The new guide.


Project QL Intern
Jun 4, 2007
You probably ,read, the news about a possible QL movie by Deborah Pratt,and I'm sure all of you would like to see a new QL series.
Now From what i understood from reading about Deborah Pratt project is,that it seems Sammy-Jo gonna be a new leaper. The question is...Who is gonna be her guide/observer...
I guess it can be Al,but,the problem is,in my opinion- Al(and Dean) who is too old(over 70) to come back for the role if this movie will happend,and turn into a new Series of QL.
Anyway,the question is- Who you think should be Sammy-Jo guide?!
Unless you think Sammy-Jo should become a Guide and someone else should take the leaper place - Something i'd really like...
I think Dean would still make a perfectly fine Al. He has to age as the years at the project go by just like Sam, so it actually makes sense. Personally I believe there can be no QL without at least Al if Sam absoultly has to just be a cameo charactor :rolleyes

But one of Al's daughters is cool too as Laestrella suggested.
I agree. I think that ALL of Al's kids should work at the project and (at least) one of them could be the observer.

What I'd be most interested to know is...

Is SammyJo going to be leaping to try to rescue her father? Or will she doing it for the good of the project? And either way, will she retain her memory?
One thing that gets me is that during the Trilogy episodes, it's revealed that Sammy Jo is Sam's daughter, works on the project, and has an idea on how to bring Sam home. I would've liked to see her become a character on the show, even if just for cameo appearances (like with Dennis Wolfberg) and try and use her theory to bring Sam home. Perhaps as the storyline goes, something can go wrong and she has to chose between letting Sam go if she wants to go back and taking his place as a new leaper.

Wait, what? I am confused, what do you mean she has a choice? She does not hve to go get herself lost in time unless she wants to go find Sam. SO what choice is there except does she want to go find Sam or not?
isz said:
I guess it can be Al,but,the problem is,in my opinion- Al(and Dean) who is too old(over 70) to come back for the role if this movie will happend,and turn into a new Series of QL.

First, we're getting way ahead of ourselves talking about a new series. I really doubt that would happen. (For one thing, we already have Journeyman, which everyone is comparing to QL.) For a movie, I don't see any reason why Al shouldn't continue as the observer. It's not a physically demanding role. It doesn't matter much how old the observer is--in fact there are advantages in having an older person who remembers the past.

But if we did have to have a new observer for some reason, I also think it should be one of Al's daughters.
For the movie, you DEFINITELY want to have Dean Stockwell. He's not really an "A-lister", but he's known and loved in the fandom and would lead credibility to the movie as a continuation of the saga rather than a remake.

If there was a show, I could see them having one of Al's daughters as the Observer, but showing more of the Project this time around; maybe format it kinda like Stargate SG-1 where the main part of the show was the people traveling, but there were also plenty of episodes showing the command center and the commanding officer. Al could be kinda like how General Hammond was.

Snish said:
For a movie, I don't see any reason why Al shouldn't continue as the observer. It's not a physically demanding role. It doesn't matter much how old the observer is--in fact there are advantages in having an older person who remembers the past.
Exactly, like I was saying. I agree.
I also agree that a show is thinking much too far ahead. There are still confusions over if there will even be a movie let alone. I don't really like the idea of a new series, it won't be the same with a different leaper it would be like a whole different show like Journeyman. Speaking of which with Journeyman out and so many people looking at it as another QL I doubt a Sammy Jo series is in the cards. A movie would be just fine.
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Snish said:
First, we're getting way ahead of ourselves talking about a new series. I really doubt that would happen. (For one thing, we already have Journeyman, which everyone is comparing to QL.) For a movie, I don't see any reason why Al shouldn't continue as the observer. It's not a physically demanding role. It doesn't matter much how old the observer is--in fact there are advantages in having an older person who remembers the past.

But if we did have to have a new observer for some reason, I also think it should be one of Al's daughters.

1. I ment IF.
2. I didn't wrote about the observer for the possible movie,i wrote about the obsrever for a possibile Spin of of a new QL series from the movie,if the movie will really get on the way. For thr movie i defenetly think both Al&Sam should come back.
3. I'll go for irony and suggest Sammy-Jo as the Observer and one of Al's Daughters as the leaper ,if a new QL series would ever happend. Though,Tina as an observer for Sammy-Jo might be,also interesting,in my opinion...:)