Admiral Al Calavicci

I love this! I feel so at home at this site!
And its all thanks to Quantum Leap, Sam, Al <3, and their FANS, that I found you guys!
<3. xoxoxoxo!

To keep this thing going Im going to ask you Al lovers out there a question.
Now I know this is going to be difficult for most of you guys (it was for me!) but answer to the best of your ability.
Okay here it is:
Which Al do you love more... The funny, sarcastic, always making jokes, Al? Ex: Him on the episode Sam leapt into that hot blonde. :heybaby
Or the serious, emotional, loving, Al? Ex: MIA, or the one where Sam leapt into him to, well, save him!
Its hard but but I fell for the funny, sarcastic, fun loving, Al, but the serious and depressed Al only made me more drawn to him... So whats my answer?
Actually, I have no idea.;)
Good luck!

*Al'sChick* said:
To keep this thing going Im going to ask you Al lovers out there a question.
Now I know this is going to be difficult for most of you guys (it was for me!) but answer to the best of your ability.
Okay here it is:
Which Al do you love more... The funny, sarcastic, always making jokes, Al? Ex: Him on the episode Sam leapt into that hot blonde. :heybaby
Or the serious, emotional, loving, Al? Ex: MIA, or the one where Sam leapt into him to, well, save him!
Its hard but but I fell for the funny, sarcastic, fun loving, Al, but the serious and depressed Al only made me more drawn to him... So whats my answer?
Actually, I have no idea.;)
Good luck!


Wow, that is a hard question... I like... Ermm... The funny, sarcastic and fun loving Al the best. :roflmao: He's just so funny! But I also like the fact that he knows how to be serious enough to be a good friend to Sam.
ooff... i think id have to say the serious one, although there have been many times iv had a giggling fit at al's face when he's bein funny [ espesh in a little mirricle when he's dressed up as that ghost hehehehe]

... but you cant help but fall in love with the guy when you see him so darn heart-broken in MIA. bless
I still cant decide officialy but I think Im going to have to say the fun Al more.
I love him when he cracks jokes, he can always make me laugh...
But I still fall for him when hes serious, hes just all around wonderful!

*Al'sChick* said:
I still cant decide officialy but I think Im going to have to say the fun Al more.
I love him when he cracks jokes, he can always make me laugh...
But I still fall for him when hes serious, hes just all around wonderful!


couldnt have said it better myself - he's jus addictive!
*Al'sChick* said:
Yup Yup Yup!
Come on people, we've got to keep this thread going!
Anyone want to put a question out there to discuss?

yeah evry1! this thread is getin borin

here's one - which are the best epis for Al content? i saw the leap back again today, i think Al's funny in that one, you jus wanna pat him on the head bless him! oh - plus the fact that, in dean's words, he "finaly gets the girl" lol! What do you think?
TessCrazy said:
yeah evry1! this thread is getin borin

here's one - which are the best epis for Al content? i saw the leap back again today, i think Al's funny in that one, you jus wanna pat him on the head bless him! oh - plus the fact that, in dean's words, he "finaly gets the girl" lol! What do you think?

I think Al was the best in 'A little mirricle'. He was just so funny! I couldnt stop laughing for ages! It was the bit when he was dressed up as the ghost of Christmas future. :D Hehehe...
The Caz said:
I think Al was the best in 'A little mirricle'. He was just so funny! I couldnt stop laughing for ages! It was the bit when he was dressed up as the ghost of Christmas future. :D Hehehe...

oh yeah that was a great one, he looked so excited to be doin it! he looked ace in all them chains too lol!
Yeah, when he was bouncing up and down, hehehe.

Ooo, I got one. What about Al quotes? What's the funniest Al quote from the show?
The Caz said:
Ooo, I got one. What about Al quotes? What's the funniest Al quote from the show?

hmm im thinkin there were quite a few good lines in "leaping without a net"
for instance:
"You know, sometimes you take out all the fun of being a hologram!"
"Am I ever wrong? ... Marriages don't count!"

Al - "Sam, it's gonna be a hell of a lot easier for you to catch her if you open your eyes!"
Sam - "Is that you, Al?"
Al - "No, it's Peter Pan!"

.. ok i nicked them from the epi guide but theyr still funny!
Spoiler Alert! (highlight to read)
In It's a Wonderful Leap, Sam is driving Max's taxi and Angelita is along for the ride. Al pops in right in front of the cab, causing Sam to slam on the brakes. The cab goes through Al, stopping where Al is sticking out of the bonnet/hood of the cab. As Angelita goes nuts ("Ah, Madre de Dios! Why did you do that?"), Al says "Oh, 'I brake for holograms', huh?" Sam shoots him a look and says to Angelita, "Um I was just testing the brakes."

(Context note: For a while in the U.S., [don't know about U.K.] there were bumper stickers all over stating that the driver brakes for whatever he/she brakes for. Some examples include: "I brake for butterflies", "I brake for horses", "I brake for tailgaters", that kind of thing. If I remember correctly, this was about the time when QL was in production, but my memory could be way off. I like Al's phrase, and I'm considering having a bumper sticker made which features his quote. :) )

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NOOO! I'm not reading your post, ATO, because I've not seen that episode. =O I don't really know what my fav Al quote is... Proberbly this one.

Al: 'Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And if you do, take pictures.'
Don't read it! I'll fix it and hide the spoiler. Sorry about that!

O.K. Now you can read it. Just don't highlight it! :lol:
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Al The Observer said:
Don't read it! I'll fix it and hide the spoiler. Sorry about that!

O.K. Now you can read it. Just don't highlight it! :lol:

Your a star, ATO.

Must... not... highlight...
TessCrazy said:
funny quote:

Al: He must walk like a duck
Sam: What???
Al: Because he's a quack, this handlink is goin nutts!

jus made me chuckle

Oh, yeah! That was on todays episode! It made me laugh too. ^_^
re-watched some of the 1st season today and couldnt help but giggle at a scene where al's sleep talking in "the right hand of god"

Al: Denise?... Denise get in the closet!! get - Oh no there's no other girl here Tina. I swear! Oh no Tina... Tina... Oh.. hi kid
Sam: You know people in monogomous relationships dont wake up with guilty conciences
Al: No they dont have any fun either

couldnt stop laughing at that one!
The Caz said:
I got another one!
The Caz said:

Sam: Don't sneak up on me!
Al: What do you expect a hologram to do?! Knock?!

Lol! Ive always loved THAT one!
Hm. Let me think of one...
OH! This really got me laughing:
On "A hunting we will go"...

Al: Its the text book example of love and you are in the first stage: denial.
Sam: First stage?
Al: Yes, There are five stages of love. The first is denial, then the second is sex, then there's acceptance, then there's divorce and then there's more sex, if youre lucky.

Lol! I love that!

*Al'sChick* said:
Lol! Ive always loved THAT one!
Hm. Let me think of one...
OH! This really got me laughing:
On "A hunting we will go"...

Al: Its the text book example of love and you are in the first stage: denial.
Sam: First stage?
Al: Yes, There are five stages of love. The first is denial, then the second is sex, then there's acceptance, then there's divorce and then there's more sex, if youre lucky.

Lol! I love that!


=O I had forgoten about that one! It made me laugh for ages! ^_^
I got another one. ^_^

Al: Don't tell me, let me guess, you've been invited to a costume party and your going as a baked potato.
there's this song i wrote called "what they say"... for some reason it always reminds me of Al - i thought you might wanna hear it. here's a link :
but if you cant get the player on that site to work for whatever reason, here's a link to the mp3 on my website:
i think i originaly wrote it about this guy who'd been shoved in jail and was tryin to keep his mind off the horrible reality - but that got me thinkin of how Al coped in the POW camp...
anyway, enjoy :)
McDuck said:
Okay, it doesn't look like the Al thread is coming back :sniff sniff: so I thought I'd create a placeholder for it.

I don't even remember what aspect of his character we'd been discussing last time, so I'll put this question out there:

What about Al (either as seen in the episodes in action during a Leap or aspects of his backstory as revealed during a Leap) do you find the most poignant?

I'll post later with my response.

This is a bit off topic, but since there is already an 'Al' thread, I'd thought I'd post my question. If Al is just an image to Sam when he appears, how come his shadow appears almost in every episode? I mean, if he's not "really" there, then there shouldn't be a shadow, right?

The_P_Man said:
This is a bit off topic, but since there is already an 'Al' thread, I'd thought I'd post my question. If Al is just an image to Sam when he appears, how come his shadow appears almost in every episode? I mean, if he's not "really" there, then there shouldn't be a shadow, right?


That's true, but I think back then computers wern't all that so it probs would have been difficult to keep editing stuff out like shadows.
It's when they get it really wrong that annoys me, like in 'Animal Frat' where Al sat on a chair in that meeting place. Why didn't anyone spot that?!
I always figured Al kept a chair in the why couldn't he have lined it up with the chair he "sat" on???
McDuck said:
I always figured Al kept a chair in the why couldn't he have lined it up with the chair he "sat" on???

Because he just walks in and sits on it. Plus it is the only time he does it.
I read or saw once where they were going to film Dean with the green screen, but he looked too fake. That's why they let him film side by side with Scott. That was from DBP.
The Caz said:
That's true, but I think back then computers wern't all that so it probs would have been difficult to keep editing stuff out like shadows.
It's when they get it really wrong that annoys me, like in 'Animal Frat' where Al sat on a chair in that meeting place. Why didn't anyone spot that?!

Shadows are not that big of deal, but it just crossed my mine while watching my season 2 set.

As for Al sitting in the chair in Animal Frat, I think I can explain that. I think Ziggy must have some power in the imaging chamber which enables Al to do 'normal' things. For example, there was this one episode (it may be the pilot), where Sam is flying a plane or something and Al is standing right by the window. (Come to think of it, I think this is the episode where he saves his brother).

Remember how in M.I.A. how it looked like he was actually holding Beth? I figure that was about the same as him sitting in the chair.

Also this whole 'imaging' stuff doesn't make sense when it comes to standing or walking... unless the imaging chamber is holding him, shouldn't he just 'fall' through the ground, too? :D

The Caz said:
Because he just walks in and sits on it. Plus it is the only time he does it.

No, he also sits in 'Freedom' on the ground with Joseph and Sam in the cave.

The_P_Man said:
Also this whole 'imaging' stuff doesn't make sense when it comes to standing or walking... unless the imaging chamber is holding him, shouldn't he just 'fall' through the ground, too? :D


I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I got a pretty good idea. I think the imaging chamber floor moves as Al does, so he is not really moveing, but he is walking. Ans as for positioning, he can position his image so that lined up with the floor. That also explains why he can float, like in 'Leaping in Without a Net.'

The_P_Man said:
No, he also sits in 'Freedom' on the ground with Joseph and Sam in the cave.


Like I said just above, if he can line his images up with the floor, he can sit on the imaging chamber floor and make it look like he's sitting on the floor wherever Sam is. It doesn't work with a chair. When he is sat next to Sam in cars and stuff, he is not really sitting, it just looks like he is. Like in 'Leaping in Without a Net' again, when Sam is driving and Al is sticking out of the roof and Sam says 'Can't you just look like you're sitting next to me?'
Also, in Permanent Wave, he's in the pharmacy with Sam, and they're looking for evidence. He changes his position so he can go down through the floor and look more closely. Sam gets disconcerted and tells him to stop.
Also, in Permanent Wave, he's in the pharmacy with Sam, and they're looking for evidence. He changes his position so he can go down through the floor and look more closely. Sam gets disconcerted and tells him to stop.
lol that bit made me giggle al's like "what??", tis funny to see his little head poking up lol.
Yesterday I watched the "Maybe Baby" episode, and Al said something along the lines of "Babys and animals can see me. Also blonds with verry low IQs can see me....ah...that's just wishful thinking."

anyway, it made me laugh so hard, I couldn't breathe, and ended up falling off my couch.

and my dad used it as a way to get me to stop having my crush on Al...

...but it didn't work...haha, dad, haha.

The Caz said:
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I got a pretty good idea. I think the imaging chamber floor moves as Al does, so he is not really moveing, but he is walking. Ans as for positioning, he can position his image so that lined up with the floor. That also explains why he can float, like in 'Leaping in Without a Net.'

Like I said just above, if he can line his images up with the floor, he can sit on the imaging chamber floor and make it look like he's sitting on the floor wherever Sam is. It doesn't work with a chair. When he is sat next to Sam in cars and stuff, he is not really sitting, it just looks like he is. Like in 'Leaping in Without a Net' again, when Sam is driving and Al is sticking out of the roof and Sam says 'Can't you just look like you're sitting next to me?'

Humm.... I have thought of this and come to just know that Al sits on the floor of the imaging chamber. There are a few times (can't remember right now from where) that Al sits in ways that he shouldn't. I will have to go find them and bring them back... Al's a hallagram he can do what he wants... right?;) this is Al were talking about LoL!:lol
Hehehe...ah, the mind of an Al fangirl.

It can be quite the freaky
I've always imagined the Imaging Chamber as a sort of a neurological greenscreen. Only blue. And the few times we see him doing an odd thing (walking up or down stairs, for example) I've PCRed it as the stairs being neurologically CGed out.

If that makes any sense. :alien
newleaper said:
Or constant re-centering could explain it.

Al The Observer said:
I've always imagined the Imaging Chamber as a sort of a neurological greenscreen. Only blue. And the few times we see him doing an odd thing (walking up or down stairs, for example) I've PCRed it as the stairs being neurologically CGed out.

If that makes any sense. :alien

Ok so what is "CG" :eek: and what is "Constant re-centering" :eek: I think I know what CG is but not the other. It would be cool to find out how they did that. I wonder if they were todo the show today if they would make it so all the shadow's and othere things like Al and Sam almost touching and when Al dance'd with Beth. Or would they changed it at all?:D
I mean on re-centering, that Al was constantly being centered on Sam. I know this probably isn't correct, as we always get to hear him yell at Gooshie, but it would allow for a tangible explanation. If Gooshie just had the command repeat on a constant loop, Al would appear to be walking up the stair with Sam instead of on a flat surface. (I'm thinking specifically at the end of Catch a Falling Star). The movements wouldn't be perfectly in sync, but it makes enough sense that I don't question it.
newleaper said:
I mean on re-centering, that Al was constantly being centered on Sam. I know this probably isn't correct, as we always get to hear him yell at Gooshie, but it would allow for a tangible explanation. If Gooshie just had the command repeat on a constant loop, Al would appear to be walking up the stair with Sam instead of on a flat surface. (I'm thinking specifically at the end of Catch a Falling Star). The movements wouldn't be perfectly in sync, but it makes enough sense that I don't question it.

I can't believe that this, but I had to read what you wrote three time before I understood what you ment and then it hit me... if Gooshie centered Al on Sam repeatedly then yes he would look like he was walking up stairs and sitting on chairs. yes, I think this makes sense...:hmm . I will have to think on this...
newleaper said:
Sorry, I'm not the best at explaining things.

:hurray: You did just fine! I was just saying that I wasn't getting it at frist. That had nothing to do with how you were explaining things. I say good job!:hurray:
jmellissa said:
Humm.... I have thought of this and come to just know that Al sits on the floor of the imaging chamber. There are a few times (can't remember right now from where) that Al sits in ways that he shouldn't. I will have to go find them and bring them back... Al's a hallagram he can do what he wants... right?;) this is Al were talking about LoL!:lol

Hi, I have been wanting to add my thoughts on this for a while, (the reason Julie told me to get my own) When we were watching the pilot. Sam and Al are trying to figer how to get Sam home and their waling around talking and Sam say to Al

Sam: Al! I wish you would stop doing that.
Al: What!?
Sam: Walking through things.
Al: Well, you want me to walk around something that isn't even here? all right, I'll walk around it...there, How's that?
Sam: Why-Why isn't it here?
Al: I'm a hologram to you, right? Well you and everything around you is a holorgam to me.
Sam: You're in the imaging chamber.

Here's what I told Julie. The reason that Al is walking up steps and sitting down and stuff like this is because Sam doesn't like Al floating around when He's talking with AL. Here is were Sam told Al that he doesn't really like it when AL walks though things. He asked Al to make it more "real" for him in other shows.

I hope I did ok being new and all.