Admiral Al Calavicci


The Caz said:
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I got a pretty good idea. I think the imaging chamber floor moves as Al does, so he is not really moveing, but he is walking. Ans as for positioning, he can position his image so that lined up with the floor. That also explains why he can float, like in 'Leaping in Without a Net.'

Like I said just above, if he can line his images up with the floor, he can sit on the imaging chamber floor and make it look like he's sitting on the floor wherever Sam is. It doesn't work with a chair. When he is sat next to Sam in cars and stuff, he is not really sitting, it just looks like he is. Like in 'Leaping in Without a Net' again, when Sam is driving and Al is sticking out of the roof and Sam says 'Can't you just look like you're sitting next to me?'

Humm.... I have thought of this and come to just know that Al sits on the floor of the imaging chamber. There are a few times (can't remember right now from where) that Al sits in ways that he shouldn't. I will have to go find them and bring them back... Al's a hallagram he can do what he wants... right?;) this is Al were talking about LoL!:lol
Hehehe...ah, the mind of an Al fangirl.

It can be quite the freaky
I've always imagined the Imaging Chamber as a sort of a neurological greenscreen. Only blue. And the few times we see him doing an odd thing (walking up or down stairs, for example) I've PCRed it as the stairs being neurologically CGed out.

If that makes any sense. :alien
newleaper said:
Or constant re-centering could explain it.

Al The Observer said:
I've always imagined the Imaging Chamber as a sort of a neurological greenscreen. Only blue. And the few times we see him doing an odd thing (walking up or down stairs, for example) I've PCRed it as the stairs being neurologically CGed out.

If that makes any sense. :alien

Ok so what is "CG" :eek: and what is "Constant re-centering" :eek: I think I know what CG is but not the other. It would be cool to find out how they did that. I wonder if they were todo the show today if they would make it so all the shadow's and othere things like Al and Sam almost touching and when Al dance'd with Beth. Or would they changed it at all?:D
I mean on re-centering, that Al was constantly being centered on Sam. I know this probably isn't correct, as we always get to hear him yell at Gooshie, but it would allow for a tangible explanation. If Gooshie just had the command repeat on a constant loop, Al would appear to be walking up the stair with Sam instead of on a flat surface. (I'm thinking specifically at the end of Catch a Falling Star). The movements wouldn't be perfectly in sync, but it makes enough sense that I don't question it.
newleaper said:
I mean on re-centering, that Al was constantly being centered on Sam. I know this probably isn't correct, as we always get to hear him yell at Gooshie, but it would allow for a tangible explanation. If Gooshie just had the command repeat on a constant loop, Al would appear to be walking up the stair with Sam instead of on a flat surface. (I'm thinking specifically at the end of Catch a Falling Star). The movements wouldn't be perfectly in sync, but it makes enough sense that I don't question it.

I can't believe that this, but I had to read what you wrote three time before I understood what you ment and then it hit me... if Gooshie centered Al on Sam repeatedly then yes he would look like he was walking up stairs and sitting on chairs. yes, I think this makes sense...:hmm . I will have to think on this...
newleaper said:
Sorry, I'm not the best at explaining things.

:hurray: You did just fine! I was just saying that I wasn't getting it at frist. That had nothing to do with how you were explaining things. I say good job!:hurray:
jmellissa said:
Humm.... I have thought of this and come to just know that Al sits on the floor of the imaging chamber. There are a few times (can't remember right now from where) that Al sits in ways that he shouldn't. I will have to go find them and bring them back... Al's a hallagram he can do what he wants... right?;) this is Al were talking about LoL!:lol

Hi, I have been wanting to add my thoughts on this for a while, (the reason Julie told me to get my own) When we were watching the pilot. Sam and Al are trying to figer how to get Sam home and their waling around talking and Sam say to Al

Sam: Al! I wish you would stop doing that.
Al: What!?
Sam: Walking through things.
Al: Well, you want me to walk around something that isn't even here? all right, I'll walk around it...there, How's that?
Sam: Why-Why isn't it here?
Al: I'm a hologram to you, right? Well you and everything around you is a holorgam to me.
Sam: You're in the imaging chamber.

Here's what I told Julie. The reason that Al is walking up steps and sitting down and stuff like this is because Sam doesn't like Al floating around when He's talking with AL. Here is were Sam told Al that he doesn't really like it when AL walks though things. He asked Al to make it more "real" for him in other shows.

I hope I did ok being new and all.
GrandmaLeaper said:
Hi, I have been wanting to add my thoughts on this for a while, (the reason Julie told me to get my own) When we were watching the pilot. Sam and Al are trying to figer how to get Sam home and their waling around talking and Sam say to Al

Sam: Al! I wish you would stop doing that.
Al: What!?
Sam: Walking through things.
Al: Well, you want me to walk around something that isn't even here? all right, I'll walk around it...there, How's that?
Sam: Why-Why isn't it here?
Al: I'm a hologram to you, right? Well you and everything around you is a holorgam to me.
Sam: You're in the imaging chamber.

Here's what I told Julie. The reason that Al is walking up steps and sitting down and stuff like this is because Sam doesn't like Al floating around when He's talking with AL. Here is were Sam told Al that he doesn't really like it when AL walks though things. He asked Al to make it more "real" for him in other shows.

I hope I did ok being new and all.

Hummmmm:hmm Well mom you did a great job. :hurray: Sorry it took me so long to come and read your post. But I can see you've been thinking on this for a while. lets have dinner and talk!!!! Lv ya!:dreaming Julie.
GrandmaLeaper said:
Hi, I have been wanting to add my thoughts on this for a while, (the reason Julie told me to get my own) When we were watching the pilot. Sam and Al are trying to figer how to get Sam home and their waling around talking and Sam say to Al

Sam: Al! I wish you would stop doing that.
Al: What!?
Sam: Walking through things.
Al: Well, you want me to walk around something that isn't even here? all right, I'll walk around it...there, How's that?
Sam: Why-Why isn't it here?
Al: I'm a hologram to you, right? Well you and everything around you is a holorgam to me.
Sam: You're in the imaging chamber.

Here's what I told Julie. The reason that Al is walking up steps and sitting down and stuff like this is because Sam doesn't like Al floating around when He's talking with AL. Here is were Sam told Al that he doesn't really like it when AL walks though things. He asked Al to make it more "real" for him in other shows.

I hope I did ok being new and all.

Yeah that explains most of the stuff but what about things that are kinda impossible for him to do...
(First post in ages! WOO! ^_^)
Sammy Jo said:
You know I didnt used to think about Al that much when I watched the show as a kid. Now I think he is the greatest. I think he is a very dynamic character, very intersting.

I must confess that when I first watched, I saw Al very much as a plot device to provide Sam with information and bounce ideas off. He was the sidekick and that was it. Which is probably why I found him so hard to write.

I came to appreciate how much more he was than that though, and to realize that one of the greatest strengths of the show was the relationship and chemistry between the two men (and that goes for Scott and Dean as much as for Sam and Al).
I actually didn't like Al when I first watched QL. (Can you believe it?) I had taped 6 eps. from SciFi, and the first one happened to be "It's a Wonderful Leap," in which Al was pretty nasty to Angela. He argued with Sam a lot too. So I thought he wasn't very nice. The last ep. in the bunch was Lee Harvey Oswald, where a single exchange between Sam and Al pinpointed what I didn't like about him:

Sam (anguished): I treated her like dirt, and she threw herself at me.
Al: Works every time.

Yep, his attitude about women really rubbed me the wrong way. But I loved the show--especially after seeing A Leap for Lisa, which did suggest that there was more to Al. So I bought season 1 on DVD. Altogether it took about 2 weeks for Dean Stockwell to charm my socks off. Al has so many sides that he seems like a real person to me. He still has a dark side. But he's amazing.
Al related criticism.....

If Al is a hologram who's actually in the Imaging Chamber, what's with the light interaction on his body?

Lemme explain... When Sam was in the 70's as a stunt man (Disco Inferno), the scene was a dance club. All the colored lights were flashing and Al was dancing and having a good time. If Al is in the 90's, there is no way those neon lights would be shown on Al. Any lighting effects would have come from the Imaging Chamber itself. Al really was not really on that dance floor.

The same thing happens in almost every episode. (I realize it was most likely a way to save money in production to simply have Dean Stockwell actually in the scene and not 'overlay' separate video of just Al in a well lit Imaging Chamber. The technology was there for Al going into and out of the Chamber Door or when he went through something or vice versa.) If the wind was blowing where Sam was, Al's hair was moving too. (A Portrait For Troian) Al's on the pier near the end of the episode trying to help Troian and it's breezy on the pond. Al's hair is moving in the wind! He's not actually on the pier. He's in an enclosed, controlled, environment that is the Imaging Chamber.

Sorry if this is too picky, but it's stuff I've noticed as I watch one of my favorites shows.
I've always liked Al. At first I thought he was a bit of a side kick but he's really come out to show his own personality.

Al seems like someone who doesn't give his friendship out easily. As we get to know him he turns into quite a complex character.
Sam's Crow said:
Just out of interest, does it actually say in the series the age difference between Al and his sister, Trudy?

I couldn't find anything off hand. I've always imagined Al to be a few years older than Trudy and very protective of her.
Based on clues here and there, you can put Al's birthyear at about 1934. Trudy's is a little easier to figure out since Al says she was 16 when she died in 1953 putting her birthyear as 1937. That would give a three year age gap.
I have to say that Al is truly a gem of a human being. The way he feels about the women in his life shows me that he truly loved them all.
I also think love the way that Al will not tolerate any man mistreating a woman in a way. Right on Al. That is true compassion.
Another thing I love about Al is what a wonderful big brother he must of been to Trudy he really cared as any big brother would and I wish when I see the tears swell up in his eyes about how she died it makes me want to give him a hug to comfort him.
My heart breaks.
Also with his relationship to Sam I think that he loves him deeply the way a father loves his son. He would do anything for Sam and cares so much for him. I am so touched Sam is just leeped into a person that he always is wondering and waiting where is Al so that he can be there to help him they are a wonderful caring team that love each other.

jmellissa said:
I just have to say I love Al and I love Sam. I can't wait for the next season. Al looks soooooo Good in his white Navy out fit! Oh man I just love it!
The best thing that I like about Al is his loyality to Sam not just as a friend but like a father would to a Son. He truly cares about him.
The other thing I admire about Al is that he has such compassion for others and because of all he has been through in life become more wiser and stronger.
The last and most wonderful quality of Al's is his humor the minute that I hear him say something funny I can not stop laughing.
Oh and one more his love of small children touches my heart.
Especially Thersea and the little girl in Two sweeties.
Al is something else.
CynthialovesQuantumLeap said:
The best thing that I like about Al is his loyality to Sam not just as a friend but like a father would to a Son. He truly cares about him.
The other thing I admire about Al is that he has such compassion for others and because of all he has been through in life become more wiser and stronger.
The last and most wonderful quality of Al's is his humor the minute that I hear him say something funny I can not stop laughing.
Oh and one more his love of small children touches my heart.
Especially Thersea and the little girl in Two sweeties.
Al is something else.

Well said.
he reminds me so much of my mom, especially in the way he's got a good heart & all. that's why i love him so. something about sam too. though they have their flaws, 2 men i'd love to know, if they were real...if only.
The best thing that I like about Al is his loyality to Sam not just as a friend but like a father would to a Son. He truly cares about him.
The other thing I admire about Al is that he has such compassion for others and because of all he has been through in life become more wiser and stronger.
The last and most wonderful quality of Al's is his humor the minute that I hear him say something funny I can not stop laughing.
Oh and one more his love of small children touches my heart.
Especially Thersea and the little girl in Two sweeties.
Al is something else.

OH MY GOSH!!! You said this and it's EXACTLY how I feel about Al. I would LOVE to know someone like him cause he's funny, adorable around children, and full of a caring nature. I especially love the episodes when we get to see how superstitious Al is!

I recently watched the episode "Unchained" and was reminded of why I really like this episode! The scene where Sam is thrown into the pit and Al yells at the sheriff for doing so, then sits indian style floating there next to the pit until Sam is released the next morning really demonstrates how much he cares about his good buddy Sam! I mean apparently Al sat there for hours on the floor of the IC until Sam was released!!! That is true friendship!!!:D