am out of reasons as to why you have yet to receive anything. I have sent e-mails to both addresses you provided as well as submitting a trouble ticket to my ISP. Beyond that, there is not many options I have left except sending you a private message via this board. I used my Gmail account and sent a message to your Hotmail account you provided, so at least we know that if a message wasn't delivered, its not a server based error.

I assume you have checked your Hotmail account?

I'll copy and paste my e-mails in a private message to you, and include a link as to where to download your script.

Thank you so much for your belief and support, and I apologize for the errors in the messages.



Hello once again, kids... :)

Clive over at Fan Cinema Today just let me know he wrote another article for me, this time for Quantum Leap!

Check it out, its the next article after Serenity/Firefly from the top. Here is the link!


Chris :)

Nice! It's good to see the film get so much exposure. I can't wait to see it. And thanks for the link to the site, too; I love fan films, and I'll have to keep an eye on this page to see what's in production.

I am so sorry that I haven't finished that yet. No excuses, but its a lot to juggle right now with taking care of my little son, editing and mixing the film, preparing my control panel to ship to Leapback... I'm trying, and I know I gave you my word.

I appreciate your patience, and will try to have you something here soon, I promise.



PS: If anyone knows how to clone me so I can achieve faster results, please let me know. HAHA