Well, I for one am SUPER excited for this continuation of the series! Like, the announcement and all the info that's been released/leaked so far has been so awesome, it's rekindled my love of Quantum Leap and now I've been working on re-entering the fandom after being quiet for so, so long (I have ADHD, and I'm in a lot of fandoms, so my hyperfocus has a lot to choose from, so sometimes older/not-as-active fandoms fall by the wayside in my brain).
I watched the E! red carpet interview with Caitlin Bassett, Ernie Hudson, and Raymond Lee, and our beloved canon is in such great hands! Ernie seems especially excited about his role as Magic, and I'm excited, too! I've always wanted to see the aftermath of someone being Leapt into. We're gonna finally get a look into that POV!