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"Return of the Evil
Leaper" Evil Leaper II |
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Date: |
Adopted by: Rindi & Brian Greene |
Teaser: On a college campus dressed as a do-gooder calling himself the "Midnight Marauder", Sam again meets Alia, a time-traveler who sets wrong what once was right. Alia lets on that she feels trapped into her evil-doings by her own observer, Zoey, and the computer that controls her project, Lothos. Sam and the female leaper construct a plan to help Alia escape her evil controllers. But will she leap with Sam...or will Sam leap with Alia? |
Visit the Al's Place Evil Leapers site! | ||
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TV Guide
Synopsis |
Production # 68124 | ||
TV Guide Synopsis (Original, for the 2-hour movie special): Sam leaps into a college nerd, who crosses a vengeful frat boy (Neil Patrick Harris). But Sam’s really crossed up when he encounters the “evil leaper” Alia, whom he attempts to deliver from the dark side in a “simo-leap” that lands them in a women’s prison. ![]() |
TV Guide Synopsis (tvguide.com, for the 2-part episodes): As a collegiate do-gooder, Sam crosses a vengeful frat boy (Neil Patrick Harris)---and crosses paths with "evil leaper" Alia. Part 1 of two. Alia: Renee Coleman. Zoey: Carolyn Seymour. Arnold: Tristan Tait. Sam: Scott Bakula. |
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Evil Leaper I - Reprise: |
When first broadcast on NBC, Return and Revenge were presented as a
2-hour TV movie. It opened with the saga-sell and then went into a
reprise of Deliver Us
From Evil with Scott Bakula saying, "Here are some scenes from Evil
Leaper: Part I. After the reprise scenes, a title card appears
reading, "EVIL LEAPER II". As this title card fades, Sam leaps in here
onto the hood of a racing car. Following Sam saying "Oh, Boy", the
Quantum Leap theme is played. As the episode continues, the title
"RETURN" is displayed, followed by "October
8, 1956." Credits for many of the cast and crew are displayed over the opening scene, including credits for the cast of Revenge. This segment and other deleted bits from
both episodes can be seen as original aired in the Deleted
Scenes video on this page.
For most of this episode guide synopsis, we will use the two-part
syndicated version as a guide. Evil Leaper II: After
the saga-sell voiced by Ziggy (Deborah Pratt), Sam leaps into Arnold
Watkins, where he finds himself hanging on to the hood of a
moving car in a red cape and superhero hood. He is chicken racing with Mike
Hammond, who drives a red vehicle. Sam holds on tight and yells,
"Ohhhhhh Booooooy!" The Quantum Leap theme music is played. As it ends in the normal fashion, a title card appears reading, "EVIL LEAPER I REPRISE". A short series of clips shows what happened during Deliver Us From Evil. Then another title card is revealed reading "EVIL LEAPER II." A
young man named Jerry
Davies, who is driving
the car, shouts, "Arnold,
what are you doing? Get off!". In the other car, Mike can't believe
what he is seeing. They approach a cliff at high speed with a group of
college-age boys cheering. Mike pulls ahead of Jerry to win the race.
cars stop and Sam flies off, tumbling on the ground. A group of people
surrounds him. Mike
is angry at the spectacle Sam has caused. Jerry realizes, "Don't you
get it? He's the Midnight Marauder." Sam says he has to get going, but
Mike grabs him and says, "You're not going anywhere, Arnold." Sam
asks how the boy knew who he was. "Everyone knows who you are."
He says he's the weenie who just screwed up a chi Kappa initiation and
punches Sam. The boys all start to fight as a police car siren is heard
and Officer
Miller gets out to break it up. Miller
asks what's going on. He looks at Sam, dressed in superhero garb and
asks, "Who might you be? A refugee from Joe McCarthy?"
Sam tells on the group, "They were having a fraternity initiation. It's
called a hazing. They were having a chicken--" Mike interrupts, "A
picnic. A fried chicken box social. Right, everyone?" The boys all
agree with the lie. Miller says he's thankful he didn't see the boys
racing those crates, because otherwise they would all be bunking in
jail tonight. Miller
says he has to get all their names for the Dean of Discipline. Miller
asks Sam's name, and he replies, "Arnold." He doesn't know his last
name, and Mike gladly offers it as Watkins. At
his dorm room, Sam struggles to get out of his costume as Al appears
and says, "It's you." Sam says of course it's him. Al says, "No I mean
the cape... it's you. Sam asks what took Al so long to get there. Al
says he had to calm down Arnold in the Waiting Room. "The Midnight
Marauder... defender of the faith... protector of the innocent. He's a
wacko." Sam asks Al to get out so he can get some sleep but Al says he
doesn't have time. In the original history, both Arnold and Jerry died
in the race, but Sam corrected that. Sam asks, "Why didn't I leap as
soon as the race ended?" Al says that's a good question. Sam is
frustrated and says, "My hair hurts." He tells all to get Ziggy to
figure it out or get of of there so he can get some sleep. Another
boy enters the dorm room and Al informs him, "This is your roommate, Jack
He's pledging the fraternity that you just... annoyed." Jack asks Sam
where hes been, and Sam says he was at the library until it closed and
then he went jogging. Jack asks, "What's that?" Sam says, "You know...
running." Jack picks up Sam's costume off the bed and says he knows what happened during the Chi Kappa Delta initiation. "Word has it that you broke it up, Mr. Midnight." Sam confesses he was there and Jack tells him that Mike called and said they may not want him as a pledge while he has a jerk for a roommate. Sam replies, "Why would you want to pledge a fraternity that's full of idiots in the first place? Jack doesn't like this and Al tells Sam that a whole history of Jack's family has pledged that same fraternity including his great-granddad, "who was a founding idiot." Jack
says it was funny at first and they all laughed at him in the cape.
"But it's not funny anymore." Jack says he is going to get himself
hurt, or worse... then leaves the room. Sam thinks he blew it, but Al
says not to worry about it because Jack has been bullying Arnold all
semester by copying his homework and making Arnold do his laundry. Al
adds, "But don't lift your leg again on the family tree, please?" Sam gets a look at his host in the mirror and is surprised it's just a geeky kid. Al says he's taking a double load of courses at college and must be smart. Sam turns and says, "Favorite course... astronomy." Al asks how he knew that. Sam stand a little taller and replies, "Because the Midnight Marauder knows all. See's all. Tell's nothing. Often times he--" Al interrupts and says, "Oh no...your mind is merging with the Midnight Avenger." Sam denies this and says after today's stunt, Arnold is lucky to be alive. Al agrees that he is amazing and reports that last week, Arnold ran in front of a speeding car. Sam jumps in with, "And save a fetching co-ed from certain death. Undaunted, he--" Al yells, Sam, quit it!" He says Arnold didn't get a scratch and was yelling at the driver for driving too fast. Sam says he hopes Arnold's luck holds out. The next day, Sam is on his way to class when Jerry approaches and thanks him again for helping him and says he made sure Arnold got the credit. Sam says he was just doing what anyone else would do, but Jerry says he did what no one else would do. "I'm alive to prove it, and I'm really grateful." Mike and his gang, along with a couple of young women approach Sam and Jerry. "Hey! Fruit Loop! Where are your tights? Sam says they are late for class. Mike shoves a paper at him and says, "Read it and weep, spaz." The paper notes that Chi Kappa Delta fraternity is now on probation after yesterday's events. Jerry wrote the article. Mike wants to punch Sam again, but his friend says not to because then Chi Kappa would be off-campus if they break probation. One
of the girls with Mike walks up to Sam and says, "I never met a real
superhero before." She shakes his hand. "Hi, I'm Dawn Taylor." Sam
nervously says his name is Arnold Watkins as he lets go of her hand.
She asks, smiling, "Just how far was that speeding car going?" Sam
answers, but is overshadowed by a sudden flash of streaming red light
and sound that he can't see, because Alia has just leaped into Dawn!
Sam notices that Dawn has a slightly confused look on her face now. He
asks, "You ok?" Mike answers, "She's fine. The only problem is she's
smelling your dirty socks, Arnold. Isn't that right, baby?" Alia
answers, "Yeah right. What were you saying... Arnold?" Sam says
nevermind and it is nice to meet her. Alia says it was nice meeting him
too. Sam
and Jerry walk away as Alia tells Mike that Arnold is so modest it's
cute. Mike shouts after Sam, "You got wheels, Arnold?" Jerry answers
for Sam and says he has a Studebaker. The boys laugh. Mike says he's
holding Arnold personally responsible for the situation. Sam says, "If
you want to know who's responsible, take a look in the mirror." Jerry
laughs as he and Sam walk on to class.Mike says, "I'm gonna kill him!"
His friend Frank says they can't do anything because of the Dean or
they will get expelled. Nearby,
an oval of multi-colored light appears and Zoey, Alia's holographic
observer, steps through. She runs over to Alia. "Guess why we're here,
darling? Lothos says we're dealing with some Woody Allen type. Perfect
job for a homecoming queen." She notices Mike and Frank. "Frat
boys. My favorite tells the Nerd it was all a big joke. Mike asks where. "Someplace public. Like a homecoming rally. So the whole college can see...." Frank comments, "If he doesn't jump out a window, he'll at least drop out." Zoey says she opts for the window. Mike puts his arm around Alia. "I love the way you think..." Alia kisses Mike as Zoey look upset that she can't kiss him instead. Later at the library, Sam thinks through voiceover narration. "Al hadn't gotten back to me, but it was pretty clear why I hadn't leaped yet. I had a suspicion that a slap on the wrists from the Dean wasn't going to be enough to keep Mike Hammond and his frat brothers from their games. I knew there had to be a way to get through to them..." Alia enters, holding some books. "...and I think maybe I just found it. Sam gestures to Alia. She comes over and apologizes for Mike's behavior. "Most of the time he's really sweet. He only gets really macho when it comes to his fraternity." Sam replies, 'Macho?' Alia realizes she's used a "future" word. She covers quickly. "I learned it last summer in Spain. It means manly, masculine.... 'Macho.' Sam asks Alia if she has ever talked him out of the chicken racing, to which Alia replies that she is just his girl and he doesn't listen to her. Sam replies to himself, "Yeah right. It's the 50's." Alia gives him a look. He covers and says that he just thinks something things will be different with attitudes toward women. She says she's glad someone thinks that. Alia tells Sam/Arnold that he reminds her of someone. He suggests Clark Kent, to which she giggles. "Don't sell yourself short. I can't place who, but I think it's wonderful you help people." Alia then switches gears and tells Sam that if he helps her with her biology med-term, she will convince Mike to find a safer form of initiation. He agrees. They reach out to shake hands on the deal, but Sam's hand hits some books and they don't touch, which would reveal their true identities to each other. In the Project Quantum Leap Waiting Room, Al speaks with the real Arnold. The room is tinted blue with a single table in the middle with a mirrored surface. I'm talking about Michael of the Chi Kappas!" Al says not to worry about it. Arnold looks at Al. "I believe you. You have the light of truth in your eyes." Al comments to himself, "My ex-wives would never say that." Arnold hops off the table and starts to pace. "It makes me furious! Hammond is only one of a million villains who victimize the weak and the innocent." Al shakes his head, "Here we go. The Midnight Marauder." Arnold says, "So you understand my mission." Al replies, "Arnold, you're a college student. Your 'mission' is to get good grades, swallow a couple of goldfish, and figure out much you can drink without blowing chunks." Arnold doesn't understand the reference. Al corrects, "Without barfing." Arnold says, "That may be true for the others, but not for The Midnight Marauder." Al asks, "What makes you so special?" Sam fixes his bow tie as Arnold's aura stares back at him in the mirror. Jack sees that it's a clip-on and offers one of his real ties. Sam tells Jack he has a date. Jack reveals that he is getting initiated by Chi Kappa tonight. Sam pleads for him not to do it, but Jack says he can't disappoint his dad and grandfather. He heads out as Al appears through the Imaging Chamber door. Al starts to comment on his bow tie, but Sam stops him and asks, "I want you to get to Ziggy and find out what she thinks the odds are that I'm here to stop the chicken races." Al punches keys on the handlink and responds, "62.4%" Sam says it has to be better than that. Al says it's more likely that he's there to help Arnold. Sam tells him to get back with Dr. Beeks and figure something out to get him to stop marauding. Sam goes back to the mirror and grabs his cape and hood. Al asks what he's doing. Sam replies as his mind merges with Arnold's, "I've got work to do. My mission, remember?" Al cries, "Mission? What about the odds?!" Arnold/Sam replies, "The Midnight Marauder scoffs at the odds." He heads to the open window to leave. Al says, "Sam, don't you want to use the door?" Sam jerks his head heroically and replies, "Ha!" as he scales the ledge of the window and exits. Alia is putting on make-up as Zoey paces angrily. "Where the hell is he?" Alia says he'll be there. "Nerds are nothing if not punctual." Alia says, Would you relax? I guarantee within five minutes, I guarantee I'll have Arnold's slide-rule fully extended." Zoey replies, "That's my girl." Just then, Zoey's handlink sounds off. She reads it and frowns. "Darling, you won't believe this. Your dream date is back at Road's End messing things up again." Zoey and Alia trade looks, and Alia is in motion instantly as Zoey pops out. Headlights illuminate the quarry road where Sam leaped in. Mike Hammond is surrounded by the Chi Kappa brothers, bearing torches. He plays the crowd and gives Jack Swensen instructions. "We're lucky tonight, brothers. Our pledge is a third generation Chi Kappa Delta. He'll be racing against brother Frank Pabst... Frank's our champion, so you don't have to beat him, you just have to.... Sam interrupts, "You don't even have to race him." Hands on hips, his Midnight Marauder cape ripples out behind him. Al pops in right next to him. Al says, "Oh, I hate this." Jack looks totally embarrassed. Mike and company look furious. Sam continues, "Risking one's life for a foolish reason is a crime against nature!" Al tells Sam, You don't have to be here! Jack lives through this!" Sam is now nervous. "Oh, Boy. You mean...Jack's not in any danger?" Mike says the only one in danger is Arnold. Alia and Zoey watch nearby. Sam asks Al, "Why didn't you warn me before?" Al exclaims, "I did! You were too busy dressing up as Red Riding Hood!" Sam says, you gotta me a way out of this, fast, Al." Alia and Zoey both react. Zoey asks Alia, "Did I hear that right?" She checks with Lothos through her handlink. Alia says it's him, meaning Sam. Sam runs away from the frat boys that are circling him and Al walks though a series of cars after him. Zoey, smiles... "Your little Arnold the Dweezil is none other than Doctor Samuel Beckett." Sam is hiding out on campus and Al tells him the coast is clear. Sam remembers he had a study date with Dawn and was supposed to be there at 9pm but it's now midnight. Al says he should go on over. Sam says the women's dorm is closed to men at all times, then wonders how he knows that. Al says it's because he has mind-merged with Arnold and has a little of his brain for now. At Dawn's dorm room, Alia and Zoey wait. Zoey comments, as she works with her handlink, "You know. Lothos is not too pleased with your prior performance concerning Doctor Beckett." Alia is annoyed, "Then why the hell did he send me here?" Zoey responds that is was a surprise to Lothos as well. Alia says Lothos is supposed to know everything. Zoey replies, "He does. Doctor Beckett's appearances follow the random event theory. It's just a fantastic stroke of luck. Or maybe a little test to see if you've improved." Alia snaps at Zoey and tells her to just tell her the mission. Zoey thinks Alia has a soft spot for the good doctor. "Just tell me! I'm supposed to kill him, right? I'm supposed to blow his brains out..." Alia looks at her handlink as she keys something in. "I'm afraid not, darling. Perhaps a grenade or a flame-thrower?" Zoey says Lothos hasn't decided yet, but whatever happens, she can not reveal herself and must not touch him. She adds, "Pity." Back in the Quantum Leap Waiting Room, Al explains to Arnold that he had Dr. Beeks do some research. Arnold looks at the handlink, "Is that Dr. Beeks?" Al replies that Dr. Beeks is a person, a psychologist who works there. Arnold asks if it's a computer, and Al responds it's a terminal. Arnold is amazed because "The computer at the college takes up rooms and rooms." Al changes gears. "We checked out your past, Arnold." The young man in the white body suit looks down. "The Midnight Marauder has no past." Al says Dr. Beeks disagrees. She says that we should talk about your parents." Arnold says they died when he was seven." Al says he also knows how they died, but Arnold says he was too young to remember. Al suggests maybe he has tried hard not to remember, but, "everything you've done ever since is because of this. The Masked Marauder stuff..." Arnold jumps in, "Someone has to defend the innocent...." Al replies, "Your parents innocent, weren't they, Arnold? Do you remember a place called Latrobe, Pennsylvania, 1944. And a little diner named Rinker's Diner on Main Street. And a man named Leon Kanowski." Arnold stares into space for a moment. The next morning, Alia goes to the library to start a fight with Mike. She tells Mike that she thought it was funny that they were all combing through the woods while Arnold was curled up in her back seat. Mike gets up and puts his hand on her arm to stop her and says he's her guy. She replies, "My ex guy." Everyone close by in the library gasps. Mike is very embarrassed by this. Sam enters the library and Mike goes up to him immediately. Mike demands a race at the quarry. Sam says if he wants to commit suicide, that's Mike's problem. Alia jumps in to fuel the fire, "That's not what you said last night." Sam looks at her, completely confused. " You said Mike and his friends were just playing a bunch of crazy kid's games and they had no idea what real danger was like." Mike says he will show Arnold danger at the quarry in an hour, then stomps off. Sam looks at Alia/Dawn completely bewildered. He touches her arm and asks, What's going on?" Suddenly, a huge jolt of quasi-electricity blasts through both Leapers, morphing them into their alter-egos, then back to their normal forms. They stare at one another as though seeing each other for the first time. Sam says, "My God... Alia." She runs into the library stacks exclaiming, "I didn't have a choice, Sam!" He runs after her. "You don't understand, they tortured me." Sam catches up to her. "Let me go, Sam." She is scared. Sam says, It really is you. I saw you die." She responds that it was worse than death. "Please, Sam, let me go." He says not until she tells him why she's here. She says she can't. "Please don't make me go through that kind of pain again."
Al arrives through the Imaging Chamber door as Sam puts on a leather jacket. Al notices it's not the Marauder cape this time. Al says he just had a session with Arnold and he thinks he's getting though to him. Al notices Sam is not looking him in the eye and asks if he's hiding something from him. Sam doesn't tell him about Alia and just says he's biding his time until he leaps out. Al checks with Ziggy through the handlink and says, "79.5% chance you'll leap, yeah." Sam asks him to go back and keep working on Arnold. Al knows something is up. At the quarry, the frat boys and girls are all waiting for the chicken race between Arnold and Mike to begin. Alia and Sam pull up and Mike faces them. Alia says she is there to make sure everything is fair, "...in love and war." Mike goes to his car, and Alia says "This is insane! You'll die... I'll leap... It'll never work!" Alia hears Zoey's Imaging Chamber door open and whispers to Sam that Zoey is there. Sam walks away a bit. Zoey
says she has been watching Alia all day and, "You get a B+ for Mr.
Fraternity over there." Zoey checks her handlink. "He gets caught
cheating on a final, he gets expelled from college, and even his own
Daddy won't employ him. Ah! Isn't that special. Makes you wonder what
really happened. And now for the real target... Doctor Beckett. Back in the Waiting Room, Al talks with Arnold. "His name was Leon Kanowski, that's the right name isn't it?" Arnold says he doesn't recognize it. He was a cop, he had nine kids, and got fired from his job and couldn't take the strain." Arnold says to Al that he promised he'd be returned to his own time and not harmed. Al says he is trying to help him so that when he goes back to his own time, he will stop taking chances that will get himself killed. Arnold says, "I protect the innocent." Arnold gets tears in his eyes. Al says, "Arnold, you couldn't protect your parents when Kanowski opened fire. You were seven years old. You had gone out to the car to get your jacket when you heard the shots. By the time you came back in, it was just in time to see Kanowski use the last bullet on himself." Arnold weeps. "I should have died too." Al comforts him, and puts an arm around him. Sam
and Mike prepare to race after exchanging insults. Zoey can't wait to
see Sam die and relocates to the top of a hill to get a better look.
Sam says the bet for the race is, if he wins, the Chi Kappas have to
stop the races as part of the initiation. "We got a deal?" Mike says he
has to ask his brothers. Sam comments that he thought Mike was capable
of maying that decision on his own. Mike is offended and says they have
a deal without further comment. "You're not supposed to die. You weren't then, and you're not now", says Al to Arnold in the Waiting Room. He tells the boy that he doesn't have to risk his life to do good and that if he dies, who will protect the innocent? Al explains again that Arnold was seven years old, and "there's no way you could control what happened to your parents." He then asks Arnold if he thought his parents would have wanted their only son to die too. Arnold begins to understand. Al arrives on the scene of the chicken race. Zoey oversees. Al tells Sam that he thinks he got through to Arnold as Alia gets into the car with them. Al's eyes widen. "Oh my God, it's her." Sam asks of Alia, "Say hello to Al." Alia says, "He's here, did he do it?" Al tells Sam, "You gotta leap out of here! I can't control things with her changing history!" Sam informs Al that he is taking Alia with her. "Sam, are you out of your mind?!" Sam
and Alia pull up to the starting line next to Mike and the race begins.
Sam asks about Arnold. Al replies as they drive off, "Ziggy says the
odds of Arnold getting killed in an accident have dropped below 10%,
but your odds of getting killed are over 90%!" Alia asks what Al is
saying. Sam tells her that Al says everything is going to work
out just fine. Al pleads with Sam to stop the car. "I can't Al.
If I do that, Zoey will tell Lothos and they'll leap her out of
here and I'll lose her forever." Al replies, "So lose her! She tried to
kill you!" Sam exclaims, "She didn't! That's the whole point." Al asks,
"What if she takes you with her?!" They
round a curve and Al shouts, "Things keep changing! They cut the brake
lines!" Sam asks, "What are the odds of Arnold's survival, Al?" Al
checks the handlink, "93%. 94...95... Sam there's a cliff coming up in
about 200 yards!" Sam yells to the back seat, what are the odds now,
Al? The hologram replies, "98.3% and holding!" Sam
says he needs 100%. He tells Alia as they get to the finish line that
they have to jump because the brakes have failed. They bail out of the
car just before it goes sailing over the edge of the cliff. Sam runs to
Alia, who is laying on the ground. "Alia..." He grabs onto her and
holds on. Zoey hears him say her name and says to herself, "Beckett knows." She speaks into the air, "Lothos, pull Alia out now!" Alia immediately begins to glow in red energy. Al keeps reading out the percentages. "99.4, Sam...point 5... point 6... fight back, Sam!" Sam begins to glow with blue electrical energy, while Alia's red energy mixes in around her. Zoey
says, "I will kill you myself, Alia!" Al continues, "...point 7...
point 9! Bingo! 100%!" Al looks on as Sam's blue energy and Alia's red
energy combine, and they leap! A
door opens and Alia is pulled out of her holding room. She yells for
Sam. The female jailer named Masterson
laughs, "Sam? If you're looking for a 3-letter savior, I suggest you
make it start with 'G'" Sam is pulled from his holding room and slammed
into the nearby jail bars, then thrown to the ground next to Alia. Alia tells Sam they have to get out of there. Masterson says, "Well that's simple. All you have to do is tell me which one of you two did it." Sam looks up at Masterson. "Did what?" Masterson kicks Sam hard. "First you act like you don't know where you are and then act like you don't know why." Alia
cries, "We don't!" Masterson says they better figure it out of they're
going back in the box. "Now ladies, which one of you murdered Carol
Benning?" Sam says, "Oh Boy." Note:
In syndication and on the DVD and Bluray versions, the episode
continues another 2.5 minutes until Masterson leads Sam and Alia to a
broom closet and tells Alia that the warden has plans for her. The
episode strangely ends here with an abrupt "to be continued" instead of
after Sam's initial, "Oh Boy." For our episode guide purposes, we will
stop the synopsis here, as these opening couple of scenes are repeated
in Evil Leaper Part III, Revenge of the Evil Leaper. Synopsis
by Brian Greene
Personal comments by Rindi: |
Music: |
Lothos, from the Evil Leaper Project, can initiate a leap-out, where Ziggy has been unsuccessful. We see Alia leap with a red hue, as opposed to Sam's blue. Lothos is stated to control Alia's missions, where Sam's leaps appear to be random or controlled by GTFW (God, Time, Fate, or Whatever). |
Trivia: |
Trivia: |
Al’s Outfits Worn in the Episode: 1st appearance (with Sam): Al was wearing a light blue jacket with metallic blue sleeves, collar and pockets, with a black button down shirt with rectangular metal down the center, an extravagant, dangly, metal broach on the left breast side, and light blue dress pants. 2nd appearance (in waiting room): Al was wearing a light gray jacket with a white button down shirt with a cowboy like neck tie (a gold oval at the neck with one strings hanging) and a sweater vest over his shirt with many stripes with a mix of tan, black, white and red clay colors, an extravagant, dangly, metal and broach on the left breast side and light gray dress pants. 3rd appearance (with Sam): Same as outfit #2. 4th appearance (in waiting room): Same as outfit #2. 5th appearance (with Sam): Al was wearing a dark orange jacket with a deep orange button down, a gold broach that looked like the Star Trek symbol of a triangle on a circle on the left breast side and a thin black tie. 6th appearance (in waiting room): Same as outfit #5. |
superhero Batman
also lost his parents in
a robbery, just like Arnold. In the movie Rebel Without A Cause (1955), brake lines are cut as part of the plot, just as they are in this episode. Michael
Manasseri (Jerry) played Wyatt in "Weird Science." There is a spoof
episode where Wyatt time travels! Watch below and visit our page
dedicated to the episode here.
According to Neil Patrick Harris, Quantum Leap was one of his favorite shows. He filmed this episode while he was finishing up the final season of his own show, Doogie Howser, M.D. After the first episode’s opening credits, a caption appears reading “Evil Leaper I Reprise”, followed by clips from Deliver Us from Evil. Then a further caption closes the montage, reading “Evil Leaper II” before returning to the action, with the episode title and guest stars as normal. Some have interpreted this to suggest that “Evil Leaper II” is part of the title, however this does not appear to be the case, as it is presented to bookend the caption at the start of the montage. Also, Revenge of the Evil Leaper, which is clearly intended to have a similar naming convention for the title, does not have a numerical prefix at all. Source When Officer Miller makes a joke about Sam being a refugee from Joe McCarthy, he is referring to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, who was a little-known junior senator from Wisconsin until February 1950 when he claimed to possess a list of 205 card-carrying Communists employed in the U.S. Department of State. From that moment Senator McCarthy became a tireless crusader against Communism in the early 1950s, a period that has been commonly referred to as the "Red Scare." Arnold is dressed in red, hence the reference. When Zoey references Woody Allen,
in the draft script
she also makes the comment, "What a job you did on him..." Apparently
they visited the real Woody Allen at some point. Sam also encountered a
young Woody Allen in the episode, Play It Again, Seymour.
Evil Leapers Return in this Novel: Read the novel in our Novels & Books section!
Bloopers: |
compilation of clips from the originally televised movie-length version
of Quantum Leap: Return and Revenge.
Cast: |
Coleman as Alia Carolyn Seymour as Zoey Tristan Tait as Arnold Watkins (Waiting Room & Mirror Image) Paul Scherrer as Jack Svensen Bojesse Christopher as Frank Pabst Michael Manasseri as Jerry Davies Neil Patrick Harris as Mike Hammond Phillip O'Brien as Officer Miller Raquel Krelle as Dawn Taylor Elliot J. Brown as Stuart |
Coleman as Alia: Renée Coleman (born
January 8, 1962) is a Canadian actress who has appeared in several TV
shows and movies. She is best known for her role on the NBC TV series,
Quantum Leap (1989), in which she played the role of Alia, the "evil
leaper". Coleman is also known for her role in the 1992 box office hit,
A League of Their Own (1992), as left-fielder and substitute catcher
Alice Gaspers, and in Who's Harry Crumb? (1989), as kidnapping-victim
Jennifer Downing. Coleman appeared in several more films through the
mid-'90s, including Pentathlon (1994) (one of her last domestic roles),
the Mexican film El jardín del Edén (1994), the Polish film Gracze
(1995), and the Swiss film Waiting for Michelangelo (1995). In 1995,
Coleman left the film business and returned to school, where she earned
her Mythological Studies doctorate (with an emphasis on Depth
Psychology) at Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2002. She currently lives
with her husband and their four children in Santa Clarita, California,
where she works in a private practice as a certified DreamTender. In
August 2012, Coleman's first book, Icons of a Dreaming Heart - The Art
and Practice of Dream-Centered Living, was published. Carolyn Seymour as Zoey: Carolyn Seymour is a highly accomplished actress of stage and screen, with a long and impressive list of credits on both sides of the Atlantic. Born in Buckinghamshire to an Estonian father with Russian descent and an Irish mother, Carolyn trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, before rising to fame with starring roles in Peter Barnes' much acclaimed THE RULING CLASS starring Peter O'Toole and directed by Peter Medak, Terry Nation's cult sci-fi television series SURVIVORS and the BBC's TAKE THREE GIRLS. Multiple film credits include GUMSHOE opposite Albert Finney for director Stephen Frears, STEPTOE & SON, MR. MUM with Michael Keaton, and CONGO for director Frank Marshall. Carolyn's extensive theatre work includes THE GREAT EXHIBITION written by Sir David Hare, for which Carolyn starred opposite David Warner and Penelope Wilton at The Hampstead Theatre. The production was directed by Sir Richard Eyre. Carolyn received critical praise for a role as Ophelia in HAMLET at The Gielgud (formerly The Globe Theatre), directed by Peter Coe and produced by Sam Wanamaker. ON APPROVAL saw Carolyn starring opposite Kenneth More and Moray Watson at The Vaudeville Theatre. In THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER Carolyn co-starred with Wilfred Hyde-White for the production at the Theatre Royal Brighton followed by a national tour, both directed by Roger Redfarn. HAY FEVER marked Carolyn's debut on Broadway playing Myra Arundel for director Brian Murray. SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL directed by Brian Bedford would follow at The Taper in Los Angeles. Carolyn made the effortless transition to American television during the 1980s, with celebrated performances in a multitude of hit, award-winning series including FAMILY TIES, HART TO HART, CAGNEY & LACEY, MAGNUM P.I., MURDER SHE WROTE, QUANTUM LEAP, L.A LAW and ER. Recurring guest appearances on the Emmy award-winning STAR TREK: The Next Generation and STAR TREK Voyager, like that of her work on SURVIVORS, have also drawn a strong and devoted fan-base. Carolyn is also a regular voice artist, recording audio adaptations of stage plays by Sir Alan Ayckbourn (TABLE MANNERS and LIVING TOGETHER), as well as TOP GIRLS by celebrated playwright Caryl Churchill. For Big Finish Productions, and by the demand of her loyal fans, Carolyn returned to her iconic role of Abby Grant in SURVIVORS, as well as guest-starring alongside the surviving DOCTOR WHO's. Over 5 decades in the industry, Carolyn has continued to adapt to the demands of the business including successfully transitioning into the world of video games, with multiple projects for the STAR WARS franchise amongst many others. Having resided in the United States and France for many years, Carolyn returns to her native England in Summer 2021 with plans to return to her roots - British stage and screen. Carolyn divides her personal time between her family, her love of art, and her passion for charitable work including animal activism and supporting the homeless. Carolyn Seymour and many other guests at the 1993 Quantum Leap convention: Tristan Tait as Arnold Watkins (Waiting Room & Mirror Image): Tristan Tait was born on August 2, 1971 in Santa Barbara, California, USA. He is an actor, known for The Dark Knight (2008), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) and 28 Weeks Later (2007). Great grandson of J. Lockard Martin, the actor who played Gort in the original The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). Paul Scherrer as Jack Svensen: Paul Scherrer's fourth grade teacher advised his parents to enroll him in a drama class because of his enormous energy. An audition for "A Christmas Carol" garnered him the part of Peter Cratchit. By the age of 13 he had earned an Encore Award (Central Indiana's version of a Tony) for best performance by a child actor for his role in "Camelot". He appeared in both regional and national television commercials as well. Completing his freshman year at Chicago's Loyola University, he signed up for summer work in "The Grapes of Wrath" just before he was informed that he had been chosen to play the 16 year old janitor, Eric, on the Van Dyke Show. This led to Paul's moving to Los Angeles. Paul is very close with his business-manager father, Paul Sr., a real estate salesman, his mother, Gay, a travel agency owner, and his siblings, older sister, Stephanie, and younger brother, Christopher. Bojesse Christopher as Frank Pabst: American actor BoJesse Christopher is based in Los Angeles, CA, but was born and raised in San Francisco. He was named after legendary blues guitarist Bo Diddley and infamous cowboy outlaw Jesse James. BoJesse is best known for his portrayal of Grommet/LBJ, the reckless younger brother of Patrick Swayze in the 20th Century Fox classic original feature film Point Break, directed by Academy Award winner Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty), released in 1991. In 2016, he also appeared in the Warner Bros. $100 million dollar re-imagined Point Break directed by Ericson Core, as the FBI Director. Over a thirty year plus span in the industry, BoJesse has appeared in over 70 film and television projects in collaboration with a wide range of notable talent, including Academy Award Winer Mahershala Ali, Keanu Reeves, Norman Reedus, Patrick Swayze, Academy Award Winner Reese Witherspoon, Academy Award Winner J.K. Simmons, Academy Award Winner Christopher Walken, Academy Award Winner Hilary Swank, Stephen Dorff, Christina Applegate, Edgar Rameriz, Jennifer Aniston, Carmen Ejogo, Gary Busy, Teresa Palmer, Delroy Lindo, and Neil Patrick Harris, to name a few. His memorable recurring guest star roles on hit shows include Married with Children, Beverly Hills 90210, Picket Fences, Quantum Leap, High Incident, Land's End, and more. More recently, BoJesse reoccur guest starred as Roscoe Turner on the BET hit crime drama series The Family Business (S.5), Max Fielder on the CBS hit TV series NCIS Los Angeles (S.12), Detective Johnson on FOX's hit series Deputy (S.1), and Detective Richard Kitting on HBO's iconic hit series True Detective (S.3). His memorable recurring guest star roles on hit tv shows include, FOX's Married with Children, FOX's Beverly Hills 90210, CBS' Picket Fences, NBC's Quantum Leap, NBC's Ferris Bueller, CBS' High Incident, FOX's Silk Stalkings, USA's Lands End, to name a few. Plus classic memorable film roles in Stephen Kings Sometimes They Come Back...Again and Sleepwalkers, Meatballs 4, Escape From L.A., Dark Horse, and many more. Michael Manasseri as Jerry Davies: Michael Manasseri is a 2020 Independent Spirit Award winning producer (John Cassavetes Award) for his work on the critically acclaimed comedy, Give Me Liberty, which premiered at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival and had its European Premiere at the 2019 Director's Fortnight at Cannes. Give Me Liberty also won the Best International Film Award at the 2019 Macau International Film Festival. The first film Michael produced, the romantic comedy, Dirty Love, was a 2005 Sundance Film Festival selection. Since then Michael has produced numerous independent feature films. Michael is the co-director of the 2008 horror-thriller, Babysitter Wanted. He co-wrote, directed, produced and starred in the 2013 sci-fi comedy, Mosquito Man and directed and produced the 2015 Detroit based family comedy, The Pickle Recipe, which world premiered at the 2016 Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Michael has co-financed, developed and produced film and television content, national commercial campaigns, music videos and documentaries for domestic and international markets through his production entity, Flux Capacitor Studios. Michael is also an academic/entrepreneurial partner with Oakland University's Cinema Studies program in Rochester, Michigan. Prior to his experience behind the camera, Michael was a child actor who appeared on Broadway, shared the stage with entertainment legend, Yul Brynner, and starred in four television series in Hollywood in the 1990's. Michael was one of the stars of the long running TV comedy, Weird Science, which can still be found on various digital platforms the world over. Neil Patrick Harris as Mike Hammond: Neil Patrick Harris was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on June 15, 1973. His parents, Sheila Gail (Scott) and Ronald Gene Harris, were lawyers and ran a restaurant. He grew up in Ruidoso, New Mexico, a small town 120 miles south of Albuquerque, where he first took up acting in the fourth grade. While tagging along with his older brother of 3 years, Harris won the part of Toto in a school production of The Wizard of Oz (1939). His parents moved the family to Albuquerque in 1988, the same year that Harris made his film debut in two movies: Purple People Eater (1988) and Clara's Heart (1988), which starred Whoopi Goldberg. A year later, when Neil was 16, he landed the lead role in Steven Bochco's television series about a teen prodigy doctor at a local hospital, Doogie Howser, M.D. (1989), which launched Harris into teen-heartthrob status. The series lasted1989-1993 and earned him a People's Choice Award for Favorite Male Performer in a New Series (1990) and a Golden Globe Nomination (1990). Harris attended the same high school as Freddie Prinze Jr., La Cueva High School in Albuquerque. Neil acted on stage in a few plays while there, one of which was his senior play, Fiddler on the Roof (1971), in which he portrayed Lazar Wolf the butcher (1991). When "Doogie Howser, M.D." stopped production in 1993, Harris took up stage acting, which he had always wanted to do. After a string of made-for-television movies, Harris acted in his first big screen roles in nine years, Starship Troopers (1997) with Casper Van Dien and then The Proposition (1998). In July 1997, Harris accepted the role of Mark Cohen for the Los Angeles production of the beloved musical, Rent (2005). His performance in "Rent" garnered him a Drama-League Award in 1997. He continued in the musical, to rave reviews, until January 1998. He later reprised the role for six nights in his hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in December 1998. In 1999, Harris returned to television in the short-lived sitcom Stark Raving Mad (1999), with Tony Shalhoub. He was also in the big-screen projects The Next Best Thing (2000) and Undercover Brother (2002), and he can be heard as the voice of Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the newest animated Spider-Man (2003) series. Harris has continued his stage work, making his Broadway debut in 2001 in "Proof." He has also appeared on stage in "Romeo and Juliet," "Cabaret," Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street in Concert (2001), and, most recently, "Assassins." In 2005, Harris returned to the small screen in a guest-starring role on Numb3rs (2005) and a starring role in the sitcom How I Met Your Mother (2005). Neil played the title role in the web-exclusive musical comedy Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2008), widely downloaded via iTunes to become the #1 TV series for five straight weeks, despite not actually being on television. Phillip O'Brien as Officer Miller: Philip O'Brien was born on May 23, 1927 in Troy, New York, USA. He was an actor, known for Batman (1989), Chariots of Fire (1981) and Loch Ness (1996). Was shortlisted for the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977). He was married to Jane O'Brien. He died on January 9, 1999 in London, England, UK. Raquel Krelle as Dawn Taylor: Raquel Krelle is known for The Rock (1996), Quantum Leap (1989) and Mike Hammer, Private Eye (1997). Elliot J. Brown as Stuart: Elliott J. Brown was born on November 6, 1971 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for The Courier, The Ad Game and The White Storm (2013). He has been married to Alyssa Chiu since November 12, 2005. |
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes: Renee
Coleman appeared in: Carolyn
Seymour appeared in: Elliott J. Brown (Stuart) played "Greaser" in "Memphis Melody." |
Why is Al left to counsel Arnold in the Waiting Room instead of Dr. Beeks? The
newspaper article has text about
Bill Clinton dealing with issues in Israel. Alia thinks she has hidden
the fact that Sam is there from Zoey in the library, but soon after,
Zoey definitely knows about Beckett, but there is no reveal of how she
found out from Alia. In the script (but not shown onscreen), Alia tells
Zoey that she is just setting Sam up, in so many words. The
leap date is in 1956, so there are several dating errors used
throughout: There
is a Florida State
University jacket in Arnold's room featuring the Seminole Indian logo.
This logo in its' original incarnation wasn't introduced
until 1971. Arthur C. Clarke’s Prelude to Mars (1965), John Pfeiffer’s From Galaxies to Man, (1959), and Franklyn M. Branley’s The Nine Planets (1958) are all seen in the library, but the year niow is 1956! As Sam gets ready for the date, "Oh Boy" by The Crickets - released in 1957 - is playing on the radio. Alia is near similar books later: Daybreak by Frank G. Slaughter (1958), Thirty-Four East by Alfred Coppel (1974), and Biological Time Bomb by Gordon Rattray Taylor (1968). |
"Do you
think that your mom and dad would have wished that their only son die
too?" "Oh my God
it’s her!" "I can’t
control things with her changing history." "Are you
out of your mind?" The midnight
marauder, defender of the faith, protector of the innocent. He's
a wacko. Sam: Al, of course it's me. Al: No, I'm talkin' about the cape. It's you. |
Best Line: |
Scene: |
Theme by: Mike Post Executive Producer: Donald
P. Bellisario Panaflex ® Camera and
Lenses by: Panavision ® |
Podcasts:![]() ![]() Beware the Return of the Evil Leaper! Join hosts Allison Pregler, Matt Dale and Christopher DeFilippis to discuss Sam’s second clash with his time-traveling arch-nemesis, Alia. Listen to The Quantum Leap Podcast on this episode here: Then listen to an encore presentation of our interview with Carolyn Seymour, who plays the evil hologram Zoe. Carolyn speaks with Albie about her time on Quantum Leap and her wide-ranging acting career. And be sure to stick around as Chris relates his encounter with Alia herself, Renee Coleman. In a word, delicious! Let us know what you think… Leave us a voicemail by calling (707)847-6682. Send in your thoughts, theories and feedback, Send MP3s & Email to quantumleappodcast@gmail.com. Also join us on Facebook.com/QuantumLeapPodcast and Twitter.com/QuantumLeapPod |
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